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系统管理代写 AST 20306代写 Lab代写

2022-06-16 11:11 星期四 所属: Linux代写 浏览:641


AST 20306  System Administration

Lab Task 2 (Week 2)

系统管理代写 Task 2   –   getting familiar with the Linux Operating System In this task, we will walk through the Ubuntu Operation System to get familiar with the OS.

Task 2   –   getting familiar with the Linux Operating System   系统管理代写

In this task, we will walk through the Ubuntu Operation System to get familiar with the OS.

1.Open a terminal  –  right click on the desktop and select “Open Terminal” Try the following shell commands and guess what is the output.

2. #sudo pwd       (show the current directory)

3. #ls    (list the contents of the current directory)

4. #cd  ~   (change directory to home directory,  can you guess what is this directory?)




5.Change the password      –     #sudo passwd        (go ahead and change the password.  Try to use something easy to remember for the lab practices such as abc123)

6.Change the root password  –   #sudo  password  root   (this will change the password of the super user)

7. #su – root     (This will change the identity to super user and allow you to do task with highest privileges)

8. #groupadd  –g  101 newgroup  (this will add a new group to the system)

9. #useradd   -u 101 –g 101  –d  /home/newuser  newuser  (this will add a new user to the system and will also be added to the group “newgroup”)

10. #su   –   newuser   (change identity to the newly created user)

11. #pwd   (show the current directory,  what do you do and why?)


Optional  系统管理代写

With the help from “google”,

Try the following :

  1. Open  another terminal
  2. Create a new directory by the name  “labdir”
  3. change the owner of the new directory “labdir”  to the new user “newuser”
  4. change the group of the new directory “labdir”  to the new groupr “newgroup”





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