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管理类assignment代写 MGMT71-311代写

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Personal Change Plan Project Guidelines

MGMT71-311 Change Management

管理类assignment代写 You should check in with me before you commit to your change project to make sure it is suitable for this assignment.

Personal Change Project  管理类assignment代写

The purpose of this assignment is to apply your knowledge of change management to enact your own personal change, to experience what change feels like and how difficult it can be, and to gain a deeper understanding about yourself and the process of planned change.

For this assignment you will select one of your behaviours or habits that you will try to change and write a report reflecting on your experience. The duration of the project will be approximately 60 days, which some regard as the time needed to establish a new routine or break an old habit (some say more, some say less). You may either pick a habit that you plan to break or start a new routine. It can be a personal goal (e.g., health, time management, learning something new, etc.), professional (e.g., developing your personal network, speaking or presentation skills) or even a general lifestyle goal (e.g., living more sustainably). You should check in with me before you commit to your change project to make sure it is suitable for this assignment.  You must include high-quality references throughout the stages of your project to support your experiences, plans and findings.

This assignment will be submitted in three major sections:

Part 1: Your Plan (worth 25% of this project)

  • Identify and describe of the habit/behaviour.What habit did you choose? How did you develop this habit? For how long have you had it? What impact does it have or will it have on your life?
  • Rationale. Why have you chosen this habit/behaviour for your project? Why is it so important to you? Have you tried to make this change before? Why?
  • Your change plan. Explain your plan for achieving successful and lasting change. What goals, measures and milestones have you set? What commitments have you made and in what ways? How will you monitor your progress? What challenges do you anticipate and how will you manage them? Include a description of what your initial expectations are about how challenging this assignment will be for you. Include what you know about your personal capacity for change. Will you develop an incentive plan for yourself? Will you enlist a friend and/or family member to support you?

Part 2: Progress Report (worth 10% of this project)

  • You will submit a briefreport to me summarizing your progress and reactions during the project. This can include identifying ways to gain necessary support, developing or increasing momentum, sustaining your motivation, making necessary adaptation, or sharing new personal insights as to your strengths or development areas. To assist with this part of the project and the final part, you should maintain a diary for the duration of the project to record important details and insights. Include your diary in the appendices of your final report described in Part 3 below.

Part 3: Outcomes, Lessons Learned & Next Steps (worth 65% of this project)  管理类assignment代写

  • Outcome Summary(1 page).
    1. Provide a brief (1-2 paragraphs) summary of your rationale for your project and the actual outcomes you were able to achieve this semester. Did you change your behaviour as planned (e.g., fully, partially, not at all)? Are you satisfied/proud of your achievements? Why or why not?
    2. Include a table summarizing your goals and achievements (i.e., Description of Goal, Target Outcome and Actual Outcome). Refer to this summary table in the rest of your report.
  • Reflection(4-5 pages). What did you learn from the individual change experience in terms of your own capacity for change as well as the challenge of changing in general? Include a description of your feelings, insights, expectations confirmed, expectations disconfirmed, any surprises—whether these are positive or negative. Try to make links with the material covered in the course, your previous experiences with change, and to other management courses. Try to integrate your learning and generate insights from these varied inputs. This section tends to contain the most valuable and unique insights of the reports. More depth means higher quality (n.b., this does not mean more length!). Use the following sections to organize your reflections. The suggestions and questions are offered as a guide only.

a.Diagnosing the need for change. Reflect on your personal values and long-term goals. Has this project helped you to meaningfully change your behaviour in a way that is more consistent with these values and goals? How? Was this project a priority for you throughout the semester? Why? How much time and effort did you spend analysing your current situation and identifying the gap between your actual self and your espoused self? Did your project focus on a symptom of an underlying problem or the root cause?

b.Barriers to change.What were some of the main challenges?

Where you able to overcome these challenges? How? Was the change effort as difficult as you had anticipated? Are there resources available that could have helped with your change effort that were not utilized?

c.Reactions to change. Was this change difficult or easy for you? Why? How did you feel over the duration of the project? Were you surprised about yourself or others around you (e.g., your supporters) during this project?

d.Feedback and reinforcement. What effect did your performance measures and milestones have on your project? Would you change anything in this aspect of your project? How would you assess your pace of change (i.e., too fast?, too slow)? What did you learn from the feedback you received from Parts 1 and 2?   管理类assignment代写

e.Sustaining change. What are you going to do next to sustain and/or build on the change you have created thus far? What, if anything, will you do differently based on what you have learned?

f.Other lessons learned. If you had the opportunity to begin again, what would you do differently? What would you do the same? Would you have the same goal or would you focus on something else? What have you learned about effective goal setting? What assumptions or beliefs that you previously held have now changed?

  • Appendices. Include a list of references (APA style), your original plan, your modified plan (if applicable), your progress report, your project diary and any other supporting materials as appendices. Make sure each appendix is clearly identified.

Part 1: Your Personal Change Plan (worth 25% of this project)  管理类assignment代写



Excellent work

(HD; 100-85)

Competent Work

(Credit; 74-65)

Unacceptable Work

(Fail; 49-0)

Description & Rationale (15%) □ Clearly describes the behavioural target of the PCP in detail, illustrating links with other behaviours/factors in the student’s life.

□ The student clearly explains the importance of making this change, the anticipated direct and indirect benefits.


□ Target behaviour is defined, but lacks a few important details and/or to show how it relates to the student’s current situation.

□ A rationale is provided, but a detail regarding significant and/or effects is required.

□ Target behaviour is not defined and/or lacks significant explanation.

□ Rationale is missing or inadequate to demonstrate why the student would pursue this change in behaviour.

Goals & Measures (30%) □ Goals are specific, measurable, challenging, and time specific and aligned with the rationale. Multiple measures and sources of data are considered □ Defines goals & measures, but lacks development with respect to specificity, clarity or alignment.


□ Considerable development is needed to adequately define goals, metrics or alignment with the overall rationale.
Planning (30%)
□ Excellent project planning. Tasks are appropriately defined & sequenced in an efficient manner to enable reasonable change of goal achievement.

□ Timeline provides a clear and accurate summary of the major tasks and milestones of the project. Roles of supporting resources and personnel are also considered.

□ Evidence of good project planning, but one or more elements appear to be inadequately defined, missing and/or illogically sequenced.

□ The timeline is not completely accurate in comparison to the identified tasks (e.g., missing information).

□ Evidence of basic project planning is lacking. Several key tasks are missing or ill-defined.

□ Timeline is missing or significantly inaccurate or incomplete.

Challenges (15%) □ Exhibits considerable reflection in identifying anticipated challenges to successfully completing stated goal(s). Clearly explains how elements of the plan specifically address these challenges. □ Anticipated challenges are identified, but appear to lack detail in description and/or specific remedy.


□ Fails to adequately anticipate challenges to the successfully complete planned goals.
Writing Mechanics (10%) □ Writing style is clear and well-organised, transitioning from point to point in a logical sequence of paragraphs supporting strong topic sentences.

□ Assignment is largely free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.  Follows the specified format and page length for the assignment.


□ Writing style is generally orderly and logical, but has occasional stylistic or organisational issues that distract or confuse the reader.

□ Sentence structure and grammar are sound, but several minor errors are present; contains only a few minor spelling and/or punctuation errors.

□ Writing style wanders or is difficult to follow due to lack of organisation.

□ The number of grammar, spelling, or punctuation problems significantly inhibits readability.  Formatting instructions largely ignored; much too long or too short (i.e., 40%).


Part 3: Final Report (worth 65% of this project)



Excellent work

(HD; 100-85)

Competent Work

(Credit; 74-65)

Unacceptable Work

(Fail; 49-0)

Outcome Summary (20%) □ Clearly describes the nature of and rationale for the personal change plan.

□ A table is presented that clearly and accurately describes the goals for the project and the target and actual performance measures for each.


□ Target behaviour is defined, but the rationale for how it relates to the student’s values, goals and/or situation needs more explanation.

□ There are minor issues with the goals and/or measures summarized (e.g., goals are not described in measurable terms, minor issues w/ metric selection, etc.)

□ Target behaviour and rationale is not defined and/or lacks adequate explanation.

□ Major errors with the goals and/or measures summarized (e.g., goals are missing or poorly described, no/unusable metrics, etc.)

Reflection (60%)
□ Summarizes select experiences that clearly, yet parsimonious describe the relevant individual and contextual factors involved to support a thorough, critical analysis of the experience.

□ Demonstrates a thorough understanding of material through explicit and appropriate application of concepts and theories to explain, analyse, and interpret selected experiences.

□ Clearly and succinctly describes specific principles or “lessons learned” and their significance in terms of previously held knowledge/attitudes/beliefs.

□ Demonstrates the capacity and motivation to transfer learning by clearly articulating how identified principles will be applied in the future.


□ Adequately summarizes personal experience, but lacks important elements necessary to fully analyse the experience; too much superfluous detail.

□ Applies relevant concepts and theories, but application suggests minor misunderstanding of some concepts; analysis could be more thorough; one or more relevant theories/concepts have not been used.

□ Identifies specific “lessons learned”, but lacks clarity in the explanation of their significance; one or more lessons lack adequate rationale or supporting evidence; fails to identify a “lesson learned” when one is clearly evident; does not fully discuss the impact on previously held knowledge/attitudes/beliefs.

□ Mentions a plan for application of what has been learned, but it is vague or unrealistic.

□ Reflection of experience lacks sufficient detail to support a thorough analysis.

□ Mentions, but does not apply concepts or theories to analyse experience; generally provides textbook definitions and does not explain concepts in own words; application or description of theories is incomplete or substantially inaccurate.

□ Lacks “lessons learned” or other explicit evidence of learning from experience; lessons are vague, superficial, or supporting logic is significantly flawed or absent; little or no consideration of previously held knowledge/attitudes/beliefs.

□ Lessons learned lack a plan for application to future situations.

Appendices (10%) □ Includes and clearly labels all required exhibits and references them as appropriate throughout the report. □ Includes and clearly labels all required exhibits and references, but fails to use the exhibits as evidence in the reflection. □ Required exhibits are missing or incomplete.
Writing Mechanics (10%) □ Writing style is clear and well-organised, transitioning from point to point in a logical sequence of paragraphs supporting strong topic sentences.

□ Assignment is largely free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.  Follows the specified format and page length for the assignment.

□ Writing style is generally orderly and logical, but has occasional stylistic or organisational issues that distract or confuse the reader. 管理类assignment代写

□ Sentence structure and grammar are sound (e.g., no run-on sentences or comma splices), but several minor errors are present; contains only a few minor spelling and/or punctuation errors.  Minor aspects of specified format not followed; submission is too long or too short (i.e., ~20%).

□ Writing style wanders or is difficult to follow due to lack of organisation.

□ The number of grammar, spelling, or punctuation problems significantly inhibits readability.  Formatting instructions largely ignored; much too long or too short (i.e., ~40%).



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