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社会学论文作业代写 Sociology Essay代写

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Sociology Essay

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Sociology Essay


Impact of social class on the life chances of children

Every society has different social classes, which are generally determined on the basis of their social and economic situation. According to a report published in The Guardian, parents’ social class determines the school performance of their children. The report also identified that parents’ social class supersedes the impact of good parenting on children’s school performance. This proves that social class of a child determines the future of that child (Shepherd, 2010).

Moreover, in terms of overall progress of a child, the social class of parents is very crucial. However, this trend is worrisome, as it shows the prevalent inequality in the society and reveals that children who belong to higher social class have more chances to succeed in their future in every aspect of life compared to children who belong to lower social class. Moreover, in an economy where middle class is growing it is also important to note that most of the children who belong to this class tend to get great opportunities in future – more than lower class children but less than elite class children.

One must also consider this fact as an evident that why children who belong to lower class or middle class tend to spend their life in a uniform way, without experiencing much change. However, according to a study by Weber (2018), this does not have any effect on the social capital that a kid may have. It depends on good parenting and the time parents spend with their children. However, there’s a wrong perception that children who belong to elite class lack social capital, because that is not the truth. Elite class people also raise their children in the best way possible and thus the social capital of a child is not linked to the social class but the way parenting has been done. In this regard, it can be said that social class does affect a child’s future prospect and academic performance, but it does not affect the social capital a child amasses.


Sociology Essay代写
Sociology Essay代写


Difference between gender identity and gender expression   社会学论文作业代写

Gender expression and gender identity are two separate things. Typically, gender expressions are used to judge a person’s gender identity but it’s neither linked to the gender assigned at birth nor sexual orientation of that person. Although based on norms and culture of a society, certain gender expressions are attributed to a specific gender regardless of the person’s gender identity (Poirier, 2016). A soft spoken person with long hair and extremely sensitive nature who loves pink and other lighter shades in clothes is often considered a feminine and regardless of that person’s sexual orientation and gender identity, the society would put a label based on the existing norms and cultural interpretations.

In simple words, a person’s gender identity is a matter of personal choice. It refers to the gender a person associates itself with. It is an internal matter and the person can choose to identify itself as a male or a female or any other gender (McDowell, 2018). On the other hand, the term gender expression refers to the way a person expresses its gender. Often, these expressions remain in line with the societal ideas of appropriateness. For instance, people who identify themselves as females are restricted to dress in a certain way and if they choose to wear something that people who identify themselves as male, they are given different labels by the society.

However, the way one expresses gender does not reflect the gender identity of that person. A person who identifies as male can wear a skirt on a cropped t-shirt, but that person by the societal standards is not the appropriate way to express masculinity, but this does not give anyone the right to assume the gender identity of that person. The comparison of the two can be summed up with gender identity is a personal choice of gender (which gender a person associates itself with) and gender expression is the way that person choose to express that gender.



How are family roles or expectations differentiated by a child’s gender?   社会学论文作业代写

What a family expects from a child depends largely depends on how that gender role is being interpreted by the society. For instance, in Asian society a boy is considered to be the heir of the father’s wealth and is supposed to become their retirement and insurance policy at the time when they can’t work. This patriarchy system is the most popular one in the world is followed by many.

However, in western societies especially in the US and Europe, the attitude of the society has started to change towards women, but still the roles and expectations from a child haven’t changed much. Parents and families expect from a boy to be strong, to learn to take a hit, to learn to fight back, and not to show weakness to anyone. Parents and families expect from a girl to be sensitive, to be expressive emotionally, to learn to rely on their fathers or brothers to take care of certain house chores and to reveal their vulnerabilities.

Children are also expected to work as per their gender. For instance, boys will be given action figures to play with whereas girls get dolls. Parents and families in the contemporary society expect their children to remain within the gender roles that have been assigned to them and work hard to ensure that they uphold their family values and traditions. Children are expected to carry their family’s legacy to future and hold it tight so that it can be passed on to generations (Marks, Lam & McHale, 2009). To sum up, parents and families from expect different things from their children based on their gender, but since gender gap is reducing it can be concluded that one thing that is common is the expectations that children will keep their family’s name alive.


References   社会学论文作业代写

Marks, J. L., Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2009). Family patterns of gender role attitudes. Sex roles61(3-4), 221-234.

McDowell, L. (2018). Gender, identity and place: Understanding feminist geographies. John Wiley & Sons.

Poirier, M. (2016). The Concepts of Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Assigned Sex Within Drama Therapy: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. [Graduate Projects (Non-thesis)] (Unpublished), retrieved on December 10, 2018, from: https://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/981577/

Shepherd, J. (2010). Social class has more effect on children than good parenting, study finds. The Guardian, retrieved on December 10, 2018, from: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2010/dec/07/social-class-parenting-study

Weber, M. (2018). Class, status, party. In The Inequality Reader (pp. 56-67). Routledge.




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