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线性代数定理作业代写 Theorems代写

2023-04-08 12:00 星期六 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:602


线性代数定理作业代写 2 TriangularizationTheorem 2.1. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over an algebraically closed field. Every linear transformation T : V

2 Triangularization   线性代数定理作业代写

Theorem 2.1. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over an algebraically closed field. Every linear transformation T : V V is triangularizable.

Theorem 2.2. Let T : V V be a diagonalizable linear mapping, and let W be a T-invariant subspace of V. The restriction T|W is diagonalizable. Is the same true if “diagonalizable” is replaced by “triangularizable”?

Theorem 2.3. If a,b are (nonzero) algebraic numbers, then a+b, ab, a, and a1 are also algebraic. (This shows that Q is a field)


3 Invariant Subspaces   线性代数定理作业代写

Theorem 3.1. A linear mapping P : V V is a projection if P2 = P.

(a) Let W be any subspace of V. There is a projection P : V V whose image is W, and that any such projection must satisfy P(w) = w for all w W.

(b) Let T : V V be a linear mapping and let P : V V be a projection with image W = im(P). W is T-invariant if and only if PT P = T P. This shows how invariant subspaces can be interpreted purely in terms of linear mappings: invariant subspaces correspond to commuting with projections.

Theorem 3.2. A linear mapping T :V V is called decomposable if there are nonzero T-invariant subspaces W1,W2 of V such that V = W1W2. Otherwise, T is called indecomposable.




(a) Show that every diagonalizable mapping is decomposable. Is the converse true? (need to prove)

(b) T is decomposable if and only if there is a basis B of V for which the coordinate matrix of T is “block-diagonal” (need to prove)

(c) Let T : V V be a linear mapping of a finite-dimensional vector space V. V can be expressed as a direct sum

V = W1⊕··· ⊕Wk 

where each Wi is T-invariant, and each restriction T|Wi : Wi Wi is indecomposable.


4 Jordan Blocks and Cycles   线性代数定理作业代写

Theorem 4.1. Let A M5(F) be a nilpotent of index 4. Deduce, with proof, the Jordan form of A.

Theorem 4.2. For any linear mapping T,

ker(T2 I) = ker(T +I)ker(T I).


5 Minimal Polynomial

Theorem 5.1. Let P : V V be a linear map. P is a projection if and only if its minimal polynomial divides x2 x. Can you find a nontrivial projection whose minimal polynomial is not x2 x? (need to prove)

Theorem 5.2. State the division algorithm for polynomials. Use it to prove that if p(x) F[x] is a polynomial annihilating a linear mapping T : V V, then mT (x) divides p(x).

Theorem 5.3. A matrix A has finite order if An = I for some n N. Every such matrix is diagonalizable. (Hint: does xn 1 have any repeated roots?) (need to prove)




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