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移动应用程序开发代写 UI代写 Android代写

2022-12-14 11:48 星期三 所属: CS代写,CS作业代写考试代考-价格便宜有靠谱 浏览:570



移动应用程序开发代写 Time Allowed: THREE (3) hours This paper contains FIVE (5) questions. Please answer all questions. This exam contributes 60% to your final grade.

Time Allowed: THREE (3) hours

This paper contains FIVE (5) questions.

Please answer all questions.

This exam contributes 60% to your final grade.



Question 1.    移动应用程序开发代写

a) What does the following mean in and Android manifest file:


[2 marks]

b) What is a Hardware Abstraction Library (HAL). [2 marks]

c) What is a Broadcast Receiver? [2 marks]

d) What does the following do?


[2 marks]

e) What does setContentView() do? [2 marks]

f) How does an app load a native library? [2 marks]


Question 2.

a) Given the following layout containing a TextView, an ImageView and a Button:




i) Draw a tree to illustrate a possible View Heirarchy for this layout.

ii) Give the xml for this layout (omit the “android:” part of an attribute name for brevity). [5 marks]

b) What is the purpose of android:id=”@+id/mybutton” attribute for a ButtonView in an xml layout file. [2 marks]

c) What is the “gravity” property of a ViewGroup used for. [2 marks]

d) Give a situation where you might use a FrameLayout. [2 marks]

e) What is a Bundle? [1 mark]


Question 3.   移动应用程序开发代写

a) After onPause(), what are the three possible activity lifecycle methods than can be called for an activity. [3 marks]

b) Which is the only method that that all activities will implement. [1 mark]

c) onCreate() may be passed a Bundle, what does this Bundle contain? [2 marks]

d) When do onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() get called. [2 marks]

e) What should an app do in onDestroy()? [2 marks]

f) What does the findViewById() method do? [2 marks]


Question 4.   移动应用程序开发代写

a) What is the UI thread? What operations can you only perform on the UI thread and what operations should you NOT perform on the UI [3 marks]

b) What is a Handler, what are handlers used for? [2 marks]

c) What is the purpose of the following git commands:

i) git add src/main.java

ii) git commit -m “source code”

iii) git merge -m “merge with test” testing [3 marks]

d) How are objects identified in a Git repository? [1 mark]

e) What is an Adapter? Briefly describe how an Adapter reuses views. [3 marks]


Question 5.

a) Given a Canvas c, write a sequence of drawing calls to draw the following:




The circle has a radius of 100 pixels and the line is 240 pixels long. The origin of the circle is at (200,200).

Assume a suitable Paint object named mPaint has already been created. [3 marks]

b) What are usually the main differences between the debug version of an app and the release version of the same app? [2 marks]

c) Outline how you would use the SensorManager to get input for a game where it is necessary to tilt the device to control a vehicle. [3 marks]

d) How can you call a Java method from a native function written in C++? [2 marks]

e) What is a Document Provider? [2 marks]





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