STA255 Week-9 (Day-1)
Shahriar Shams 09/03/2020
统计网课托管 Idea of PivotalQuantityConfidence interval(CI) for µwith-population variance (σ2) known (using Z)-population variance (σ2) unknown (using t)
Review of Week-8 统计网课托管
- Idea of intervalestimation
- Definition of confidenceinterval
– 100*(1 − α)% CI for µ =⇒ P [l(X1, …Xn) ≤ µ ≤ u(X1, …Xn)] = 1 − α
- Idea of PivotalQuantity
- Confidence interval(CI) for µwith
-population variance (σ2) known (using Z) 统计网课托管
-population variance (σ2) unknown (using t)
- Two sided vs one sidedCI
- Interpretation of confidenceinterval
-Interpretation does not involve the two numeric numbers that we calculate.

Learning goals
- Confidence interval for populationproportion
- Sample sizecalculation
Confidence interval for population proportion 统计网课托管
- Last week we constructed confidence interval for population mean(µ).
- Weused either
统计网课托管 - Oneway to look at this:2 n 2 n
-weuse sample mean (X¯ ) as a point estimator
-WEcalculated the standard error of the estimator,
-We wrote 100*(1 − α)% CI as
point estimator ± z1− α standard error
- Supposep is the proportion of “success” in a population.
- “success” represent one of the outcomes of a Bernoulli trial. 统计网课托管
- The goal is to construct a confidence interval for p.
- Supposewe take a sample of n observation and find X number of success out of n.
- Thenpˆ = X is a natural estimate/estimator of p.
- SinceX is the number of success in n trials with probability of success being p in each trial,
X ∼ Bin(n, p)
- We know,E[X] = np and V [X] = np(1 − p)
- Therefore,
统计网课托管 - Since, p is unknown, it’s not possible to calculate the standard error of X/n
- Oneway to estimate the standard error is to replace p by the sample proportion (pˆ)
- Thisgives us estimated standard error =
- We can write,
- Re-arranging the above expression we get the 100*(1 − α)% CI for p as

Sample Size calculation 统计网课托管
Width of an interval
- Letl and u be the lower and upper value of an interval.
- Width of an interval = u −l
- ForCI for µ with σ known,
Margin of error
- Keepingthe point estimator in the middle adding or subtracting a quantity gives us confidence intervals.
- Thequantity that we add or subtract is called the margin of error.
- ForCI for µ with σ known, margin of error =
Sample size as a function of width or margin or error 统计网课托管
- We can see, width = 2* margin oferror
- Ifmargin of error increases, width will also increase.
- Ifwe look at the expression of the margin of error(ME) we will see
– σ ↑ =⇒ M E ↑
– (1 − α) ↑ =⇒ M E ↑
– n ↑ =⇒ M E ↓
- Atypical sample size calculation involves an statement like, “If we want the 95% CI for µ to have a width no longer 10, how many samples should we collect given that the population standard deviation is known to be 25”. 统计网课托管
- From this statement, σ = 25, z0.975= 1.96 and width < 10
- We get aninequality,
- Re-arranging this we get,
Sample size calculation for population proportion 统计网课托管
- Samplesize calculation involves plugging in a value of the population standard deviation.
- Whenit’s unknown, we put a reasonably large value of sigma which is also known as “conservative” approach as this gives us the widest interval.
- Aswe have seen on page-2 of this document, CI for proportion involves the unknown parameter p in the standard error expression.
- Standarderror involves p(1 − p). Since p is bounded between 0 and 1, it is possible to get a sense of the maximum value of p(1 − p).
- It can be shown that the maximum valueof p(1 p) = 1/4 which is resulted when p = 1/2 统计网课托管
- This will give us the widest interval.
- Atypical sample size calculation for proportion involves a statement like, “If we want the 95% CI for the true proportion to have a width no longer than 0.1, how many samples we should collect?
- For this we get theinequality,

- Replacing p(1 − p) by 1/4 we get,
Chapter 8.4 and 8.5 not needed.
Chapter 8.1
4(e), 5(c,d), 7
Chapter 8.2
20, 21, 23, 25
Chapter 8.3
33, 38

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