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Social Maternalism

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经济学代写论文 Collier explains that most of the characteristics associated with successful families are also good for society (Collier, 2018).


  Even though not always exclusively visible and understood, the practice and attitudes of paternalism are common, pushing for the autonomy of a given class over the other. Through its influence, multiple policies have been made that have proven unsuccessful in accomplishing their purposes, such as restricting gambling. It is, therefore, important to start considering the concept of social maternalism. It was introduced to bring a different perspective, where policymaking is more concerned with providing support than restrictions. The same concept has been applied in this essay to show how it can be a solution to major social issues facing Canada, including gambling, pornography, and the reconciliation of the indigenous economy.

Social maternalism and how it contrasts with “economic man” and “paternalism”

Strong moral rifts are tearing the foundation of modern societies apart. The rifts are leading to the development of new political passions, new anger, and anxieties. The fundamental bases for passions and anxieties are educational, geographic, and moral (Collier, 2018). There is a constant struggle between the less educated and the skilled in society, which leads to a substantial class divide. Paul Collier comes up with the phrase “social maternalism” when exploring the impact of paternalism in society and how it can be solved.

Family is the main point of concern since it lays the fabric of society, claiming that some social and economic issues can be solved from childhood, with lessons institutionalized within the community.

Modern society has two types of families (Collier, 2018). The first comprises educated adults with economically, socially, and politically viable skills. Such adults end up marrying other people like them. The men are more likely to assume a revolutionary family norm characterized by increased cooperation and equality than seen before (Collier, 2018). The parents would nurture their children to follow their older relatives’ paths, with success increasing the family’s stability. The children inherit their parents’ success and push the development of dynasties forward.

On the other hand, the second type of family comprises undereducated adults who strenuously acquire skills that are running out of value. Such adults would also most likely marry people like them due to the limited opportunities characterized by assertive mating. Women have little chance of marrying upward in terms of education levels (Collier, 2018). The men assume the traditional breadwinner norm, which they struggle to achieve sufficiently. Education is only offered at school as economic destabilization increases. The children also inherit the failures as the families fall apart.   经济学代写论文

Collier explains that most of the characteristics associated with successful families are also good for society (Collier, 2018). Similarly, those responsible for the struggling and failing families affect the entire community since they are considered social catastrophes. Therefore, it is crucial to understand that social paternalism has failed before coining a strategy for helping failing families. Society cannot allow the state to act as a substitution for families after they fail (Collier, 2018). However, the resurrection of such families requires them to be supported, using the strategy that Collier calls “social maternalism.”

Paternalism is the idea that the government makes policies that restrict some choices of individual citizens to save them from a worse adverse effect.

However, maternalism is based on a societal moral conscience, which is why “empowered motherhood” should solve the damage caused by paternalism. The latter leads to the development of the “economic man,” a capitalist focused only on his economic development (Collier, 2018). The economic man is greedy and selfish and does not believe in communal development but only in his success. Pragmatic policies should be coined so that the state remains active in the social and economic spheres without necessarily overtly empowering itself (Collier, 2018). Regulations should be made to compensate the victims of creative destruction instead of trying to frustrate the dynamics of capitalism.

Utilizing the social maternalism approach requires modifications of morals in society to start with strengthening failing families. When parents are ill-equipped to raise their children, they grow up to join low-productivity jobs. Social issues such as single parenthood do a lot of damage to society.

Therefore, maternalized policies should be created that start being effective from the early life of the children by providing support to supplement parenting and helping the same families to stay intact (Collier, 2018). People of all economic classes should be able to find work that adds value to their core years in life. In modern society, it only does that to the fortunate educated, and skilled, but not all. Most people are insufficiently skilled to find jobs that offer better chances for offering self-respect or becoming a source of pride, and this leads to income inequalities that persist to old age. However, if redistribution were used to address such issues, it would lead to larger taxation-cum-benefits, and the development of meaning and purpose (Collier, 2018).

How Social Materialism is Applicable   经济学代写论文

There is a direct relationship between the economy and morality, as they are determined by human relationships (Arrow, 2006). Society and the market both have deficiencies that have ethics as their remedy. Paternalism has been applied to control various vices in society, although multiple faults emerge, such as increased addiction to gambling and pornography. The restrictive policies seem to have created more of a problem than solutions. Therefore, interest turns to Collier’s concept of social maternalism, which can be applied in addressing those issues that have a long-term effect on society.

Gambling  经济学代写论文

Gambling is more of an ethical and a moral issue, even though governments have been shifting their restrictions to using it to make more revenue (Dijkema & Lewis, 2020). The main ethical issue with gambling is betting property, money, or other assets through a gaming event, intending to multiply the income if the predictions that are correct. It has multiple ethical issues, such as addictions, in which governments have given a blind eye, ignoring the multiple adverse effects it has on society.

In Canada and Ontario specifically, the gambling regulations that have been in place have so far been paternalistic, with history showing a gradual shift from the moral and ethical concerns of banning gambling to minor restrictions and later total government involvement (Dijkema & Lewis, 2020).   经济学代写论文

As a result, there has been such a spike in gambling addiction that it has been claimed to be disproportionately fed by the moves made by the government and regulation strategies placed. The proportion of problem gamblers makes up approximately one to three percent of the entire Ontario adult population (Dijkema & Lewis, 2020). Those statistics in Ontario are also consistent with the picture of Canada and its gambling rates, as with other similar jurisdictions that have legalized gambling.

The gambling scheme that includes the government’s involvement fosters more class inequalities, with critics saying that it targets the poor (Radwanski, 2012).

Gambling is said to be a game of diversion among the rich but a notorious problem for the poor. It makes them irresponsible, as they try to use t to make more money, but instead, lose all they had. The state’s path should then aim to make gambling less of a social issue than a solution to its money problems (Radwanski, 2012). Therefore, social maternalism comes into play again to provide a much-needed solution.

Social isolation is something that maternalism, pushed through policymaking, can solve, yet it is highly related to problem gambling. (Dijkema & Lewis, 2020) As Collier asserts, policies can be made that teach the child the importance of social participation from early life, raising their interest.

For example, policies that support sporting activities at school and exercise at home can be associated with the development of children and later adults that are more focused on social participation and conclusion.

In this case, they would be solving the problem in the long term. Most of those players who choose gambling as a way of avoiding loneliness have a high chance of becoming problem gamblers. Similarly, problem gambling has a close connection with depression, suicidal thoughts, and other vices that can be solved with maternalistic policies that promote social inclusion.  经济学代写论文

Social maternalism would reshape places such as the directions by the Ontario government for collecting slot machine revenue, which has pushed problem gambling through digital design. Problem gamblers are seen as more lucrative to the industry, which is why they are the key targets. Such policies push people into further poverty as they engage in more gambling, which has been made more available digitally, essentially through the phone (Dijkema & Lewis, 2020). Maternalism would focus on the reconstruction of the family and set the traditional belief that gambling is immoral and associated with multiple unethical activities and decisions in the systems of society. Children would grow up avoiding gambling if they find policies that ban or restrict it and lessons about its immorality.


Pornography  经济学代写论文

Pornography has been a subject of debate for a long time, leading to over-concentration on matters concerning sexual commercialization and aberrations. It can be agreed that regarding society, pornography causes a great threat by its presence and more by being protected by paternalistic regulations. If pornography did not cause harm to other people in society, it could be said to be morally right. However, it has been associated with reduced social esteem and even driving some victims to depression and even death (Kristof, 2020). In this case, paternalism has failed again, increasing the need to concentrate on the newer perspective of social maternalism.

Pornhub is one main distributor of pornographic content in the forms of videos and mages across the internet. As a company, it has a commendable social responsibility report, branding itself as cheery and even making huge donations to organizations struggling against inequality (Kristof, 2020). The site attracts the highest visits compared to legal, commercial giant websites like Netflix, Amazon, or even Yahoo. The site also has volumes of running ad impressions, most of them supporting and promoting pornography further, which makes it more money than most other commercials (Kristof, 2020).

Even though the company is such profitable, it promotes immorally in almost every aspect of its existence.

It is crowded with videos of children undergoing sexual assault, cases of rape, and incest, spy cams placed at inconvenient places recording women showing ad changing clothes, and multiple other misogynists and racist content, that comprises social vices (Kristof, 2020). However, the government of Canada still allows the site to run alongside others like XVideos, and even Google, which will offer multiple options for just typing “young teen porn” on its search button.   经济学代写论文

As elaborated by Collier, applying the maternalistic concept would help curb exploitative behavior, which concerns making regulations that allow sites like Pornhub to make money using exploitative content. From the school level, a prevailing culture can be created and developed that would discourage the formation of such commercial sites. The approach helps to reduce the diversion of productivity, starting with a shift from paternalism that allows states to make policies that are recalcitrant to families and adopt maternalism that offers support from the early stages of family formation (Collier, 2018).

Indigenous Economic Agency

The indigenous people of Canada have developed thriving governance structures, economies, and communities before their interactions with colonizers. They created trading networks, paid their taxes, ad promoted the development of infrastructure (Schembri, 2022). After destabilization by the colonizer, and with all their systems completely wiped out, it became harder for them to regain economic and social prosperity.

Multiple barriers play a role in this reality, but the main reason for the stagnated development is that the new government continued with the colonial policies, which were a direct violation of their basic human rights (Schembri, 2022). The policies also play a key role in undermining their economic and social prosperity in the long term, tearing their dignity apart. They have fostered economic and geographic isolation, spread poverty across the largest proportion of the indigenous population, and increased dependency.   经济学代写论文

In this case, applying the maternalistic approach would also be a process that would purpose to wipe out the effect of those destructive policies and establish a new system that treats the indigenous communities like other Canadians.

The state would be required to support families’ development, letting them follow the cultural and traditional indigenous path rather than forcing modernization. This way, economic factors such as access to financial help and inclusion among trade groups and unions would be integrated into the indigenous economy (Schembri, 2022).

The maternalistic approach would also be crucial in ensuring that indigenous households, governments, and businesses can directly gain financial services whenever needed. However, improving the educational infrastructure would decrease the class gap (Collier, 2018). Applying the maternalistic approach to increase support to indigenous families and improving access to quality education would help reconcile the indigenous economy on a larger scale. The improvement of targeted monetary policies is therefore necessary.

Conclusion  经济学代写论文

The concept of social maternalism has been used to reflect a situation in which the state is directly involved in both social and economic spheres of society, contributing to their development but not overtly being too empowered. The current world is guided by multiple paternalistic policies, which seem to be failing. Social maternalism would require a system that provides better support from the family level, which is the fabric of society. In the same way, it would be able to curb issues such as gambling and the exploitative mentality of businesses like Pornhub that use exploitative mechanisms to make huge profits.


Arrow, K. (2006). The economy of trust. Religion and Liberty16(3), 3.

Collier, P. (2018). The future of capitalism: Facing the new anxieties. New York: Harper.

Dijkema , B., & Lewis, J. (2020, June 9). Pressing its luck: how Ontario lottery and gaming can work for, not against, low-income households. Cardus. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from https://www.cardus.ca/research/work-economics/reports/pressing-its-luck/   经济学代写论文

Kristof, N. (2020, December 4). The Children of Pornhub. The New York Times. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/04/opinion/sunday/pornhub-rape-trafficking.html

Radwanski, A. (2012, March 13). McGuinty can’t afford misgivings about gaming. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/mcguinty-cant-afford-misgivings-about-gaming/article533504/

Schembri, L. (2022, May 5). Bank for International Settlements. The Bank for International Settlements. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from https://www.bis.org/


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