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经济学online quiz代考 Econ代写

2021-11-25 11:21 星期四 所属: 商科代写,金融经济统计代写-100%原创拿高分 浏览:607

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Econ 332 Quiz 2

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经济学online quiz代考 True/ False: Super Neutrality of money says an increase in the inflation rate from 10% to 15% will harm the economy.

On the Source of funds side of the household budget constraint what 2 sources does a household have to spend


  1.                                                                  2.                                   


  1. True/ False: An increase in the deprecation rate lowers the capital utilization rate.
  2. True/ False: Super Neutrality of money says an increase in the inflation rate from 10% to 15% will harm the economy.
  3. Who benefits from unexpectedinflation?                                                           
  4. What assumption makes it ok to assume the market prediction for inflation is the best guess.

Assume the production function is Y = 100*(K.5*L.1)   经济学online quiz代考

If the real wage is 10 and the rental price of capital is 50:

What is the equation for finding the profit maximizing amount of labor




What is the equation for finding the profit maximizing amount of capital




How much labor and capital are used. I am looking for numbers.  经济学online quiz代考





  1. What is the MPL (anumber)                                      
  2. What is MPK (anumber)                                              
  3. How much is output? (anumber)                                          


  1. If a household buys a bond are they a saver orlender?                                       

You live 2 periods. You are born with nothing and you must die with nothing.

In period 1 you have labor income of 100. In period 2 you have labor income of 200

In both periods you may consume (C1 and C2) as well as buy or sell bonds (B). Bonds earn an interest rate of 10%.  经济学online quiz代考

Write out period 1’s budget constraint using the notations and numbers ABOVE 21.





Write out period 2’s budget constraint using the notations and numbers ABOVE 26.





DERIVE the 2 period budget constraint.






If you consume 150 in period 2. What is consumption in period 1?  经济学online quiz代考






James is awarded a prize of $1000 for best econ. student of the year. James will likely:

  1. Work: More or Less
  2. Changehis Consumption: More or Less than the $1000 this year.

James is given a raise of $10 an hour. Because of the raise he decides to work fewer shifts. This suggests which effect dominated his decision.



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经济学online quiz代考

Ceterus Paribus a TEMPORARY increase in technology will cause   经济学online quiz代考

45. real wage increase. or decrease or not change
46. real interest rate increase. or decrease or not change
47. Price Level increase. or decrease or not change
48. Labor demand increase.

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or decrease or not change
49. Capital utilization increase. or decrease or not change
50. Labor supply increase. or decrease or not change
51. Savings Rate increase. or decrease or not change

Ceterus Paribus a PERMANENT increase in technology will cause

52. Real wage increase. or decrease or not change
53. Real interest rate increase. or decrease or not change
54. Inflation rate increase.

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or decrease or not change
55. Labor demand increase. or decrease or not change
56. Labor supply increase. or decrease or not change
57. Savings rate increase. or decrease or not change


  1. A higher realwage:
    1. makes consumption more expensive.
    2. makes leisure less expensive.
    3. makes it a worse deal for households to work an extra hour.
    4. makes leisure more expensive.

Production function Y=4/3*(K.25*L.75); Kapital K = 1; Labor Supply = (real wage)^2  经济学online quiz

What is the equation for labor demand?


What is the equilibrium real wage? 经济学online quiz


What is the Equilibrium amount of Labor Input?


What is total output?


What is the rental price of capital?

In the solow model, the steady state of RGDP per capita will:  经济学online quiz

  1.                        with a higher savings rate Increase decrease no change


  1.                        with a lower population growth rate  Increase decrease no change


  1.                        with a higher depreciation rate   Increase decrease no change


  1.                        with a lower population  Increase decrease no change


  1.                        with a higher level of capital  Increase decrease no change   经济学online quiz


  1.                        with a lower level of technology  Increase decrease no change


  1. What explains why unemployment is never 0 no matter how good theeconomy?


Why don’t households use all available capital in the short run if the capital has already been purchased?

If interest rates rise we would expect consumption by college students today to rise or fall and why?




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