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RESERCH PROJECT代写 Assignment代写 research methodology代写

2020-10-04 14:23 星期日 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:1651


Assignment Research Project

RESERCH PROJECT代写 During period 6 you will do your own research. In period 4 and 5 you learned to use STATA, and you learned

During period 6 you will do your own research. In period 4 and 5 you learned to use STATA, and you learned to interpret data. You know how to read the output STATA gives you, and which numbers you need in order to draw conclusions. For this assignment you can choose from three topics. All topics have been investigated before by researchers at the UvA and elsewhere, and you will replicate their studies or general findings. You will find the description of the topics on Blackboard under the section Content->Research Projects->The Projects.

Structure of the assignment RESERCH PROJECT代写

The assignment will be structured as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical Framework/LiteratureBackground
  3. Methodology
  4. Results
  5. Discussion
  6. Conclusion

What should you describe in each of these sections?

Introduction RESERCH PROJECT代写

You will start the introduction the relevance of your topic. Usually this is something you read in the news. Describe briefly why this issue is in the news, and don’t forget to reference the article you used to describe the relevance. The next step is to explain why you replicate the study or general finding. Usually we replicate because we want to know if we find the same results if the study is replicated. This will lead to the central question of your paper. Depending on the topic you chose, your central question is:

1 What is the effect of received Official Development Assistance on GDP of developing countries? 2 What is the effect of earnings on partner preferences?

3 Can increased volatility explain the increase of firm money holdings?

After the research question you will describe briefly in two or three sentences the research methodology. You will also describe in one sentence the type of data you have: what kind of data is in your file? For example: data on income and education or data on gender and number of credits obtained in the first year at university etc. The last step entail a brief description of the structure of the paper. Briefly describe which topics you will address in each section. The introduction is approximately 300 words.

Theoretical Framework/Literature BackgroundRESERCH PROJECT代写

In the theoretical framework you describe the theory of your topic. You only have to summarise the main article. You will find the main articles you have to reference to below. To describe this theoretical background, you have to use the articles that are mentioned in the description of the topic below. Sometimes, there is no clear theory to the topic, or there are so many possible theories/explanations put forward in the literature, that it is more suitable to discuss those by the name of “literature background”.

You will describe the theory of the study you replicate or the general finding that you want to reproduce, and end this section with one hypothesis that you will test. This hypothesis is related to the central question. The hypothesis should be described in words, not in symbols. An example of such a hypothesis is: people who went to medical school earn more at the age of 35 than people who did not, as a consequence of medical school. This section is approximately 400 words.RESERCH PROJECT代写

Microeconomics: Egebark, J. , Ekström, M., Plug, E., van Praag, M. (2018). Brains or Beauty? Causal Evidence on Returns to Education and Attractiveness in the Online Dating Market. Working paper.

Macroeconomics: Burnside, C. , & Dollar, S. (2000). Aid, Policies, and Growth. American Review, 90(4), 847-868.

Finance: Bates, T.W., Kahle, K.M., & Stulz, R.M. (2009). Why do Firms Hold Much More Cash than They Used to? Journal of Finance, 64(5), 1985-2022.

Empirical design and data

In this section you describe meticulously how you did your research. You should always bear in mind that anyone should be able to replicate your work without your help. The following issues should be described in this section:

1.Context and Participants:

characteristics of the sample, how it was selected, the context it comes from, and where the data could be found (is it public, or protected?). Describe age, gender, nationality, etc. How many participants were in the study. Give an argument why the sample is externally valid. Why are the results generalizable to the population of interest? Ask yourself what your population of interest is, for example all young males between the age of 20-30 in the

2.Treatment and Measures:

what cause (treatment) and effect (outcome) are you interested in, what constructs do they represent, and how did you measure them (or how are they measured in the data you received)? In some cases the explanation is relatively easy, for example income, which is usually measured as the monthly or yearly income, however some constructs can be more difficult.RESERCH PROJECT代写

Trust is an example of a more complex construct. In this case you will have to explain how you measured trust, for example you measured trust as the trusting stance of the individual (his or her propensity to trust some else), structural assurance (institutional guarantee structures build in the system, such as formal contracts and legal recourse available to the party), and situational normality (the perception that the relationship is similar to other trust exchange relationships). These concepts are not something you invent yourself, however you will get them form the literature, thus don’t forget to refer to the literature when you describe these


state the name of the design. Are the data in your file obtained by doing an experiment (RCT), a quasi-experiment (RC, RD, DiD), or something else? In case of an experiment you should explain how the participants were assigned to conditions. In case of a quasi-experiment you should argue why you think it is plausible to assume comparability of units. In an RC design, for example, you have to argue why you think that conditional on the controls units are comparable. In and RD, you have to argue that units just below and above the cut off are similar (manipulation?). In a DiD you have to argue that the two groups would have followed the same trend in the absence of

4. Data

a.Procedures: In case of an experiment where participants go through many steps, you would describe that here. Then you will give a brief description of how you operationalisedyou  Did you have to change the dataset in some way? It could

be that you had to construe a dummy variable, for example in your data file you had information on which type of education people did, however you are only interested in whether people studied medicine ore something else. In that case you could make a new variable based on the variable education in your file, med school which assigns 1 to every participant who studied medicine and 0 to participants who studied something else.RESERCH PROJECT代写

b.Descriptive statistics: To give the reader an understanding of your dataset you always provide a table with summary statistics (Mean, SD, N, min, max) of your variables. Put background characteristics W first, then your treatment X, and your outcome(s) Comment briefly what we can conclude from this table: what can be said about your sample compared to the population (external validity)? Is there much variation in your X variable (such that we have groups to compare)? What is the mean of Y? (Do you expect effects are possible or is Y already very high or low?). Sometimes the table is split by background variable such as gender, or by X to show priordifferences.

5.Empirical specification RESERCH PROJECT代写

Finally it is common to mathematically describe the model that you are going to estimate and point at the coefficient that you want to know. For the DiD model for example

𝑌𝑖𝑡 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝑋𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽2𝐺𝑖 + 𝛽3𝐷𝑡 + 𝑢𝑖𝑡,         (1)

Or an RCT

𝑌𝑖 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝑋𝑖 + 𝝅′𝑾𝑖 + 𝑢𝑖,                            (2)

with a vector of covariates 𝐖𝑖 = (𝑊𝑖1, … , 𝑊𝑖𝑟)′. Sometimes you have more than one treatment variable

𝑌𝑖 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝑋1𝑖 + 𝛽2𝑋2𝑖 + 𝛽3𝑋3𝑖 + 𝝅′𝑾𝑖 + 𝑢𝑖,          (3)

You describe what the variables are, and what parameter you are interested in, usually β1 (the “parameter of interest”), and how we can interpret that parameter given the definitions and scales of Y and X. In this case, with multiple treatments, we are also interested in β2 and β3. Here you can formulate your hypothesis from section 2 in terms of β1.

This section is approximately 400 words.



In this section you describe the results you found, usually by providing a regression table that shows a couple of columns with different regressions. It is common, for example, to show one specification without and one specification with covariates W. If your design is correct, this should not change much. Next, you remind the reader of the hypothesis you test, and you tell  the reader what kind of statistical analysis you did, for example a t-test or a linear regression analysis. You report the alpha level (your type I error), which is usually .05. You tell which estimates you found, and whether these estimates were significant. Including ***/**/* for significance levels 1/5/10% in the table makes it very easy to quickly see what is significant (from

0) and what not. Tell the reader whether or not you find support for your hypothesis. The results are approximately 250 words.


In the discussion you interpret the results. Were the results as you expected? If this is not the case, can you explain why not? Place the results in the context of previous research, and tell whether they agree with previous findings. The discussion is approximately 300 words.


In the conclusion you describe the conclusions you were able to draw based on your research. First you will briefly repeat the topic and question or hypothesis of your research. Subsequently you will describe what your conclusions are, and what they mean for theory and practice. Discuss the strong and the weak points of your research, however you should not burn your study; even though there may be weak points, you should still try to demonstrate that your research was of some value. The weak point of your study could lead to questions for further research. Formulate at least one relevant question. The conclusion is approximately 250 words.RESERCH PROJECT代写

Appendix: do-edit file

Word count paper: 1900 words (10% deviation allowed)

Deadline and grade

The assignment should be uploaded on Blackboard 25 June before 23.59. The paper counts for 67% of the final grade, and can be re-sited. The re-sit for the paper is on 9 July before 9 am.  After the deadline papers will not be graded anymore. In case of a re-sit the second grade is the final grade, be it higher or lower. Students of the Dutch language track should write their paper in Dutch.

Fraud and plagiarism

In case of fraud or plagiarism your work will be sent to the Board of Examiners. They will decide on the sanctions. Bear in mind that if the Board decides that you plagiarised or committed, you will be excluded from the course, which means that you cannot obtain the 6 credits for the course in the current academic year.

Grading Grid assignment

Below you will find the grading grid. Please read the grading grid carefully so that you know how the assignment will be assessed.

1. Content 40% (4 points)RESERCH PROJECT代写

  • Introduction (0,5point)
  • Theory of the study that is being replicated is clearly explained (0,5 point). The hypothesis is clear, and can be measured (0,25point).
  • Methodology: participant, measures, design and procedure is clearly described. (1point)
  • Statistical information is adequately reported: descriptive statistics and the inferential statistics (1point)
  • Interpretation of the statistics are correct, linked to the hypothesis/hypotheses and the theoretical background. Argumentation is correct (0,5point)
  • Conclusion: implication of the results for theory and practice, strong and weak point of de design are discussed, question for further research. (0,25point)

2. Structure 25% (2,5 points)

  • No missing information/information gap (1 point): per mistake-0.25
  • Linking words or sentences ( 0.5 point): per missing linking word where we really need one – 0.2
  • The organization of the ideas progress logically from beginning to end (there are no information gaps)( 1 point): per mistake-0.25
  • No diversions of the structure as described in the assignment above: per mistake-0,25

3. Language 20% (2 points)

  • Grammar: per mistake-0.2
  • Formal language: per mistake-0.1RESERCH PROJECT代写
  • Spelling : per mistake-0.1

4. Referencing & Reference list 5% (1 point)

  • In-text references and Reference list: per mistake-0.1

5. Layout 5% (0,5 point)

  • Indenting (0.2point)
  • Font (0.1point)
  • Spacing (0.1point)
  • Title (0.1point)

Word count: for every 100 words in excess – 1 of final grade

Students should know that because of the fact that papers have to be graded in relatively short time period, they will not receive elaborate feedback on their papers. Only students who have an insufficient mark, and have to do a re-sit on their paper will receive elaborate feedback.RESERCH PROJECT代写


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