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2023-10-08 16:46 星期日 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:452




Topic: Blog 1


Body Image Pressures of the 21st Century  留学essay写作

Today I will be writing about a topic that is very close to my heart as I have seen many of my friends go through and experience the pressures related to body image. These days, girls and boys alike feel the need to prove themselves and show that they are physically fit. Perhaps a decade ago, the perception would have been that issues with body image are primarily related to women, however, over the past years, the trends have changed. Media has had a significant impact on the manner in which young men and women see themselves, especially where their bodies are concerned.

To state it bluntly, issues of anorexia and bulimia have been quire common among the girls, however, young boys, especially those in their teenage have started showing symptoms of eating disorders so that they could maintain their body image. While the girls are focused on remaining thinner, the scenario is reversed with boys. Boys on the other hand, want to gain weight so that they can build more muscle and become like many of the “handsome hunks” that are shown through media.


Media has played a vital role in forming an image of the ideal man, one who is buffed up, heavily muscular, and strong.

However, in order to achieve that image, many young boys have started consuming foods that may actually be harmful for them in the longer run. The focus is on gaining weight so that they can have enough energy to head over to the gym and workout to gain more muscle. What is interesting to note is that many of the supplements and protein powders that these young people use in order to remain fit and healthy, is actually only being marketed that way and in reality does not offer any kind of benefit to the user. At the same time, the eagerness to gain more muscle and fast, directs many of the young boys towards the usage of steroids which do more harm than good for the body.  留学essay写作

Due to these reasons, the younger generation is again caught up in a senseless struggle to maintain their body image, just because media is establishing it that way. The media has had a key role to play in influencing the millennials and sadly, many of the things being conveyed through it are not meant to help the younger generation, rather they are aimed at selling the products that are being developed and mass produced by corporations. Large organizations are only focused on making money, achieving sales targets, and showing a lot of profit in their books. Therefore, they use marketing tactics and gimmicks to come up with a way to pass off a product as one that is of great use and provides immense benefit to the consumer, whereas, the reality if far different from this.

However, due to clever tactics and strategic placements, along with advertisements that incite purchase, marketers have been able to capture their target audience in its grasp, and have successfully established items like supplements and protein shakes as something that is essential for the younger generation.  留学essay写作

Instead of actually helping boys and girls be comfortable in their own skin and stay happy with their bodies, a false perception of an unnatural body has been created which many sought to achieve.

The role that media plays in all of this is essential in assuring that the young boys and girls become the consumers of such products. What should be done instead is the clear communication of the harmful effects of these products and why these should be avoided, while at the same time, helping the younger generation realize that their bodies are perfect just the way they are, and they should be happy with them instead to trying to achieve an idealized image that is fake and abnormal.

Both girls and boys need to learn to stop following the images that are being presented to them, as most of them are photoshopped or at times even makeup is used to enhance certain parts of the body. We are all beautiful just the way we are, and we all deserve to be happy in our own skin, so shed these ideals of body image and just enjoy life, because we only have one.



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