Final Examination: Respondus Software, Topics Covered
经济学Final exam代考 Before starting the test, know how much time is available for it, and also that you’ve allotted sufficient time to complete it
Respondus LockDown Browser + Webcam I
- In order to maintain a level playing field and deter the use ofreference material that would normally be out of reach during a traditional proctored exam environment, McMaster has adopted Respondus LockDown Browser + Webcam
- The brief video link below provides a basic understanding of LockDown Browser and the webcam feature
- movie.shtml
- A practice quiz was created that you are to complete which allowsyou to undertake a zero stakes “dry run” for using the Respondussoftware during the exam (ignore this at your peril!)
- If you encounter issues with Respondus LockDown Browser +Webcam during the exam, do not email the instructor, instead use theonline Help and Live Chat facilities embedded in the browser’s toolbar
Respondus LockDown Browser + Webcam II 经济学Final exam代考
- The following guidelines have been provided by the Respondus software team (they appeared in the course announcement for the practice exam but are repeated here as a reminder)
- Ensure you’re in a location where you won’t be interrupted
- Turn off all other devices (e.g. tablets, phones, second computers) and place them outside of your reach
- Before starting the test, know how much time is available for it, and also that you’ve allotted sufficient time to complete it 经济学Final exam代考
- Clear your desk or workspace of all external materials not permitted – books, papers, other devices
- Remain at your computer for the duration of the test
- If the computer, Wi-Fi, or location is different than what was used previously with the “Webcam Check” and “System & Network Check” in LockDown Browser, run the checks again prior to the exam
- To produce a good webcam video, do the following:
Respondus LockDown Browser + Webcam III
- Avoid wearing baseball caps or hats with brims
- Ensure your computer or device is on a firm surface (a desk or table)
- Do NOT have the computer on your lap, a bed, or other surface where the device (or you) are likely to move
- If using a built-in webcam, avoid readjusting the tilt of the screen after the webcam setup is complete
- Take the exam in a well-lit room, but avoid backlighting (such as sitting with your back to a window)
Final Exam Details & Coverage I 经济学Final exam代考
- All assignments dealt with a select number of topics from weeks 1-12 and by the last day of class all will have been graded and returned to you (assignments 1-4 were graded and returned previously,assignment 5 will be graded and returned by the last day of class)
- The Final Examination will cover material from weeks 1-12 Make sure you are comfortable with all assignments, the material 经济学Final exam代考
- summarized below, the course slides dealing with this material and the course text that deals with the same
- If you are looking for practice questions in addition to the assignments, see the online text that has hundreds of sample questions and sample quiz questions along with their answers
- The exam is the same format as the assignments (a handful of definitions and a handful of written answer questions – no multiple choice questions will be used)
Final Exam Details & Coverage II
- You will not be tested on using R nor will you have to use R Markdown during the exam (you simply type your responses in the space provided in A2L’s quiz environment)
- A digital calculator is available in the LockDown Browser toolbar for you to use should you require it
- The exam is closed-book and you are not allowed to use any external aids whatsoever (no scrap paper, hand-held calculator, etc.)
- You have 150 minutes allotted as the time requirement
- Make sure you are familiar with the MSAF policy which is clearly outlined in the course syllabus (and repeated in the practice quiz)
- The slides that follow enumerate many of the main topics we covered in weeks 1-12
Week 1 – tabular presentation of data I 经济学Final exam代考
- Statistics
- Descriptive statistic
- s Inferential statistics
- Population
- Sample
- Random sample
- Qualitative population
- Quantitative population
- Univariate data set
- Bivariate data set
- Multivariate data set
- Nominal data
Week 1 – tabular presentation of data II
- Ordinal data
- Nonprobability sample
- Voluntary response sample
- Convenience sample
- Judgment sample
- Probability Sample
- Simple random sample
- Systematic random sample
- Stratified random sample
- Clustered random sample
- Systematic error
- Selection bias
Week 1 – tabular presentation of data III 经济学Final exam代考
- Nonresponse bias
- Response Bias
- Experiments
- Absolute frequency distributions
- Relative frequency distributions
- Cumulative frequency distributions
- Cross tabulations
Week 2 – Graphical presentation of data I
- Frequency histograms
- Frequency polygons
- Scatter diagrams
- Central tendency measures
- Dispersion measures
- Shape measures
- fivenum summary
Week 3 – distributions, inference, probability I 经济学Final exam代考
- Boxplots
- Sampling versus census
- Chebyshev’s Theorem
- Statistical inference
- Theory of probability
- Random experiment
- Sample space
- Simple event Composite event
- Mutually exclusive events
- Collectively exhaustive events
- Complementary events
Week 3 – distributions, inference, probability II
- Unions of events
- Intersections of events
- Objective probability
- Subjective probability
- Permutations Combination
- Probability of a simple event
- Probability of an event
- General Addition Law

Week 4 – probability, discrete random variables I
- Unconditional probability
- Conditional probability
- Joint probability
- Unconditional from Joint Probability Rule
- Joint probability table
- General Multiplication Law 经济学Final exam代考
- Bayes’ Theorem
- Prior probabilities
- Posterior probability
- Random variable
- Discrete probability distribution
- Cumulative distribution function
Week 4 – probability, discrete random variables II 经济学Final exam代考
- Mean of a discrete random variable
- Expected value of a function of a discrete random variable
- Variance of a discrete random variable
- Standard deviation of a discrete random variable
- Bernoulli process
- Binomial probability distribution
Week 5 – continuous random variables I
- Continuous random variables
- Probability density function
- Uniform distribution
- Normal (‘Gaussian’) distribution
Week 6 – sampling distributions I
- Estimator
- Estimate
- Sampling distribution
- Bias
- Efficiency
- Minimum variance unbiased estimator
- Consistency
- Mean Square Error (MSE)
- Central Limit Theorem (CLT)
Week 7 – confifidence intervals I 经济学Final exam代考
- Point versus interval estimation
- Confidence intervals
- population means population proportions
- difference between population
- means difference between population proportions
Weeks 8 & 9 – hypothesis tests I
- Hypothesis
- Null versus alternative hypothesis
- Simple versus composite hypothesis
- Type I versus Type II errors
- Statistical versus practical decision
- Test statistic
- Decision rule
- Critical region
- Critical values
- Level of significance
- Power of a test
- P-value
Weeks 8 & 9 – hypothesis tests II
- One sample tests
-population means
-population proportions
- Two sample tests
-difference between population means
-difference between population proportions
- χ2 tests
-goodness of fit
-test of independence
-confidence intervals for population variances
Weeks 10-12 – introduction to regression analysis
- Simple regression analysis
- Independent variable
- Dependent variable
- Deterministic relationship
- Stochastic relationship
- Direct versus inverse relationship
- Least squares regression line
- Coefficient of determination (R2)
- Forecast confidence intervals
- Multiple regression analysis
- Categorical predictors
- Tests of significance

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