简历模板范文代写 EDUCATION 08/2003 — Ph. D. student in Information and Library Science School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
School of Information and Library Science
Chapel Hill / NC / USA / 27599-3360
Email: xfu [at]
08/2003 —
Ph. D. student in Information and Library Science
School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Advisor: Dr. Gary Marchionini
08/2004 —
Master’s student in Statistics
Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
09/2000 — 07/2003
Master of Science in Information Science Department of Library and Information Science, Peking University
Advisor: Prof. Maosheng Lai
Thesis title: Evaluating the Quality of Search Engines: User-Centered Discussions on Evaluation Schema and Comparative Studies on Chinese and English Search Engines (96 pages; in Chinese)
09/1996 — 07/2000
Bachelor of Arts in English (Information Management Orientation) English Program for Information Management Studies, School of English Language Communication, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Thesis title: Problems in Existing Search Engines and Possible Solutions (20 pages; in English)
RESEARCH 简历模板范文代写
Microsoft – UNC Annotation of Structured Data Project
Research Team Member, August 2004 –
Principal Investigators: Dr. Gary Marchionini, Dr. Paul Solomon and Dr. Catherine Blake (Funded by Microsoft Corporation)
- Study how frequent users of structured data such as statistical files and databases make sense of and annotate information
- Investigate the role annotations play in seeking and understanding information in electronic environments
- Identify strategies and potential tools for annotating structured data
UNC TREC (Text Retrieval Conference) – HARD Track (High Accuracy Retrieval of Documents)
Research Team Member, January 2004 –
Principal Investigator: Dr. Diane Kelly
- Develop techniques for eliciting additional information from users (beyond a short query) about their information problems
- Develop techniques for incorporating information about a user’s search context into retrieval
- Evaluate the effectiveness of such techniques
Information Synthesis Project 简历模板范文代写
Research Assistant, January 2004 – June 2004
Principal Investigator: Dr. Catherine Blake
- Develop automatic methods to convert HTML files to text files and format them with certain tags that allow easy loading into database
User Centered Evaluation of Web Search Engine Quality
Research Team Leader, September 2002 – June 2003
- Constructed theoretical framework for evaluating the quality of Web search engine
- Developed empirical framework for user centered evaluation of Web search services
- Designed user search experiment to test the framework
- Analyzed both qualitative and quantitative data from the experiment and modified the framework
Comparative study between Chinese and English Internet portal
Graduate Research Assistant, February 2002 – June 2002
Principle Investigators: Dr. Xiaoying Dong and Prof. Zhanghua Ma (Funded by UNESCO and Chinese National Foundation of Social Sciences)
- Investigated major information organization and retrieval techniques used by Chinese and English Web search engines
- Explored and evaluated the indices for measuring search engine quality
An Investigation on Using Classification in Web Information Organization 简历模板范文代写
Research Team Leader, March 2001- April 2001
- Conducted survey on how classification was used by major Internet portals to organize information resources
- Interviewed classification designers of two major Chinese Web portals to gain an understanding of their considerations and practical concerns
- Proposed suggestions for improving classification design on Web portals.
Design of Need Based Chinese National Social Sciences Information System in Network Environment
Team Assistant, January 2001 – March 2001
Principle Investigator: Dr. Lei Liu (Funded by Chinese National Foundation for Social Sciences)
- Participated in designing survey questionnaire to investigate the information needs of social sciences researchers in China
- Collected data from about 50 social sciences researchers in Beijing
Journal articles:
Zheng, Q. & Fu, X. (2003). A study on the Application of Metadata in Web Information Resource Organization. Library and Information Service, 311, 78-82, 25.
Fu, X. & Li, W. (2002). A Study on the Trends of Information Classification on the Internet. Library and Information Service, 292, 61-65.
Fu, X. (2002). Studies on Intelligent Trends in Third Generation Search Engines. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 97, 28-30.
Li, W. & Fu, X. (2002). A Study of Knowledge Sharing in Knowledge Management Systems. Library and Information Service, 298, 32-36.
Fu, X. (2002). An Insight into China’s Information Policy in the 21st Century Through its Tenth “Five Year Plan”. Journal of Information, 21(12), 68-69.
Fu, X. (2002). Studies on Social Sectors Oriented Information Services. Journal of Information, Annual Supplement on Information and Library Science Research, 92-93.
Fu, X. (2002). A Study on E-Business Legislation in China. China Information Review, 403, 46-47.
Fu, X. (2001). A Study of the Changes of CIO’s Roles in Knowledge-based Economy. China Internet Weekly, 128, 121-123.
Fu, X., Liu, Z.H. & Liu, L. (2001). Research on Collection Distribution in University Libraries in the Tide of Amalgamation. Journal of Chinese Society for Social Sciences Information, 121, 51-53.
Conference papers: 简历模板范文代写
Kelly, D. & Fu, X. (2006). University of North Carolina’s HARD Track Experiments at TREC 2005. In E. Voorhees & L. P. Buckland (Eds.), TREC 2005, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Text Retrieval Conference. Washington, D.C.: GPO.
Fu, X., Ciszek, T., Marchionini, G. & Solomon, P. (2005). Annotating the Web: An Exploratory Study of Web Users Needs for Personal Annotation Tools. In Proceedings of the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T), Vol. 42, Charlotte, NC, October 28-November 2, 2005.
Ciszek, T. & Fu, X. (2005). Hyperlinking: From the Internet to the Blogosphere. In Proceedings of the 6th International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Chicago, IL, October 5-9, 2005.
Kelly, D., Dollu, V. D. & Fu, X. (2005). The loquacious user: A document-independent source of terms for query expansion. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’05), Salvador, Brazil, August 11-15, 2005. 457-464.
Kelly, D., Dollu, V. D. & Fu, X. (2005). University of North Carolina’s HARD Track Experiments at TREC 2004. In E. Voorhees & L. P. Buckland (Eds.), TREC 2004, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Text Retrieval Conference. Washington, D.C.: GPO.
Lai, M. S., Fu, X. & Zhang, L. Y. (2002). Information Resources Development in China. In Proceedings to 2002 Information Resource Management Association International Conference, Seattle, Washington, May 19-22, 2002, 81-96.
Book chapters: 简历模板范文代写
Fu, X. (2003). Studies on Web Search Engine Mechanism. In Dong, X. Y., & Ma, Z. H. (Ed.), Retrieval, Use and Services of Internet Information Resources, Chapter 8, pp. 128-152. Beijing: Peking University Press.
Xin, M. D., & Fu, X. (2003). Evaluation of Web Search Engine Service. In Dong, X. Y., & Ma, Z. H. (Ed.), Retrieval, Use and Services of Internet Information Resources, Chapter 9, pp. 153-170. Beijing: Peking University Press.
Lai, M. S., Fu, X. & Zhang, L. Y. (2003). Information Resources Development in China: History, Present Situation and Problem Discussion. In Gerry Gingrich. (ed.) Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities. Hershey, PA: IRM Press.
Ciszek, T. & Fu, X. (2005). An Annotation Paradigm: The Social Hyperlink. To appear in Proceedings of the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T), Vol. 42, Charlotte, NC, Oct. 28-Nov. 2, 2005.
Encyclopedia: 简历模板范文代写
Lai, M. S., Fu, X. & Zhang, L. Y. (2005). Information Resources Development in China. In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology I-V.
Edited collections:
Li, J. F., Fu, X., & Feng, Q. H. (Ed.) (2004). Selected Readings in Information Management. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.
Fu, X., Wang, X. J., & Ai, X. Y. (2001). Secrets of the Mind – A Tale of Discovery and Mistaken Identity. Fujian: Lujiang Publishing House. (Chinese translation collected by the National Library of China. The original book: Cairns–Smith, A. G. (1999). Secrets of the Mind – A Tale of Discovery and Mistaken Identity. New York: Springer–Verlag)
Degree thesis:
Fu, X. (2003). Evaluating the Quality of Search Engines: User-Centered Discussions on Evaluation Schema and Comparative Studies on Chinese and English Search Engines. (Master’s Thesis, Peking University)
Teaching Assistant, September 2002 – January 2003
Peking University
- Led the lab session for 50 first-year students in their C Programming class and 15 fourth-year students in Multimedia Technologies class
Course Coordinator, March 2001 – June 2001
Beijing Foreign Studies University
- Invited 20 of my classmates in Peking University to offer Information Seminar Series for undergraduates in Beijing Foreign Studies University
- Arranged the timetable, presided over all of the seminars and designed the grading system
- The seminar was warmly welcomed by 100+ participants
Teaching Assistant, September 2000 – January 2001
Beijing Foreign Studies University
- Provided lab tutorial for 40 second-year students in their C Programming class
English teacher, March 1999 -June 1999
Beijing 21st Century School
- Taught English to about 30 elementary school students (grade 3-4) without using any Chinese
AWARDS & HONORS 简历模板范文代写
2004-2006, Research Assistantship, SILS, UNC-Chapel Hill;
2004, Future Faculty Fellowship, UNC-Chapel Hill;
2003, Graduate School Merit Based Assistantship, UNC-Chapel Hill;
2003, Graduation with Distinction, Peking University;
2002, Wusi (May 4th) Scholarship, Peking University;
2001, Nokia Scholarship (First Prize), Peking University;
2001, 2002, Model Student, Peking University;
2000, Graduation with Distinction, Beijing Foreign Studies University;
2000, Best Thesis Prize, Beijing Foreign Studies University;
1997-2000, University-level Scholarship, Beijing Foreign Studies University;
1997, 1999, Model Student, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Graduate Assistant for Exchange Affairs, August 2001 – August 2002
Office of International Relations, Peking University.
Some major activities include:
- Receiving His Excellency Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt of Belgium (March 28, 2002);
- Receiving Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge Professor Sir Alec Broers and his delegation (April 11-14, 2002).
CIO, May 2000 – January 2001
HolyHigh Investment Consulting Company, Beijing.
- Made overall information policy for the start-up company with more than 20 employees and saw to its implementation
- Set up the company’s knowledge center and website
Database Designer, September 1999 – October 1999
Distance Learning Department, Beijing Foreign Studies University
- Designed the Self-Access Center Management System for distance learning students
Lab Assistant, September 1999 – January 2000
Distance Learning Department, Beijing Foreign Studies University
- Instructed and assisted students in their computer lab sessions
Library Assistant, September 1999 – January 2000
Resource Center of School of English Language Communication, Beijing Foreign Studies University
- Designed the classification scheme for the school library with a collection of several thousand books, periodicals, dissertations and multimedia reading materials
Intern Reporter, February 2000 – April, 2000
International News Department, Xinhua News Agency and Domestic News Department, China Daily
- Assisted reporters in interviewing and writing/editing news articles
Interpreter, November 12 – 14, 1999
American Pavilion of 1999 China International Education Exhibition in Beijing
Intern Editor and Announcer, Summer 1998
Jiangxi TV English News (the provincial TV Station in my hometown), Nanchang, Jiangxi