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简历范例 curriculum vitae代写

2023-03-08 10:51 星期三 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:465



简历范例 Reading Specialist, Brattleboro Junior High, Brattleboro, Vermont. Taught remedial, development and gifted reading classes at the junior high level.


Home Address:

1434 A Street

Palo Alto, CA 94301

(650) 322-3346


School Address:

School of Education

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94114




School of Education, Stanford University.

Ph.D. in Curriculum and Teacher Education expected in June, 20XX. Program:Language, Literacy and Culture. Advisor: Dr. Eric Smith. Dissertation: “Reader Awareness of Emotions in Narratives: The reader/character connection.” An exploration of readers’ awareness of the emotional states of story characters and the influence of this awareness on inferential comprehension.


School of Education, Boston University.

M.A. in Reading Education with an emphasis on diagnosis, motivation and remediation of below grade level readers. Advisor: Dr. Ron River.


School of Education, University of Vermont.

B.S., cum laude, in Secondary Education with teaching credentials in English and Reading.



Research Assistant, Dr. Diane Smith’s Teacher Assessment Project, Stanford University.Evaluate and document the project’s data on teacher certification in the area of elementary literacy.


Instructional Consultant, Whisman School District, Mountain View, CA and Bayside Middle School, San Mateo, CA. Conducting on-going in-services to train teachers (grades K-8) in methods of implementing the State of California’s Language Arts Literature Framework.   简历范例


Instructor, Language and Literacy in Secondary Schools, Stanford University. Developed curriculum for Stanford’s teacher education program to prepare prospective teachers to deal with literacy issues such as second language acquisition and offered instructional strategies for the content area classroom.


Student Teacher Supervisor, Stanford Teacher Education Program, Stanford University.Prepared and evaluated prospective teachers of Secondary English in the areas of content knowledge, curriculum planning, pedagogical technique and classroom management.


Research Assistant, Project READ, Palo Alto, CA. Researched for the university based public school collaborative project created by Dr. Eric Smith of Stanford University to improve literacy skills of students at all grade levels and abilities in all subject areas.Developed curriculum materials, conducted teacher training workshops and assisted in the evaluation of the project.


Teaching Assistant, Dr. Diane Smith and Dr. Dean Brown in Foundations of Learning for Teaching, Stanford University. Developed a course concerned with the integration of educational psychology and teaching methodology in the secondary classroom.


Teaching Assistant, Dr. Eric Smith in Language and Literacy in Secondary Schools,Stanford University. Taught a preparatory class in Stanford’s Teacher Education Program. The class focused on literacy issues and instructional strategies for the content area classroom.


Reading Specialist, Brattleboro Junior High, Brattleboro, Vermont. Taught remedial, development and gifted reading classes at the junior high level.   简历范例


Reading Teacher, Leland and Gray Union High School, Townsend, Vermont.

Implemented development and instruction of an individualized junior high reading program.


Research Assistant, Dr. Ron River, Boston University, Boston, MA. Writing curriculum,edited a manual on developing functional literacy skills and wrote proposals and grants.


Elementary Teacher, Bakersfield Middle School, Bakersfield, Vermont.

Taught Reading, English and Physical Education for grades 4-8.



Robbins, S. & Smith, E. (20XX). Theory becomes practice: One program. In Lapp, D., River, R. & Farnan, N. (Eds.) Content area reading and learning. Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Brown, T. & Robbins, S. (20XX). The deep double game: Oral interpretation to enhance reading comprehension. ERIC Documents. Abstract in Resources in Education, Feb./March.

Robbins, S. (19XX). Reading instruction in the accelerated school. In Goldberg, S.S. (Ed.) Readings on equal education, Vol. 10: Critical issues for a new administration and Congress. AMS Press, Inc.:New York, NY.


Robbins, S. Reader awareness of emotions in literature: The reader/character connection.

Robbins, S. Instructional strategy use during literature discussions in the Stanford Teacher Assessment Project.


“Reader Awareness of Emotions in Literature: The reader/character connection.” National Reading Conference, Austin, TX. November 20XX.

“Literature and Instruction.” California Reading Association Annual Conference, San Jose, CA.November 20XX.

“A Thematic Approach to Literature Instruction.” Critical Thinking Network Annual Conference, Santa Clara County, CA. January 20XX.

“A New Model for Literature Instruction.” With Dr. E. Smith. International ReadingAssociation Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. May 20XX.

“Into the Literature Curriculum.” Four County Reading Improvement Day, San Jose, CA. November 20XX.

“Moving Beyond the Basal.” Critical Thinking Network Annual Conference, Santa Clara County, CA.January 20XX.   简历范例

“Using Oral Interpretation to Enhance Reading Comprehension Skills.” With T. Brown. International Reading Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada. May 19XX.

“A Process Oriented Approach to Vocabulary Instruction.” With Dr. E. Smith. International Reading Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. May 19XX.

“Exploring the Relationship between Vocabulary Instruction and Reading Comprehension.” With J. Doe.

American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. August 19XX.


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