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DMS代写 文件管理系统代写 system代写 系统代写

2020-08-12 14:31 星期三 所属: it代写,it作业代写-代码100%原创准确 浏览:1205


Project title

DMS代写 To build up a document management system.Large organizations,Cloud-Hosted Document Management System, Document sharing, paperless office


To build up a document management system

Key words                      DMS代写

Large organizations, Cloud-Hosted Document Management System, Document sharing, paperless office,

Introduction          DMS代写

We are IT project team of Mandatory Provident Fund Association named “Global Financial asset”. Established in the year of 2000 and become the major 5 MPF companies in Hong Kong rapidly.

We are proud of holding excess over one million client’s basis up-to date.

To keep challenging with competitors, numbers of staff have been increasing to 1600 headcounts in order to cater the daily enquires of more than 500 transaction from our customers as well as the internal affairs.DMS代写

Starting from the year of 2000, due to comply with the government MPF regulations. We need to keep the related document transaction up to 7 years record in our storage library, and the requirement of such storage place need to be entertained.

As of the above concern,

we find difficulties in managing the huge volume of transactions without a sufficient space and no manpower to handle the filing.DMS代写

According to the continuous business development and concept of paperless office management, physical copies will no longer be safe-keeping under a storage place and scanning all the transaction documents into the document management system will further become a trend in the business strategy. For such, the mind set of indcost saving is easily be achieved.

Evidence of requirement        DMS代写

Considering of which type of software to be adopted will be our main concern. It is believed that the most scientific and updated version of software will make us to solve the problem more effectively and accurately.

In addition, the related supplementary facilities equipment with obtaining the license such as the scanning machines, hardware of server are our consideration needed to be included in the project. Such tools will help to fix up the issues at the same time easily.

Problem definition            DMS代写

Besides the problem of cost saving and storage places, all departments should have the concern of how to handle the document management. For example, it is wasting time to locate the document needed under the current situation especially for those employees who new join the company. They have no idea of which documents have been created in the past and time is consumed in searching. On the other hand, to continuous adopting the existing work flow will make the processing slowest.

Global aim                  DMS代写

The aims of this project are to achieve the document keeping under an automation centralization in document management system. With using the scientific software and IT expert will finally go through all the tackles and success to doing this. In the coming future, abandon the hardcopies keeping storage and usage the computerize scanning storage will eventually accomplished.

Digital content and template management software that allows all business documents, templates and digital assets complaint and easily accessible to every employee.

Objectives                DMS代写

Further study the existing advantages and disadvantages of document management system will help to explore a more suitable and enhanced one to replace with.

Search and have deep understanding of which type of software to be adopted in the processing of document management system will facilitate the workflow of processing

To identify the current bottlenecks and specify user functional requirement for appropriate document life cycle. Workshop with key users to gather information on existing problem.

Proposal on package selection need to be evaluated, the short list of such packages should be reviewed accordingly and perform product evaluation and advise preferences.DMS代写

Those selected system should have prepared the implementation, of which documentation conventions and rules, system use, functional set up should be advised at the end.

Using the existing approach, documents may find damaged or disappeared and high supply and storage cost of documentation will easily increasing the burden of a company.

General context description            DMS代写

To centralize all document assets and transaction deals/ template control into a single platform which could enhance the workflow of uploading, updating and deploy corporate content under self-assessment.

Providing an easy guideline on the business documents, slides, images, text elements and other digital assets for the employees so that there is no limitations on the application usage afterwards.DMS代写

Physical limitation will be released as the new software allows everyone to run across all devices and platforms anywhere. Having a centralized, cloud-based administration system for us to access all up-to-date content in the platform.

As nowadays,

business units’ parties normally using an online approach for uploading and downloading documents at anytime and anywhere, the setup of document management system become a mere choice to use.DMS代写

On those large companies with rapid growing their business, the necessity for keeping their documents enables them to choose the document management system under an organizational hierarchy will become more important.


to consider the habit of user, an attractive user interface approach should be well adopted so that they are willing to try the new system approach. In the aspect of the database, increasing document volume may hinder to find out the specific document they want to have in a short period.

Hence, a strong search engine are essential to browse the company’s knowledge base on a handy basis and saving time in the long run. Meanwhile, the best document management system should have a version, which allows the user has an option to change and save, what they have input or set some scenario which could only access by themselves and no stranger can easily attack the information.DMS代写

For further safeguarding the usage from specific user and protect the important documents from being altered, permission of access rights needed to be set up for such purposes. Facing the technology progress, the document management system deserves an extension that allows the insertion popping-up documents in the coming changes.

Brief product description                DMS代写

For the good concern of choosing the document management system, company should have the comparison amongst the various suppliers in order to choose the most suitable one for their use. It is true that to fully satisfy the needs and requirement of every existing users are not easy.

However, it still worth to search the most benefit one for them as they are assets of the company.

For facilitation of the usage of new concept of document management system, a series of guideline and handling procedures should be introduced for all staff so that they could adapt the changes with a clear direction and assistance.

Providing a comprehensive training courses and consultation for enquires would be the best arrangement for the staff.DMS代写

Monitoring their progress on the usage of new document management system will increasing their confidence to use it.

Deliverables          DMS代写

With consolidation the new ideas of how to enhance the format of software adoptive from the existing users will fasten the processing, it means some brainstorm concept is useful in exploring the new concept of product.

Evaluation approach                  DMS代写

Keep exercising the UAT approach (User acceptable test) as ongoing basis in order to testify what and which processing of document management system are adoptable. From which, users could reflect their ideas on the areas that to be improved, added or deleted within the scope.

Review the pro and cos between the old function processing and new software document management system.

To enquire the past statistics from IT so as to integrate a simplified list for new software of document management system in future.

Resources                  DMS代写

Composite a team which dedicate on specific tasks of document management system, they are included but not limited to (e.g. data collecting, consolidation the graph figures) so that the outdated/ unused areas could be eliminated.

Purchasing the external license on some new software and hardware suite to facilitate the functioning of document management system.

To employ an IT expert, programmers and vendors to help on the aspects of processing. They could fix the problem with their experience and the ability of problem solving.


 Wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_management_system

Business News Daily – https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/8026-choosing-a-document-management-system.html

Capterra – https://www.capterra.com/document-management-software/

CIDM – https://www.infomanagementcenter.com/publications/best-practices-newsletter/2002-best-practices-newsletter/building-an-electronic-document-management-system-at-cadence/

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