Guidance for report writing
留学report代写 To keep paragraphs short, aim for one main idea in each paragraph and checkthat the same idea isn’t repeated elsewhere in the report.
Presentation and communication 留学report代写
- Use past tense.
- Use short but complete sentences.
- To keep paragraphs short, aim for one main idea in each paragraph and checkthat the same idea isn’t repeated elsewhere in the report.
- Anyacronyms, abbreviations or uncommon terms should be defined first time they appear in the report (consider including a glossary).
Tables and figures:
- Eachtable/figure should be numbered so it can be referenced in the
- Eachtable/figure should have a clear caption to state its
- Graphs should have labelled axes and, where appropriate, a
- Tables should be nicely formatted (not copied directly from R or Excel) andshould use sensible numbers of decimal places.
- Statethe primary research question and explain briefly why it is of interest.
- Very briefly describe the data used.
- Statethe main statistical method used.
- Statethe main results of the analysis, along with relevant statistics.
- Usingsimple language, state your conclusion and its practical significance. 留学report代写
Do not include references here. Do not use undefined abbreviations. Do not mention any results that are not included in the report.
The introduction should, as far as possible, be written in simple language that would be understandable to a non-statistician.
- Stateyour specific objectives or hypotheses very clearly.
- Explain why your objectives/hypotheses are of interest and give some details of the background and context. 留学report代写
- Describethe data, explaining when/why/how it was originally collected.
- Statewhich statistical methods you used to address these objectives/hypotheses.
- Inthe final paragraph, outline the structure of the report.
Do not give too much detail of the methods or the data set (this should be done in the Methods section). Do not describe any data that was not used.
Methods 留学report代写
The data:
- Definethe variables used, including any units and abbreviations.
- For categorical data, state the possible categories.
- Explainhow and why you derived any new variables.
- Explain how outliers or missing data were handled(e.g. imputation).
- Sayhow any training/test data sets were obtained and state their sizes. 留学report代写
Do not list every variable in the data set if not all of them were used/relevant. Do not paste R summaries of the data into the report. Do not present statistics calculated from the data here, unless necessary to justify the methods.
The methods:
- Explainthe purpose of each statistical method and briefly justify its use.
- State any assumptions made (e.g. normality of residuals) and how they were checked (e.g. quantileplots).
- Statethe significance level used for hypothesis testing and confidence in- tervals, or any other relevant thresholds. 留学report代写
- State which variables were used in each analysis (e.g. the response and covariates in a regressionanalysis).
- Citeany R packages used and say what they were used for.
Do not state results here. Do not describe methods that you did not use. Do not state your methods in an ambiguous way that could not reasonably be repro- duced by the reader (e.g. for a mixed effect model, make clear which parameters were fixed or random). Do not paste R code unless absolutely necessary.
Results 留学report代写
- State both the number of observations in the original data set and the numberof observations used in the final analysis.
- Presentsimple descriptive statistics (e.g. means and standard deviations) to summarise relevant variables, preferably in a single table.
- If appropriate, present graphs or numerical summaries describing relation- ships between variables (e.g. correlations or scatterplots).留学report代写
- Summarisethe amount of missing data for each relevant variable (prefer- ably within the table) and give reasons (if known).
- Sayhow many observations required imputation before the analyses.
- Present all relevant estimates, preferably in a table.
- Wherepossible, estimates should always be accompanied by a measure of their precision (e.g. confidence intervals),
- Discuss any checks of your model’s assumptions, then state whether any assumptions were violated and how this was dealt with.
- Discussand explain any model comparison, selection or validation.
- For any important hypothesis tests, clearly state the result of the test (acceptor reject the null) and, if possible, present a p-value.
Do not repeat details that are already clear from the Methods section. Do not give an in-depth interpretation of the results or limitations (this should be done in the Conclusions section). Do not give a table or graph without referring to it in the text. Do not copy and paste R output. Do not repeat statistics from the tables in the text. 留学report代写
In simple language, understandable to a non-statistician, summarise and cau- tiously interpret your results, with reference the objectives outlined in the in- troduction. Make clear whether/how your results have answered your original research question. Try to answer each of the following:
- What are the practical implications of these results, and are they consis- tent with existing beliefs (e.g. in previousliterature)?
- Are there any known limitations of your analysis (e.g. potential biases or imprecision)and how might they have affected your results (e.g. underes- timation or overestimation of parameters)?
- Are your conclusions generalisable and likely to be valid outside thecon- text of your current data set? 留学report代写
- If you could do the analysis again or if you could collect new data to perform a new analysis, what might you do to address the limitations or improvegeneralisability?
- Doesyour analysis raise any questions for future research?
Do not just repeat the statistical results from the previous section. Do not make any claims unsupported by the results of your analysis. Do not state your conclusions too strongly (e.g. ‘this analysis has proved…’).
Bibliography 留学report代写
- Listreferences in the order that you have cited them in the report.
- Use a consistent referencing style throughout (e.g.Harvard).
- Citeany notable R packages used, for example by using the citation()function.
- Onlyinclude papers/packages that you actually refer to in the report.
- Includeyour final R code, with explanatory comments.
- Stateany seeds used for random number generation. 留学report代写
- If necessary, include results and explanations of any additional analyses thatyou could not fit into the Results section.
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