Convergence in Mediatized Tourism: So What?
留学essay论文代写 Convergence is a new media idea, which enhances the understanding of tourist agency in destination marketing.
Convergence is a new media idea, which enhances the understanding of tourist agency in destination marketing. Tourists generate media images/products, which are distributed online via channels such as the social media. The circulated services or products are then presented to other tourists for consumption, which in turn influence other new media services or products (Mansson 2011, p1634).
In this paper, five consumer generated media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Blog, and YouTube will be discussed in relation to a selected consumption arena. The consumption arena selected is Le Pure Café in the movie “Before Sunset.” The role of the media to tourism is crucial and it will be indicated in the consumer generated media and the selected consumption arena.
Convergence Description: Le Pure Café 留学essay论文代写
Le Pure Café is among the most celebrated hospitality joints in Paris and deservedly captures the cinematic association that the city has to filmmakers, featuring in numerous movies with its outstanding appearance and presentation (Durham 2007). Its iconic title appearing on top of its front door underscores its brand as a centre of attraction in the city. A different feature that probably makes its lasting impression hold on to its followers is the iconic wall colour and a tapering projection towards its front door. 留学essay论文代写
The arrangement of a few customer tables in front of the door enhances its scenic services array that presents Paris as a leader in European cultural presentation. Its location nears other iconic attractions in Paris such as St. Paul church and Bastille provides synergistic importance to the presentation of the Café to numerous visitors to the sites (Hall 1997, p62). As an illustration of the importance of the Le Pure Café to other tourist attraction sites, the movie Before Sunset generates a link between Bastille and other attraction icons such as the Bateau Mouche.
Le Pure Café in the Movie Before Sunset 留学essay论文代写
Le Pure Café in the movie Before Sunset captures cinematic importance of hospitality facilities that the City of Paris possesses. The main characters interaction in the Le Pure Café presents top-notch service that Paris offers to visitors, such as the two strangers who meet accidentally in the City. Jesse and Celine move from St (Linklater 2004). Paul church into the Le Pure Café to achieve a rare presentation of the café than many films would.
Perhaps the romantic scene enhancement by a hospitality environment underscores the city’s tourism equivalence in as much magnitude as its cinematic presentation. The choice of the scene coincides with the theme of the movie, thereby appealing to several tourism consumers who accidentally view the scene on their movie screens. In view of the achievement of cinematic presentation of Paris through Le Pure Café, media channel such as the movie Before Sunset present what tourism customers would love to experience having witnessed the movie delivery of the scene (Reader 1993, p40915).

Convergence Example: Facebook
In Facebook, a page called Le Pure Café has been created. The page has 353 likes (in this case, the likes represent the number of followers). In the month of August, there were 66 likes, a hundred and seven people were talking about the page, and there were 23 visits. The page is about Le Pure Café, which has a Parisian charm. It states that the place is for all generations whether tourists or locals.
Comments on the page’s timeline are both from the page administrator and those who have liked the page. “Richard Davies” (on 16 February 2012) commented on the timeline: “Lovely …” Alma Ruiz (on 8 December 2011) commented on the timeline: “LE PURE!!! Lots of memories, I see Marco still visiting. Awww!! I wish I could come and have a coffee with Marco, Say Hi to Caro, etc..” (Facebook – Le Pure Café 2012). 留学essay论文代写
There are no comments to both Richard’s and Alma’s comments on Le Pure Café timeline. However, the administrator of the page likes Alma’s comment. The comment posted by Alma on Le Pure Café’s page indicates she once visited the place. From what she says, it is evident that she had interacted with people in the café such as Caro and she wishes she could have a cup of coffee with Marco. Richard Davies comment is simple and clear to the point. He suggests the place as lovely. Both comments and other comments posted on the page show how special the place is in Paris. It is a place where people meet and have a cup of coffee as they enjoy the beauty of the café and its surroundings.
Convergence Example: Twitter

In Twitter, there are a number of tweets about Le Pure Café. The most notable tweets include those of Tips de Viajeros and Saad. Tips de Viajeros (on 30 August 2012) tweets: “Take an authentic Parisian cafe in LE PURE COFFEE … Dale “LIKE” if you would like to relive the scene of Jesse and Celine in “Before Sunset”!
[Translated from French to English using Google Translator]” Saad (on 29 August 2012) tweets: “@LaMarchombre I’ve been there too to for my unforgettable #BeforeSunset promenade. Le Pure Cafe, Promenade Plantée, Cour de l’Étoile d’Or…” (Twitter, 2012). Both tweets speak about Le Pure café appearance in the movie “Before Sunset.” The photo posted on Tips de Viajeros tweeted is linked to a Facebook page called Tips de Viajeros, which has a similar comment/tweet. The photo has been liked by 27 people and shared by two people (Facebook – Tips de Viajeros 2012). The likes and the sharing indicate an interest to visit the place, which featured in “Before Sunset” movie.Convergence Example: Flickr
The photo was taken and shared on Flickr by “wolfB1958.” It was taken on 11 April 2012 and after being posted on Flickr it generated several comments and 51 people added the photo as their favourite. Baldo Graffagnino (on 24 April 2012) commented on the photo: “ah Paris, my love! [translated from French to English using Google translator]” Marcia Portess (on 2 May 2012) commented on the photo: “Very cool! I’d like to have a coffee now J) Seen in Explore. Congratulations!” (Flickr – Le Pure Café 2012). Both comments indicate an interest to visit Le Pure Café.
Convergence Example: You Tube

From among several clips available on You Tube regarding the Le Pure Café, the snap shot above was taken from a clip that was just 30 seconds long attracting a huge viewership of over 82,000 at the time of taking the screen shots. The clip is a presentation from Spot TV France of the Le Pure Café from the service space in front of the café, with several people occupying the tables (You Tube 2012).
Convergence Example: Blog (
The most review based perspective given about the Le Pure Café in form blog is given by where 22 reviews as at the time of taking the shot screen illustrates its presence in a blog also serves the purpose intended for publicizing its attraction value. An image of empty tables in front of the closed door captions the March 13 2010 look of the Le Café, which gives viewers a chance to date back its look over two years ago ( 2012).
Discussion and Conclusion 留学essay论文代写
The relationship between the media and tourism is vital and sophisticated. Tourism heavily relies on media reporting because most of the travel decisions are made by individuals who have never visited the destination (UN News Centre 2007). For instance, on Flickr one of the individuals who have commented on the photo suggests that they would want to have a cup of coffee at the place though they had seen the picture of Le Pure Café in Explore (a travel agency). In this case, it can be clearly seen that most decisions made by visiting a particular place rely on media reporting. 留学essay论文代写
The tourism sector is no longer selling products instead, it is selling experiences. These experiences depend on the perceptions, feelings, emotions, and demographic, sociological, and psychographic factors of the individuals. Thus, tourists need to show their own feelings and experiences to third people through platforms such as the social media.
In addition, most people tend to trust on consumer’s experiences instead of the information given by the owners of the business (Rodriguez 2009, p25). As seen in the example of Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr, most of the people tend to comment on photos, tweets, and timelines of third party people instead of those from the administrators. For instance, the photo posted in Flickr generated a comment from a user who had seen a similar photo on Explore.
Social media has been considered as the new electronic word of mouth platform.
In this kind of platform, the marketers do not necessarily push the existence of interpersonal relations. Individuals take part in this form of exchange to gain all the needed capabilities to understand and make use of a service or a product (Henning-Thurau et al 2004). This indicates that the marketers or providers have little or nothing to do with the information the consumers share about a specific place. For Le Pure Café, most of the comments have been positive and this means most people perceive the place to be good, and that is why they recommend it as evidenced in Twitter and Facebook.
The various presentation concepts captured from the Le Pure Café’s clip on You Tube by Spot TV illustrates the magnitude of the rather tiny café in Paris that is synonymous with many movie works in the City. Despite the small size of the café as illustrate by the front entrance, various highlights such as the one presented by the television clip underscores the importance that it has the movie and many more attraction art pieces.
The iconic front view with the title of the café clearly appearing above the entrance demonstrates the role of artistic presentation of tourist attractions in media work.
Resemblance of the presentation of the La Pure Café in the movie Before Sunset and the number of reviews and views by You Tube users generates link between media and tourism. 留学essay论文代写
Only positive reviews of the famous Le Pure Café appear on You Tube, illustrating the marketing potential that users possess in influencing prospective tourism consumers. To illustrate the attention that the Le Pure Café generates, the number of views shown at the bottom of the above You Tube screen shot is testament to the kind of tourist attraction value that it can generate. To this conclusion, choice of the Le Pure Café for the movie Before Sunset augurs well with what consumer convergence concept explains.
The low photo votes, by just one person could be attributed perhaps directly to the popularity of the blog. It is not clear however, the several reviews appearing at the bottom of the blog did not translate into votes for the Le Pure Café’s image. Alternatively, several better quality images of the scene such as that presented on Flickr could rank higher than the Blog’s choice of image.
The attention given by the blog visitors however captures an interesting nexus with the movie Before Sunset,
with several opinions acknowledging their personal experience to having originated from the view of the movie. The importance of media emerges in the acknowledgment of several blog opinions to the impact that tourism to the Le Pure Café generates from the movie Before Sunset. Perhaps a combination of modern technology in advertisement would drastically improve tourism marketing across the boarders using unconventional space for advertising such as film (McCole and Palmer, 2000, p200). 留学essay论文代写
In conclusion, the relationship between the media and tourism has become very important. Consumer generated convergence such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Blog, and YouTube have become popular spots for consumers (such as tourists) to share their experiences, feelings, and emotions about a particular place. Unlike in the past years, providers and marketers have had little influence on tourists in regard to the information given about the products or services they offer. The trend for the consumers has been to rely on the information given on the social media about those services and products. Therefore, the media has influenced most decisions made by travellers who have or have not visited a certain destination.
References 留学essay论文代写
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