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离散结构练习题代写 Discrete Structures代写

2023-12-26 09:58 星期二 所属: CS代写,CS作业代写考试代考-价格便宜有靠谱 浏览:351

CS 2100: Discrete Structures

Practice Problems for Chapter 7

Warning: this problem set does not cover all topics from Chapter 7. Please review lecture notes and textbook to prepare for the final exam.


1.  离散结构练习题代写

Prove the following statement:

Let u and v be vertices in a graph G such that there exists a walk from u to v in G. Then there exists a path from u to v in G.



Prove the following statement:

Let G be a bipartite graph. Prove that every cycle in G has even length.


3.  离散结构练习题代写

Show the following two versions of the “cube” graphs are isomorphic.



4.  离散结构练习题代写

A finite graph means that it has a finite number of vertices and edges. All the graphs we deal with in this class are assumed to be finite.

Prove that every simple and finite graph has two vertices of the same degree.




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