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留学生resume代写 工作简历代写

2023-03-11 11:04 星期六 所属: 其他代写 浏览:434


留学生resume代写 EDUCATION University of Pennsylvania, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Philadelphia, PA Candidate for Bachelor of Science in

Permanent Address: 1 Medical Drive, Biotech, NJ 07690

School Address: Box 1, 3700 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

(973) 555‐1212    adoe@seas.upenn.edu



University of Pennsylvania, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Philadelphia, PA

Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Engineering, May 2015         Cumulative GPA: 3.69/4.00

Major: Bioengineering

Minor: Mathematics

Relevant Courses: Bioengineering Lab (3 semesters), Biomechanics & Biomaterials, Bioengineering Ethics,

Clinical Preceptorship, Fluid Dynamics, From Biomedical Science to the Marketplace, Intro to Tissue Engineering



Senior Design Project (Fall 2014 to present)

  • Examining drug delivery options for schizophrenia patients
  • Analyzing potential use of  implantable hydrophilic drugs

Independent Study (Spring 2014)

  • Studied requirement of a transcription factor to maintain stem cell characteristics in culture
  • Maintained embryonic stem cell line

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (Summer 2012 to Spring 2013)

Research Assistant

  • Performed genotyping, whole mount in situ hybridizations, histology



Laboratory Skills:

  • Embryonic stem cell culture: passaging and freezing cells, generation of embryoid bodies
  • Genotyping: RNA and DNA extraction, PCR, probe generation
  • Histology: Hematoxylin and Eosin staining, X‐gal staining, antibody staining, TUNEL
  • Whole mount in situ hybridization


EMPLOYMENT   留学生resume代写

Camp Young Judaea Sprout Lake, Verbank, NY (Summers 2009‐2011)

Head Counselor/Counselor

  • Managed a staff of 22 and oversaw daily and nightly activities of 50 campers
  • Communicated policies and procedures between upper management and general staff

Young Judaea, Eastern Pennsylvania Region (Fall 2007 to Spring 2009)

Senior Advisor

  • Counseled the regional board in planning youth group events
  • Developed and implemented programs in Jewish history, Israel activism, and peer leadership



  • Engineering Peer Advisor, 2012‐2014:  Advise incoming freshmen about engineering resources at Penn
  • Co‐Director of Orientation Peer Advisors group, 2013‐2014
  • Captain of the University of Pennsylvania Synchronized Swimming Team, 2013‐2014: Recipient of a National Collegiate Scholar‐Athlete Award  (requires a 15 hour per week time commitment)



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