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MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation



硕士研究论文代写 ENSI508 is designed to enable you to complete an original piece of research that builds on the knowledge gained during the taught modules.


ENSI508 is designed to enable you to complete an original piece of research that builds on the knowledge gained during the taught modules. There also is an opportunity to develop your analytical and organisational skills. By the end of the module, successful students will be able to demonstrate:

  • That they have an integrated understanding of the important functions of management and the interactions between them
  • That they are effective analysts
  • That they are critical and reflective thinkers
  • That they can undertake effective research.



The following sessions are compulsory for all students. As detailed below you will attend two workshops delivered by the module convenor and you will present your research in a workshop for dissertation proposals (please see section 4 for more details on the workshop).




Students are expected to undertake a significant amount of research for their dissertation.

Although it is not an absolute requirement to include primary research, it will be very difficult to get a high mark for a dissertation based on secondary research alone.

There may be a number of approaches a student may consider – these may include interviewing relevant people at different levels, with different responsibilities, from different organisations, and/or distributing questionnaires widely, and/or conducting detailed statistical analyses of data, etc. The secondary research could come from a variety of academic sources, from the academic literature and in particular academic journals, business magazines, from company in-house information, from various Internet sites, etc. A key task is to synthesise a varied set of information in order to reach well-justified conclusions. To review the state-of the-art in a field, you should focus on academic journals.

There are several lists of journals available in the internet. One of the most popular and widely used is published by the Association of Business Schools and is known as the ABS list.

Dissertations should also reflect carefully on the methodological issues associated with the research, for example issues regarding bias, objectivity, reliability of information, limitations of the work, etc.

However, it is impossible to lay down general rules as to exactly how much research should be carried out and what form it should take, because every dissertation is different. Thus it is very important to seek guidance from supervisors. Do not assume that, if a fellow student has been given specific guidance by his or her supervisor, the same advice will necessarily apply to you.


4.SUBMISSION  硕士研究论文代写

Please submit your dissertation as one Word document for research dissertations and as two Word documents (one containing the academic piece, the other the business plan) for business plan dissertations. Use Moodle to submit your work online, hardcopies are not required and not accepted. If you have technical difficulties with Moodle, please create a screenshot of the error message and email it together with the dissertation to the program coordinator. Also sign the declaration form (available on Moodle) and submit a scan via Moodle. The dissertation will not be marked without declaration form.

Submission checklist:

  • Declaration form via Moodle
  • Dissertation in Word format via Moodle
  • If applicable: Business plan in Word format via Moodle

For dissertations involving primary research (i.e., when students collect their own data)

  • Ethics form for empirical research involving human participants must be submitted and approved prior to start of data collection; see Section 10 below titled “Research ethics” for details.



For those students who are writing a pure research dissertation, we recommend that you follow the structure that is considered as standard for a dissertation and is presented below.

However, benchmarking with highquality publications in excellent journals (4* Star ranked in the ABS list of journals) can give you additional ideas on how to structure your work. For dissertations which will focus on a business plan plus individual piece of work topic students are advised to discuss their structure with their supervisor.

Title page (not part of the word count)

Tables of Contents (not part of the word count)

Abstract/Executive Summary (not part of the word count)

A brief summary of the contents of the piece of work – 1 page of no more than 300 words.

1 Introduction  硕士研究论文代写

This sets the context for the academic research undertaken and should incorporate the aims and objectives of this piece of work. If you completed a company-based project, you might also include a brief description of the organisation and the situation that you researched on behalf of the company. When writing your introduction, it is important to keep in mind that you want to prove that your topic is interesting and important.

2 Literature Review

A critical review of relevant theory and literature. You may choose to consider one or several major elements of theory and should seek to highlight limitations of current academic research or areas of disagreement between academics. A very good Literature Review will contain a critical, insightful review and integration of the key areas, appropriately and widely referenced.

3 Research Methods

The methodology explains the methods used to complete the research and should include a justification for the particular methods used. It is important to report in this section your sample, interview themes, characteristics of the respondents, etc.

4 Results

The findings of your research, including tables and figures, are presented and described in an objective manner without subjective interpretation.

5 Discussion  硕士研究论文代写

This should contain a discussion of the findings from your research, analysing these using academic theories and concepts. Make sure that your analysis is addressing and leading to a resolution of your aims and objectives as presented in the Introduction. Also describe implications for theory and practice that arise from your research.

6 Limitations, Suggestions for future research and Conclusions

Finally, in this section you need to highlight the limitations of your work and outline suggestions for future research. In the end of this section, you can summarize the research question and key findings from your research. But make sure that you do not provide new content whatsoever.

References (not part of the word count)

For all references cited in the text. See Section 9 for information on how to present references.

Appendices (not part of the word count)

In the appendices, you need to include a copy of the ethical approval that you received from your supervisor. Also, appendix could include extra material, e.g. tables and figures that provide additional information for the reader. However, these cannot be critical to understanding the content of the dissertation. In addition, you can include here the transcripts from the interviews that you conducted.


6.FORMAT  硕士研究论文代写

As indicated above, the word count includes Sections 1 to 6, but not the Contents, Abstract, References and Appendices. Words in tables and charts are also not included in the word count. You can choose between two types of dissertations:

Pure research dissertation:

You focus on conducting a study, typically involving the collection and analysis of primary data. You will have the opportunity to develop your research and analytical skills, as well as producing a substantial piece of work which has practical managerial relevance.

Assessment: 12,000 – 15,000 word individual piece of work (100%)

Business plan:

You will have the opportunity to develop a business plan if you wish to start your own business after you graduate and currently have an embryonic business idea that you wish to develop further. The business should not be an already existing business. There will be a reflective section about the process from theoretical point of view. In this case, you have to reflect on the process of identifying and testing ideas. Entrepreneurship theories can be used and referred in this section.

Assessment: 12,000 – 15,000 word business plan (100%)  硕士研究论文代写

In both types of dissertations, 12pt Times, with 1.5 line spacing and should be used. With the agreement of your academic supervisor, you are allowed a margin of 10% over the word limit without incurring a penalty.

The individual piece of work should comprise of a set of clearly identifiable sections, each with their own section number and title. It could be helpful to the overall presentation if each section starts on a fresh page.

Tables should be clearly annotated and links between tables should be made clear. In constructing tables, it is useful to follow a style similar to that found in journal articles. For example, in reporting regression results do not reproduce detailed regression output. Report sample size, parameter estimates, t-statistics, R-squared statistics, and F statistics in a tabular format as found in journal articles. In order to avoid disruption to the flow of the discussion, it may sometimes be helpful to put tables in the Appendix, particularly if there are a lot of inter-connected tables.

Please ensure that you carefully proof-read your work before submission. Carefully check expression in English, references, cross-references (e.g. to equations and tables), equations, tables (including clarity of labelling), and definition of terms and of algebraic notation, etc.


7.REFERENCING  硕士研究论文代写

We recommend using Citation Manager Software, such as Endnote or Zotero to organise and report your references in your dissertation. Feel free however, to report your references manually.

In the text

… as shown by others (Handy 1990).

… as shown by others (e.g. Handy 1990).

… as shown by others (Handy 1990:77; Kotler 1998). (Referring to page 77)

… as shown by others (Handy 1990, p.77). … as (Alternative to previous line)  shown by Handy (1990).

… as shown by Handy (1990, quoted in Ross 1987,  (Reference to Ross   in the   p.88). Bibliography)

… as shown by Handy and Wilson (1990).

… as shown by others (Handy & Wilson 1990).

… as shown by Handy et al. (1990).        (For three or more authors)

… as shown by others (Handy 1990a, 1990b). (For references of the same year)

In the reference list (alphabetical, unnumbered), we expect from you to use the Journal of Management style guide for reporting references. Include an alphabetically ordered list of the works you have cited in your article. This list should begin on a separate page headed REFERENCES. Detailed information can be found on the document available at:

https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/societyimages/jom/JOM%20Style%20Guide%20revised%202014_July.pd f.  See below for additional guidelines.




For academic Journals:  

Carpenter, M. A., Li, M., & Jiang, H. 2012. Social network research in organizational contexts: A systematic review of methodological issues and choices. Journal of Management, 38: 1328-1361.

Chan, D. 1998. Functional relations among constructs in the same content domain at different levels of analysis: A typology of composition models. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83: 234-246.

Miller, C. C, & Cardinal L. B. 1994. Strategic planning and firm performance: a synthesis of more than two decades of research. Academy of Management Journal, 37: 1649-1665.

For chapters in edited books and volumes:

Bauer, T. N., Erdogan, B., & Taylor, S. M. 2012. Creating and maintaining environmentally sustainable organizations: Recruitment and on-boarding. In S. E. Jackson, D. S. Ones, & Dilchert (Eds.), Managing Human Resources for Environmental Sustainability: 222- NY: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.

Glick, W.H., Miller, C.C., & Huber, G. P. 1993. The Impact of upper ecchelon diversity on organizational performance. In G.P. Huber, & W.H. Glick (Eds.) Organizational Change  and Redesign: Ideas and Insights for Improving Performance, 176-214. New York: Oxford University Press.

For Books:  硕士研究论文代写

Braybrooke, D., & Lindblom, C. E. 1963. A strategy of decision: policy evaluation as a social  process. New York: Free Press.

Coleman, J. S. 1990. Foundations of social theory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

For material taken from a website:

If you use material from a website, please report the name of the author(s), the address of the website and the date retrieved.

For Unpublished papers, dissertations, and presented papers in conferences:

Duncan, R. G. 1971. Multiple decision-making structures in adapting to environmental uncertainty. Working paper no. 54-71, Northwestern University Graduate School of Management, Evanston, IL.

Smith, M. H. 1980. A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Texas, Austin.

Wall, J. P. 1983. Work and nonwork correlates of the career plateau. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, TX.


8.ASSESSMENT  硕士研究论文代写

The individual piece of work will be assessed with specific reference to the following criteria:

a) Clarity and Rigour – How clear are the aims and objectives of the research? Do the conclusions relate to these aims and objectives and contain evidence from the findings? Does the review of literature help to inform the way that the findings have been evaluated? Have relevant research method been used to obtain the data?

b) Critical Analysis – What insights and reflections are drawn about the academic literature and from the research?

c) Relevance and Practicality – Has the issue been addressed? Is there a workable outcome?

d) Originality – Has the research been carried out in a creative way? Have new ideas or new ways of exploring problems been used? What new concepts emerge from the work?





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