Why are the Poor, Poor?
经济政策论文代写 His primary focus was the reasons why people are poor. He defined poverty as a kind of deprivation and inequality (Dinitto p. 121).
The article was written by Dinitto. His primary focus was the reasons why people are poor. He defined poverty as a kind of deprivation and inequality (Dinitto p. 121). Thus, there is dare need to establish the cause of deprivation and inequality. In so doing, Dinitto explored four concepts including human capital, culture, exploitation and structure.
The article starts by explaining poverty as lack of human capital. The human capital theory explains income variations due to differences in productivity in a free market (Dinitto p. 121). Thus, Dinitto argued that people are poor because low economic productivity, that is, lack of requisite skills, education, training so on that the labour market demands. According to him, lack of these essential qualifications locks people away from the labour market and hence increase their prevalence of being poor. Even if the economy grows, it is not an adequate remedy for those who lack demanded qualifications.
Additionally, Dinitto observed that poverty also results from labour discriminations.Some of the notable ones include racial or ethnic groups and women discrimination. He acknowledged that even if education disparities are reduced or eliminated, achieving equal employment may not be achieved because there exist earning bias where blacks and those with Hispanic origin receive less compared to white counterparts in the same job and education level. A free human capital theory without any form of discrimination is the ideal situation that every country should strive to achieve (Dinitto p. 122). Therefore, to reduce or eliminate poverty in a free market, governments need to create environment of equal opportunities that eliminate hurdles in labour mobility.
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On the other hand, culture as another cause of poverty.
In this section, Dinitto expounded on the culture of poverty by stating poor continue to be poor for generations due to bad customs. According to him, poverty is not all about low income but also psychological and behavioural that is derived from one’s culture (Dinitto p. 123). Culture of poverty is self-inflicting where people fail harness opportunities in upward labour mobility. Therefore, even if income for the poor people is increased, it might not have impact on joblessness, unstable family, increase in crime, lack of incentive among other social problems. It explains why poverty exists despite anti-poverty programs.
Additionally, Dinitto continues to state that people who found themselves in the culture of poverty are likely to remain in poverty (p. 123). The reason being that they are unable to plan for their future by taking necessary measures like savings. They also have high propensity to overspend for short-term gratifications. This kind of poverty exists regardless of the person’s external circumstances. The culture of poverty continues for generations because lack of planning is psychologically ingrained in the poor person. Dinitto also observed that these people may get out of poverty superficially but eventually fall back due to mismanagement of their resources.
另一方面,文化是贫穷的另一个原因。 经济政策论文代写

Similarly, Dinitto associates the cause of poverty to the conditions of poverty.
According to him, culture of poverty is only applicable to groups in poverty for generations (p. 124). The culture is transmitted from parents to children in the forms of values and beliefs and determine their thinking and behaviours tendencies that lead to poverty. It is unlike the situational poverty that is caused by prevailing conditions, opportunities and availability of resources. The worst-case scenario of poverty is to see it as an unending cycle that is not breakable and is puncture-proof. If a person believes in this idea, it may lead him/her to inaction about the present and future conditions that make poverty persist.
Unfortunately, according to Dinitto, poverty can be caused by exploitation. He used the Marxist theory of poverty as suppression by the ruling class (p. 124). The upper and middle-class use poverty as a source of cheap labour and hence work to maintain the status quo. In addition to this, poverty is seen as a result of structural problems. The rich exploit the economic structure to lockout the poor from accessing resource that could liberate them (p. 126). Dinitto identified institutional and structural components that make poverty persist in society. Institutional discriminations that continue to suppress the disadvantaged groups in society. Discriminative economic structures can be adapted to intentionally discriminate certain regions or economic sectors.
同样,DINITTO将贫困的原因与贫困的状况联系起来。 经济政策论文代写
What can be Learned 经济政策论文代写
The article gives lessons on how the poor get trapped in poverty. Unless the cycle of poverty is broken, poverty can be passed down for generations. Some of the factors that trap people in the vicious cycle include:
a. Lack of adequate education
b. Low income
c. Less access to social amenities
d. External vulnerabilities like diseases
e. Bad culture
f. Poor policies
Some programs can be initiated to break the vicious cycle of poverty in families. They include:
a. Encourage education
b. Increase access to health and other social amenities
c. Offer vocational training and skills
d. Mentoring and encouragement
e. Equal economic opportunities
f. Make non-discriminative policies
可以学到什么 经济政策论文代写
这篇文章提供了有关穷人如何陷入贫困的经验教训。 除非打破贫困的循环,否则贫困可以世代相传。 导致人们陷入恶性循环的一些因素包括:
a. 缺乏适当的教育
b. 低收入
c. 较少使用社交设施
d. 诸如疾病之类的外部漏洞
e. 不良文化
f. 政策不力
可以启动一些方案来打破家庭贫困的恶性循环。 他们包括:
a. 鼓励教育
b. 增加获得保健和其他社交设施的机会
c. 提供职业培训和技能
d. 指导和鼓励
e. 平等的经济机会
f. 制定非歧视性政策
How it is Related to Social Welfare Policy
The article informs the formulation of social welfare policies. It analyses the actual causes of poverty. Policymakers can use its recommendations to come up with strategies aiming at reducing or eradication poverty especially in the minority groups.
它与社会福利政策有何关系 经济政策论文代写
文章介绍了社会福利政策的制定。 它分析了造成贫困的实际原因。 政策制定者可以利用其建议提出旨在减少或消除贫困的战略,特别是在少数群体中。
Work Cited
Dinitto. “Why are the Poor, Poor?” pp. 121-128.

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