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研究项目代写 STATA代写 Excel codes代写

2021-07-13 17:11 星期二 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:263


Individual Cooperative Research Project 2019

 研究项目代写 In Weeks 4 and 5 on Moodle you will find assignments on IPOs and Takeovers respectively. hese should be completed and submitted individually together

In Weeks 4 and 5 on Moodle you will find assignments on IPOs and Takeovers respectively. These should be completed and submitted individually together with your STATA and Excel codes.

Your completed individual cooperate project done by your group is as follows: 研究项目代写

Either (1) or (2)

(1)0Further investigate your IPO database or Takeover database and write a report of up to 20 pages on how you improved on the original model (as described in the papersrelated to each model). Or how you came up with a new hypothesis and tested it by running regressions. You can construct new variables such as new dummy variables from the original data or you may be able to add new variables by downloading data and adding it to either one of the existing databases. You can add additional appendices or tables in addition to the initial 20-page allowance. It is not necessary for your report to include a large literature review or list of references cited as the emphasis on your ability to undertake empirical corporate finance research. Not to write up a polished paper. Please include your dataset(s) and STATA code, along with your report.研究项目代写


(2)Construct or download your own database from a Bloomberg terminal or similar. And carry out a statistical analysis of an hypothesis relevant to this class. Better still if you can capture some event with your dataset. However, you must get approval from me as to the suitability of your project.

Prepare a short (max five slides/ five minute) presentation of your project to be presented prior to the end of week 8. 研究项目代写

Prior to the end of Week 8 each group member will submit their individual cooperate project individually, specifying where in the project you made your major contribution and how much of it was yours. Your submission will specify other group members (and perhaps also their contributions) but may differ or contain additional sections compared with the submissions from other members of your group. Depending on these differences, grades could vary across the group members. 研究项目代写

These individual cooperate projects should provide both you. And your group an opportunity to display your originally, innovation, and aptitude for research, as well as your implementation skills.

The two individual assignments and individual cooperate project are due in at the end of Week 8 (Friday).

Peter Swan 研究项目代写

Note: When doing Fixed Effects, e.g. by firm, event, year, etc., you may consult the following link: http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/statistics/intercept-in-fixed-effects-model/

Please note that in Week 4 Moodle I have also placed information on STATA. And econometrics to assist with your assignments and projects.


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