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经济学assignment靠谱代写 Econ454

2022-11-01 10:36 星期二 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:578


Assignment 1

经济学assignment靠谱代写 This assignment can be done, either with one or two other students or by yourself. It is up to you to nd someone to work with.

This assignment can be done, either with one or two other students or by yourself. It is up to you to nd someone to work with. You can only be a member of one group. All group members will receive the same grade, so please talk about all answers. Please make sure that you all put in an equal amount of eort: don’t put someone’s name on your assignment if s/he did not contribute suffciently to the group eort. The due date of this assignment is February 19 in class. Assume that the equilibrium concept is Nash, wherever relevant.

1.Recently, two health care proposed mergers failed: Anthem / Cigna and Aetna / Humana.  经济学assignment靠谱代写

For one of these proposed mergers, read the complaint (see USDoJ website). What are the main issues that the department of justice is concerned about?

  1. Consider a market with a single product monopolist M which is facing the aggregate demand function

q(p) = 60 − 2p.  (1)

M has no fifixed costs. Its marginal cost is 6.

(a) Write down the profifit function for the monopolist.

(b) Compute the equilibrium price.

(c) Compute the equilibrium quantity.

(d) Compute the consumer surplus.

(e) Compute the producer surplus.

(f) Compute the total surplus.

(g) Draw a graph indicating each of the three surpluses.  经济学assignment靠谱代写

  1. Now consider the exact situation as in question 2, except that now there are two fifirms producing identical goods engaged in Bertrand competition.

(a) Compute the equilibrium price.

(b) Compute the total equilibrium quantity sold (i.e. the sum of the quantities sold by each of the fifirms).

(c) Compute the consumer surplus.

(d) Compute the producer surplus.

(e) Compute the total surplus.

(f) Draw a graph indicating each of the three surpluses.

(g) Compute deadweight loss if the competing fifirms merged.


4.Now consider the exact situation as in question 2, except that now there are two fifirms producing identical goods engaged in Cournot competition.  经济学assignment靠谱代写

(a) Compute the total equilibrium quantity sold (i.e. the sum of the quantities sold by each of the fifirms).

(b) Compute the equilibrium price.

(c) Compute the consumer surplus.

(d) Compute the producer surplus.

(e) Compute the total surplus.

(f) Draw a graph indicating each of the three surpluses.

(g) Compute deadweight loss if the competing fifirms merged.   经济学assignment靠谱代写

  1. Now consider the exact situation as in question 2, except that now there are two fifirms producing identical goods engaged in Stackelberg competition, with fifirm 1 choosing quantity before fifirm 2 chooses quantity.

(a) Compute the total equilibrium quantity sold (i.e. the sum of the quantities sold by each of the fifirms).

(c) Compute the consumer surplus.

(d) Compute the producer surplus.

(e) Compute the total surplus.

(f) Draw a graph indicating each of the three surpluses.

(g) Compute deadweight loss if the competing fifirms merged.

  1. On the basis of your answers to the questions above, rank monopoly, Bertrand competition, Cournot competition, and Stackelberg competition in terms of their total surplus from best to worst.But bear in mind for the future that this is a special case with symmetry and homogeneous products.

7.Now consider the exact situation as in question 4, except that now there are eleven fifirms producing identical goods engaged in Cournot competition.

(a) Compute the total equilibrium quantity sold (i.e. the sum of the quantities sold by each of the fifirms).

(b) Compute the equilibrium price.

(c) Compute the consumer surplus.

(d) Compute the producer surplus.

(e) Compute the total surplus.

(f) How do your results compare to those of question 4?

  1. Consider a market in which there are two single product fifirms producing dif ferentiated products. Assume that fifirms set prices simultaneously and indepen dently. Consider the demand equations


Suppose that the marginal cost for each fifirm equals 7 and that neither fifirm has fifixed costs.

(a) Compute the equilibrium prices.

(b) Compute the equilibrium quantities.

(c) Compute the equilibrium profifits.

(d) Compute and interpret the own price elasticities at equilibrium prices and quantities.  经济学assignment靠谱代写

(e) Compute and interpret the cross price elasticities at equilibrium prices and quantities.

(f) Compute and interpret the diversion ratios at equilibrium prices and quantities.

(g) Without computing anything ex-tra, would you expect the price effects of a merger to be large or small if costs remained the same?

Please explain.



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