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Program Design Assignment代写 Polymorphic MinHs代写 Haskell代写

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Program Design Assignment代写

Concepts of Program Design Assignment 2 Type Inference for Polymorphic MinHs

Program Design Assignment代写 In this assignment you will implement a type inference pass for MinHS. The language used in this assignment

Version 1.0

Due date: 17  Januar  2020, 23:59


20 December 2019 Initial version released

Overview Program Design Assignment代写

In this assignment you will implement a type inference pass for MinHS. The language used in this assignment differs from the language of the first assignment in three respects: it is implicitly typed, has a polymorphic type system, and it has aggregate data structures.

The assignment involves:

  • (85%) implement type synthesis for polymorphic MinHS with sum and product data
  • (15%) adjust the type inference pass to allow optional type annotations provided by the Both parts is explained in detail below.

The parser, and an interpreter backend are provided for you. You do not have to change anything in any module other than TyInfer.hs.

Your type inference pass should annotate the abstract syntax with type information where it is missing. The resulting abstract syntax should be fully annotated and correctly typed.Program Design Assignment代写

Your assignment will only be tested on correct programs for Task 1, and will be judged correct if it produces correctly typed annotated abstract syntax, up to α-renaming of type variables. For Task 2, we will test it on programs which may have type annotations which are too general (see example).

Task 1 Program Design Assignment代写

You are to implement type inference for MinHS with aggregate data structures. The following cases must be handled:

the MinHS language of the first task of assignment 1 (without n-ary functions or letrecs, or lists)

  • product types: the 0-tuple and2-tuples.
  • sumtypes
  • polymorphicfunctions

These cases are explained in detail below. The abstract syntax defining these syntactic entities is in Syntax.hs. You should not need to modify the abstract syntax definition in any way.Program Design Assignment代写

Your implementation is to follow the definition of aggregates types found in the lecture on data structures, and the rules defined in the two lectures on type inference. Additional material can be found in the lecture notes on polymorphism, and the reference materials. The full set of rules is outlined below.

Task 2: User-provided type signatures

In this task you are to extend the type inference pass to accept programs containing some type information. You need to combine this with the results of your type inference pass to produce the final type for each declaration. That is, you need to be able to infer correct types for programs like:

main = let f :: (Int -> Int)Program Design Assignment代写

= recfun g x = x;  in f 2;

You must ensure that the type signatures provided are not overly general. For example, the following program should be a type error, as the user-provided signature is too general:

main :: (forall a. a) = 3;

Aggregate Data Types

This section covers the extensions to the language of the first assignment. In all other respects (except lists) the language remains the same, so you can consult the reference material from the first assignment for further details on the language.

3.1 Product Types Program Design Assignment代写

We only have 0-tuples and 2-tuples in MinHS.

3.2 Sum Types
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Program Design Assignment代写
3.3 Polymorphism

The extensions to allow polymorphism are relatively simple, two new type form has been introduced, the TypeVar t form, and the Forall t e form.

Types τ forall τ. ..τ..

For example, consider the following code fragment before and after type inference:

main =

let f = recfun g x = x; in if f True

then f (Inl 1) else f (Inr ());

main :: (Int + Unit) =

let f :: forall a. (a -> a) = recfun g :: (a -> a) x = x;  in if f True

then f (Inl 1) else f (Inr ());

Type Inference Rules

Sections coloured in blue can be viewed as inputs to the algorithm, while red text can be viewed as outputs.

Constants and Variables

Constructors and Primops

(constructorType and primopType are defined in TyInfer.hs)


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4.1 Implementing the algorithm

The type inference rules imply an algorithm, where the expression and the environment can be seen as input, and the substitution and the type of the expression can be seen as output, as seen from the color coding above.

Such an algorithm would probably have a type signature like:

inferExp :: Gamma -> Exp -> TC (Type, Subst)Program Design Assignment代写

However our goal isn’t just to infer the type of the expression, but to also elaborate the expres- sion to its explicitly-typed equivalent. In other words, we want to add typing annotations to our expressions, meaning we must return a new expression as well as the type and substitution.

inferExp :: Gamma -> Exp -> TC (Exp, Type, Subst)

The cases for let and recfun must add a (correct) type signature to the resultant expression, and all other cases must be sure to return a new expression consisting of the updated subexpressions. Because we add annotations to the expressions on the way, those type annotations wouldn’t contain the information we get from typing successive expressions. Consider the following example:

{+ : Int Int Int, x : a} € pair (let z = x in x , x+1)

When typing let z = x in x, we only know that x is of type a, so we would add the type annotation let z :: a = x in x. Only when we type the second expression, x+1, we know that a  has  to  be  Int  (which  will  be  reflected  in  T j).   That’s  why,  when  we’re  done  typing  the  top- level binding, we have to traverse the whole binding again, applying the substitution to each type annotation anywhere in the binding.Program Design Assignment代写

The functions mapTypes, mapTypesBind and mapTypesAlt, defined in Syntax.hs, allow you toupdate each type annotation in an expression, making it easy to perform this substitution.

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Program Design Assignment代写


Substitutions are implemented as an abstract data type, defined in Subst.hs. Subst is an instance of the Monoid type class, which is defined in the standard library as follows:

class Monoid a where

mappend  :: a -> a -> a — also written as the infix operator <> mempty :: a

For the Subst instance, mempty corresponds to the empty substitution, and mappend is substi- tution composition. That is, applying the substitution a <> b is the same as applying a and b simultaneously. It should be reasonably clear that this instance obeys the monoid laws:

mempty <> x == x —  left identity

x <> mempty == x — right identity x <> (y <> z) == (x <> y) <> z — associativity

It is also commutative (x <> y == y <> x) assuming that the substitutions are disjoint (i.e  that dom(x) dom(y) = ). In the type inference algorithm, your substitutions are all applied in order and thus should be disjoint, therefore this property should hold.Program Design Assignment代写

You can use this <> operator to combine multiple substitutions into your return substitution. You can construct a singleton substitution, which replaces one variable, with the =: operator,so the substitution (“a” =: TypeVar  “b”)  <> (“b” =: TypeVar “c”) is a substitution which replaces a with c and b with c.

The Subst module also includes a variety of functions for running substitutions on types, quan- tified types, and environments.


The unification algorithm is quite simple:

  • input: two type terms t1 and t2, where forall quantified variables have been replaced by fresh, unique variables
  • output: the most general unifier of t1and t2 (if it exists). The unifier is a data structure or function that specifies the substitutions to take place to unify t1 and t2.
6.1 Unification Cases

For t1 and t2

  1. both are type variables v1and v2:
    • if v1= v2, return the empty substitution
    • otherwise,return [v1/v2]
  2. both are primitivetypes
    • if they are the same, return the emptysubstitution
    • otherwise, there is nounifier
  3. both are product types, with t1= (t11 t12), t1 = (t21  t22)Program Design Assignment代写
    • compute the unifier S of t11and t21
    • compute the unifier S jof S t12 and S t22
    • return S <>Sj
  4. function types and sum types (as for producttypes)
  5. onlyone is a type variable v , the other an arbitrary type term t
    • if v occurs in t , there is nounifier
    • otherwise,return [t /v ]
  6. otherwise, there is nounifier

Functions in the Data.List library are useful for implementing the occurs check.

Once you generate a unifier (also a substitution), you then need to apply that unifier to your types, to produce the unified type.

Errors and Fresh Names

Thus far, the following type signature would be sufficient for implementing our type inference function:

inferExp :: Gamma -> Exp -> (Exp, Type, Subst)

Unification is a partial function, however, so we need well-founded way to handle the error cases, rather than just bail out with error calls.

To achieve this, we’ll adjust the basic, pure signature for type inference to include the possibility of a TypeError:

inferExp :: Gamma -> Exp -> Either TypeError (Exp, Type, Subst)Program Design Assignment代写

Even this, though, is not sufficient, as we  cannot generate fresh, unique type variables for use     as unification variables:

fresh :: Type — it is impossible for fresh to return a different fresh = ? — value each time!

To solve this problem, we could pass an (infinite) list of unique names around our program, and fresh could simply take a name from the top of the list, and return a new list with the name removed:

fresh :: [Id] -> ([Id],Type) fresh (x:xs) = (xs,TypeVar x)

This is quite awkward though, as now we have to manually thread our list of identifiers through- out the entire inference algorithm:

inferExp :: Gamma -> Exp -> [Id] -> Either TypeError ([Id], (Exp, Type, Subst))

To resolve this, we bundle both the [Id] state transformer and the Either TypeError x error handling into one abstract type, called TC (defined in TCMonad.hs)

newtype TC a = TC ([Id] -> Either TypeError ([Id], a))Program Design Assignment代写

One can think of TC a abstractly as referring to a stateful action that will, if executed, return a value of type a, or throw an exception.

As the name of the module implies, TC is a Monad, meaning that it exposes two functions (return and >>=) as part of its interface.

return :: a -> TC a return = …

(>>) :: TC a -> TC b -> TC b

a >> b = a >>= const b

(>>=) :: TC  a -> (a -> TC  b) -> TC  b  a >>= b = …

The function return is, despite its name, just an ordinary function which lifts pure values into a TC action that returns that value. The function (>>) (read then), is a kind of composition operator, which produces a TC action which runs two TC actions in sequence, one after the other, returning the value of the last one to be executed. Lastly, the function (>>=), more general than (>>), allows the second executed action to be determined by the return value of the first.

The TCMonad.hs module also includes a few built-in actions:

typeError :: TypeError -> TC a — throw an error

fresh :: TC Type — return a fresh type variable

Haskell includes special syntactic sugar for monads, which allow for programming in a somewhat imperative style. Called do notation, it is simple sugar for (>>) and (>>=).




e; v


e >> do v

do p <- e; v e >>= \p -> do v
do let x = y; v let x = y in do v

This lets us write unification and type inference quite naturally. A simple example of the use of the TC monad is already provided to you, with the unquantify function, which takes a type with some number of quantifiers, and replaces all quantifiers with fresh variables (very useful for inference cases for variables, constructors, and primops):

unquantify :: QType  ->  TC  Type unquantify (Ty t) = return t unquantify (Forall x t) = do x’ <- fresh

unquantify (substQType (x =:x’) t)

To run a TC action, in your top level infer function, the runTC function can be used:

runTC :: TC a -> Either TypeError a

Please note: This function runs the TC action with the same source of fresh names each time!Program Design Assignment代写

Using it more than once in your program is not likely to give correct results.

Program structure

A program in MinHS may evaluate to any non-function type, including an aggregate type. This is a valid MinHS program:

main = (1,(Inl True, False));

which can be elaborated to the following type:

main :: forall t. (Int * ((Bool + t) * Bool))

= (1,(InL True,False));

8.1 Type information

The most significant change to the language of assignment 1 is that the parser now accepts programs missing some or all of their type information. Type declarations are no longer compulsory! For task 1 of the assignment, you can assume that no type information will be provided in the program. You must reconstruct it all.Program Design Assignment代写

You can view the type information after your pass using –dump type-infer.

Implementing Type Inference

You are required to implement the function infer. Some stub code has been provided for you, along with some type declarations, and the type signatures of useful functions you may wish to implement. You may change any part of TyInfer.hs you wish, as long as it still provides the function infer, of the correct type. The stub code is provided only as a hint, you are free to ignore it.Program Design Assignment代写

10 Useful interfaces

You need to use environments to a limited extent. This follows the same interface for environments you used in assignment 1, it is defined in Env.hs, and there are many examples throughout the program.

11 Testing

Your assignments will be autotested rigorously. You are encouraged to autotest yourself. minhs comes with a regress tester script, and you should add your own tests to this. Your assignment will be tested by comparing the output of minhs –dump type-infer against the expected abstract syn- tax. Your solution must be α-equivalent to the expected solution. It it up to you to write your own tests for your submission.

In this assignment we make no use of the later phases of the compiler.

12 Building MinHS

Building MinHS is exactly the same as in Assignment 1. Make sure you have no spaces in your path if you want to run the test scripts

To run the type inference pass and inspect its results use the flag

–dump type-infer

For example, to call it via stack on one of the provided test files:

stack exec — minhs-2 –dump type-infer tests/main_tests/7_products/0_zero_tuple/0.mhs Program Design Assignment代写

You may wish to experiment with some of the debugging options to see, for example, how your program is parsed, and what abstract syntax is generated. Many –dump flags are provided, which let you see the abstract syntax at various stages in the compiler.

13 Late Penalty

Unless otherwise stated if you wish to submit an assignment late, you may do so, but a late penalty reducing the maximum available mark applies to every late assignment. The maximum available mark is reduced by 10% if the assignment is one day late, by 25% if it is 2 days late and by 50% if it is 3 days late. Assignments that are late 4 days or more will be awarded zero marks. So if your assignment is worth 88% and you submit it one day late you still get 88%, but if you submit it two days late you get 75%, three days late 50%, and four days late zero.

Assignment extensions are only awarded for serious and unforeseeable events.  Having the flu    for a few days, deleting your assignment by mistake, going on holiday, work commitments,  etc do  not qualify. Therefore aim to complete your assignments well before the due date in case of last minute illness, and make regular backups of your work.Program Design Assignment代写

14 Plagiarism

See information for Assignment 1.


[1] Haskell 2010 Language Report, editor Simon Marlow, (2010) http://www.haskell.org/ onlinereport/Haskell2010

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