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Algorithms workbench代写 source software代写 pseudocode代写

2020-10-26 17:29 星期一 所属: JAVA代写,java代考-JAVA作业代写免费Moss检测 浏览:815

Algorithms workbench代写

Degree Project Management Tool (/)

Algorithms workbench代写 Algorithms workbench for Inf2BPrincipal Goal: Add significant new functionality to a tool that enables

MSc Projects – 17/18 (/msc)

Algorithms workbench for Inf2B  Algorithms workbench代写

Principal Goal: Add significant new functionality to a tool that enables students to study the performance of algorithms.

This project has been proposed by Kyriakos Kalorkoti (/msc/person/1338) (kk@inf.ed.ac.uk (mailto:kk@inf.ed.ac.uk)). You are currently interested in this project. Algorithms workbench代写

The aim of this project is to extend the fucntionality of open source software built by three previous students which can be obtained via the Inf2B page http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/teaching/courses/inf2b/resources/adsSoftware.html.

 Algorithms workbench代写
Algorithms workbench代写
Here is the original proposal:

Inf2B has a thread on Algorithms and Data Structures in which many fundamental algorithms are introduced along with their worst case runtime analysis. Algorithms are given by means of pseudocode. It would be useful to have a system that enables students to implement algorithms  in a language quite close to pseudocode and then enables them to experiment with runtime studies (perhaps also space used). The tool must make this process as convenient as possible  thus encouraging experimentation. Algorithms workbench代写

For example if a student wishes to compare quicksort with mergesort he/she should be able to express these in the course pseudocode and then ask for runtimes based on data created either by the student or the system. After that timings should be produced both in tabular form as well as plots. The system should also determine the constants involved in the standard upper bounds. A refinement would be to enable the student to ask for the timings of sections of the code so that the critical parts can be identified.

The proposed project would continue from the last version by building on the exsiting system. The aims of this iteration are open to dioscussion but could, e.g., include making it available via a server (this would be a difficult version oif the project). Other more modest aims would be to improve existing functionality (this just by itself would constitute an easy version of the project).

Completion Criteria Algorithms workbench代写

A significant extension to the existing software (underlying algorithms, interface).

Additional Information


2 students are interested in this project.

Desirable Skills

HCI experience. Algorithms workbench代写

Essential Skills

Excellent software skills (Java and C++), knowledge of fundamental algorithms.

Potential Supervisors

Supervisor Email Address

Main Kyriakos Kalorkoti (/msc/person/1338)

kk@inf.ed.ac.uk (mailto:kk@inf.ed.ac.uk)

Copyright © University of Edinburgh Report website problems to Tom Spink (mailto:tspink@inf.ed.ac.uk)

 Algorithms workbench代写
Algorithms workbench代写

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