经济统计代写 Each student will be required to complete a writing assignmentindependently. In this project,you conduct an empirical analysis
Writing Assignment
Spring 2019
Each student will be required to complete a writing assignment independently. In this project,you conduct an empirical analysis using the regression analysis you learn in this course. Youchoose a topic of research, develop your own research questions, and answer to your research 经济统计代写 questions using data. Although the topic can be anything (not necessarily business and eco- nomics), you need to find, summarize, and analyze data on your own.
Each student should submit one copy of a project proposal, a progress report, and a final paper. Each report must be typed. Hand-writing will not be accepted. Late submission will not be accepted either.经济统计代写
You are also required to make a 20-minute presentation about your project in class. The presentation is scheduled on July 18 and/or July 22.
The grading criteria are (i) are research questions presented clearly?, (ii) to answer the research questions, is data analysis conducted appropriately with adequate data?, (iii) are results presented clearly?, and (iv) are discussions and/or conclusions made logically based onthe empirical findings of your data analysis? It is good to refer to Ch.19 of the textbook by Wooldridge. The presentation will also be evaluated by other students.

The Deadline for the proposal is May 27, 2019.经济统计代写
The proposal should include:
- thetopic of your project (Describe why it is interesting and/or )
- yourresearch questions (Using a formal or informal model, formulate questions of in- terest.)
- potential data source (Explain where you plan to collect data. You may conduct your ownsurvey or may use secondary data from the web sites of governments, companies, and so )
The Deadline for the progress report is June 24, 2019.
The progress report should include:
- detaileddata source (explain how you obtain the data and also justify that you use ap- propriate data to answer your research questions)
- descriptive statistics of the data (create charts/tables and summarize numerical mea- sures)
The Deadline for the final paper is July 31, 2019.
The final paper should include:
- introduction,where you clarify the topic of your research, formulate your research questions, motivate your analysis (explain why it is important/interesting), describe the background of your research topic (discuss what has been known and what has been unknown in the literature)经济统计代写
- data description, where you explain about the data and describe the data using ta- bles/chartsand numerical
- statistical analysis, where you conduct regression analysis (you should report the re- sultsneatly in tables).
- discussion, where you summarize the empirical findings and discuss what you learn fromthe empirical
- conclusion,where you draw a conclusion on your research

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