简历自我介绍代写 Interviews often begin with this statement. Sometimes students do not know where to begin their response, how much information to provide,
Interviews often begin with this statement. Sometimes students do not know where to begin their response, how much information to provide, or how to end it. Use the worksheet below to outline and develop a well-rehearsed summary of your education and experience that includes how you became interested in the field and some of your most significant accomplishments or strengths.
EDUCATION 简历自我介绍代写
Begin with your education. Mention your year in school, your major(s) and minor, and how you became interested in the field. You can include your GPA (if 3.0 or higher), skills you have learned, or an example of an academic project. You can also mention memberships in campus organizations and any leadership roles.
Discuss your current position, if you are currently working. If you worked in the past, mention past job(s). Focus on transferable skills that would be valuable to employers in the field, professional accomplishments, or recognition you received.
Based on your research of the organization, mention two key strengths that match its requirements.
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End with why you are interested in working for the organization. State that you look forward to learning more about how you might be able to contribute your skills, talents, and experience in the future.
EXAMPLE 简历自我介绍代写
I am currently a junior at Princeton University, majoring in computer science. I became interested in computers at a young age and took a few college-level programming courses while in high school, which helped me decide on my major.
I have excelled in all my coursework at Princeton, while working 20 hours a week at the Media Center in a technical support role. I enjoy assisting users and problem solving because it is challenging and I learn something new every day.
In addition, I had an opportunity to intern over the summer with XYZ Company, where I contributed to software development projects, including database design. I am particularly interested in this area to begin my career.
In reviewing the job description, I was drawn to the database design aspects and believe I could make an immediate contribution. I look forward to learning more about your MIS department and the challenges of the position.
PRACTICE 简历自我介绍代写
Using your notes, develop your response and then schedule a mock interview with a career counselor to practice your oral delivery. Your response should be approximately two minutes in length.