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留学简历范文代写 个人简历代写

2022-09-17 10:03 星期六 所属: 其他代写 浏览:522


留学简历范文代写 XXXX No.67, Lane123, XXX District, Shanghai, China 200070(+86)138-0013-8000 service@XXXx.com QUALIFICATIONS for Human-Computer Interaction

No.67, Lane123, XXX District, Shanghai, China 200070
(+86)138-0013-8000 service@XXXx.com



for Human-Computer Interaction Internship
• Solid and comprehensive computer and math skills.
• Coursework in artificial intelligence, signal processing, pattern recognition, and machine vision.
• Exceptionally motivated and able to motivate others; a self-starter.
• Exemplary interpersonal skills.
• Strong organizational skills.
• Equally effective researching independently and as a dynamic team member.
• Fast learner who can quickly grasp and apply new ideas.
• Excellent communication skills.



• Bachelor of Science in Cognitive Science University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, 2009 Minor: Linguistics




Technical Skills
• Platforms/Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX
• Software: Object-Oriented Rational Rose, C++,Visual Basic, HTML, Dynamic HTML, Javascript,Access (SQL), MS Project, MS Office 2000, Java
• Coursework included: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Neural Networks,Cognitive Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence,Graphical User Interfaces, Object Oriented Language Design.
• Conducted computational-modeling research project.
• Developed applications for processing Natural Language documents using machine-learning techniques.
• Analyzed visualization of topological and spatial relationships; conducted pilot experiments related to expertise and cognitive psychology.
Interpersonal and Teamwork Skills
• Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills by interacting with diverse researchers and engineers.
• Provided support and assistance to research and audio staff members.
• Collaborated with professors on research projects.
• Played key role on team engaged in naturallanguage modeling in a human-machine communication using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).



• Research Assistant International Computer Science Institute Berkeley, CA Sept. 2007 to June 2008
• Cognitive Science Intern Knowledge Universe Interactive Studio Emeryville, CA May to Aug. 2007
• Digital Audio Engineering Assistant Walt Disney Imagineering Glendale, CA May to Aug. 2006





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