Tim Burton And Art
留学生Arts艺术学代写 Fine art has had numerous contributors since its development in the early art periods during and preceding the Renaissance.
a) Introduction/ Overview………………………………………………………………………………….1
b) Historical Background…………………………………………………………………………………..2
c) Artist Profile………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
Style Characteristics………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Design Analysis • Composition………………………………………………………………………….6
The Blue Girl with Wine…………………………………………………………………………………….7
The Green Man………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
Positive or negative outcomes?…………………………………………………………………………10
Why is this artist/movement culturally, socially or artistically significant in American culture?…………………………………………………………………………………………..10
How did the artworks represent the artist/movement?……………………………………….11
a) Introduction/ Overview
Fine art has had numerous contributors since its development in the early art periods during and preceding the Renaissance. A mention of Tim Burton makes the best case of modern art to be presented in the same breath as living legends. A visit of an astounding career that Tim Burton has achieved makes a practical definition the ideal position of art as a culture that is ever in a transition mode.
The accuracy with which the art career that Tim Burton has had can be dissected to fit in a form of a puzzle, which cultures take to progress from simpler to more complex forms. Tim Burton’s controversial pieces in a myriad of forms of art add flair to the debatable position that the art culture continually gets attached to. It can thereby be correctly stated that making a contribution to the industry in the manner in which Tim Burton does is a unique package that any other industry would warmly welcome. 留学生Arts艺术学代写
In this discourse, a view of the career that Tim Burton has had in art industry is made in order to highlight the importance that individual artists uniquely add to the entire culture. The uniqueness of this artist is particularly given the center-stage in a number of reviews for four different art pieces. Perhaps one striking contrast in the personality of this artist in the discussion is the current profession, though still in art, which is a complete shift from his earlier forms of art works. An introduction to the artist’s cultural environment during his career and his profile enable a critical analysis on his works which ends in a conclusion on the general contribution to American culture in the tail end of the discourse.
a) 介绍/概述 留学生Arts艺术学代写
美术自文艺复兴时期和文艺复兴之前的早期艺术时期发展以来,已经有许多贡献者。提及蒂姆·伯顿 (Tim Burton) 是现代艺术的最佳案例,可以与活生生的传奇人物同步呈现。蒂姆·伯顿 (Tim Burton) 所取得的惊人职业生涯的访问使艺术作为一种文化的理想地位得到了实用的定义,这种文化一直处于过渡模式。
蒂姆·伯顿 (Tim Burton) 的艺术生涯的准确性可以被分解为一种谜题形式,即文化从简单的形式发展到更复杂的形式。蒂姆·伯顿 (Tim Burton) 以无数艺术形式创作的有争议的作品为艺术文化不断依附的有争议的地位增添了天赋。因此可以正确地说,以蒂姆伯顿的方式为行业做出贡献是任何其他行业都会热烈欢迎的独特组合。
在这篇演讲中,我们对蒂姆·伯顿 (Tim Burton) 在艺术行业的职业生涯进行了介绍,以强调个别艺术家对整个文化的独特贡献的重要性。这位艺术家的独特性在四件不同的艺术作品的许多评论中尤其占据中心位置。或许在讨论中这位艺术家性格的一个鲜明对比是目前的职业,尽管仍然从事艺术,这与他早期的艺术作品形式完全不同。对艺术家职业生涯中的文化环境及其简介的介绍,可以对其作品进行批判性分析,并在话语的末尾得出对美国文化的总体贡献的结论。
b) Historical Background
Artists’ style of work is largely influenced by the prevailing environment due to the close relationship that art and culture or social surrounding of a people. It therefor implies that something can be picked from an artist’s work to depict the form of influential waves prevailing in form of culture that the people in the artist’s community had. Tim Burton’s career commenced in the early 1980’s during which fine art experienced many changes. Tim Burton was brought up at a time when the movie industry was hitting the market and he particularly had a taste for film works. Interestingly revelations on his early life confirm his liking for films where he made the influence contributed to his spirited input in making his first film in 1971 when only 13 years of age. 留学生Arts艺术学代写
Film making industry influence assisted in bringing out the artist skills in the artist by triggering interest in film work. Besides the film works that intrigued Burton to such an extent that he attempted to make armature films at his family’s backyard, he also had a taste for drawing and painting. Pop surrealism could also have made some influence in the way Tim Burton perceives social issues as depicted in most of his art works (Carnick, para.4). Major artists’ whose works were household tags in the United States had also assisted in influencing Burton to polish up his skills and interests. The film industry hit all time highs as the 21st century approached due to the impact of technological advancement. It is perhaps imperative that the artist’s profile is analyzed in the section below.
b) 历史背景 留学生Arts艺术学代写
由于一个民族的艺术和文化或社会环境的密切关系,艺术家的工作风格在很大程度上受到当时环境的影响。因此,它意味着可以从艺术家的作品中挑选一些东西来描绘艺术家社区中人们所拥有的以文化形式盛行的有影响力的波浪形式。蒂姆伯顿的职业生涯始于 1980 年代初,在此期间美术经历了许多变化。蒂姆·伯顿(Tim Burton)在电影业进入市场的时候长大,他特别喜欢电影作品。有趣的是,对他早年生活的揭露证实了他对电影的喜爱,他的影响力促成了他在 1971 年年仅 13 岁时制作他的第一部电影的积极投入。
电影制作行业的影响力通过激发对电影工作的兴趣,有助于发挥艺术家的艺术技能。除了电影作品让伯顿如此着迷以至于他试图在他家的后院制作电枢电影之外,他还对素描和绘画有着浓厚的兴趣。流行超现实主义也可能对蒂姆·伯顿在他的大部分艺术作品中所描绘的社会问题的看法产生一些影响(卡尼克,第 4 段)。其作品在美国家喻户晓的主要艺术家也有助于影响伯顿提高他的技能和兴趣。由于技术进步的影响,随着 21 世纪的临近,电影业创下了历史新高。在下面的部分中分析艺术家的个人资料可能是必不可少的。
c) Artist Profile
Tim Burton was born in California in 1958 to parents who worked in different levels of artwork, the mother worked in her cat-themed gift shop while the father was an athlete and worked in a recreational facility. Despite his relatively average performance in school during his early school life, he still managed to study in arts at California Institute of the Arts. His full art career began after completing his studies in the 1980s where he specialized in character animation.
His first job as a professional animator was at film giants Walt Disney which enabled him to perfect his other skills in storyboard art as well as in conceptual art. A series of short films in both animation works and live-action propelled him to fame paving way for his other works of film in the mid and late 1980s. Some of the big hits that Tom Burton made at that time include Pee-wee’s Big Adventure (1985), Beetlejuice (1988), Batman (1989), Edward Scissorhands (1980) and Batman Returns (1992) among many others in the 1990s until 2000s (Burton, He and Magliozzi, 11).
c) 艺术家简介 留学生Arts艺术学代写
i. 生物
蒂姆·伯顿 (Tim Burton) 于 1958 年出生于加利福尼亚,父母从事不同层次的艺术品工作,母亲在她的以猫为主题的礼品店工作,而父亲是一名运动员,在娱乐设施工作。尽管他早年在学校的表现相对一般,但他仍然设法在加州艺术学院学习艺术。在 1980 年代完成他的学业后,他开始了完整的艺术生涯,专攻角色动画。
他作为专业动画师的第一份工作是在电影巨头沃尔特迪斯尼工作,这使他能够完善他在故事板艺术和概念艺术方面的其他技能。一系列动画作品和真人电影的短片使他成名,为他在 1980 年代中后期的其他电影作品铺平了道路。汤姆伯顿当时的一些热门作品包括皮威大冒险 (1985)、甲壳虫汁 (1988)、蝙蝠侠 (1989)、剪刀手爱德华 (1980) 和蝙蝠侠归来 (1992) 以及 1990 年代之前的许多其他作品2000 年代(伯顿,他和 Magliozzi,11)。
ii. Style Characteristics
Major influence of art that is generally depicted in the art pieces made by Tim Burton across the range of forms that he engages in is film factor. Fundamental film influences in these pieces are horror film themes, romance and fictious touch in art gave his work the identity that every artist needs in his career. Having made enough contact with animation and personification elements of art, Tim Burton mad drawings characterized by fictious infiltration of ideas and concepts. His art in the two dimensional medium made close to two hundred pieces but none was presented into a film mode. He had developed a massive pool of imaginative skills which enabled him to present unique ideas in film as well as in drawings or paintings in complete richness. 留学生Arts艺术学代写
Creature based notions dominated his art since most of his work was around animation having trained in that field at college.
A unique feature in his works can also be said to be the use of masks for the human figures in different color and object applications. For instance, making use of a different color theme for the human body assisted the artist to achieve a unique characteristic in many of his animated characters as well as in drawings and paintings. Perhaps one of the other styles that make him stand out from the industry is the use of body modification for his characters enabled him to exaggerate detail and highlight various themes in his works.
For instance, the development of his work as concentrated around adolescence and adult opposition becomes depicted in various body modification effects (Burton, He and Magliozzi, 13). His choice of themes and topics for art made no mistake in expression of fine imagination infiltration with such accuracy as would be difficult to be achieved without a keen choice of expressive channels. The match between his specialization in animation and expressive painting and drawing becomes a perfect artistic package for the development of imaginative style that depicts his work.
ii.风格特点 留学生Arts艺术学代写
蒂姆·伯顿 (Tim Burton) 在他从事的各种形式的艺术作品中通常描绘的艺术的主要影响是电影因素。这些作品中的基本电影影响是恐怖电影主题,艺术中的浪漫和虚构的触感赋予了他的作品每个艺术家在他的职业生涯中都需要的身份。在充分接触动画和艺术拟人化元素之后,蒂姆·伯顿 (Tim Burton) 疯狂的绘画以思想和概念的虚构渗透为特征。他在二维介质中的艺术创作了近 200 件,但没有一件以电影模式呈现。他培养了大量的想象力,这使他能够在电影以及素描或绘画中完整地呈现独特的想法。
例如,他的作品集中在青春期和成人反对派的发展被描绘在各种身体改造效果中(Burton,He 和 Magliozzi,13)。他对艺术主题和题材的选择,准确无误地表达了精细的想象力渗透,如果没有敏锐的表达渠道选择,就很难做到这一点。他在动画方面的专长与富有表现力的绘画和素描之间的匹配成为描绘他作品的富有想象力的风格发展的完美艺术包。
iii. Examples
Examples of his works that exhibit his limitless freedom to work with imagination and creativity are perhaps in the collection of his animations films. However, his little-talked about paintings with an equal sense of glamour and flair will be used for illustration purposes in this study.
A.The Blue Girl with Wine (1997) Created with oil and canvas

B.True Love (1981-83)Created with ink, marker, colored pencil and paper
C.Vincent (1982) Created with ink, marker and paper
D.The Green Man (1996-98) Created with oil, acrylic and canvas
iv.Audience profile (who views the art? How have they responded to it?)
A mixed variety of audiences are targeted by the varied class of art works that the artist presents. It is clear that the adults and the children would easily fit in the works which have different themes. For instance, the True Love image above would fall in the right place among the young and older audiences from the manner in which the presentation appears.
d. Artwork Analysis
iii. 例子
A.The Blue Girl with Wine (1997) 用油画和帆布创作
B.True Love (1981-83)用墨水、记号笔、彩色铅笔和纸创作
C.Vincent (1982) 用墨水、记号笔和纸创作
D.The Green Man (1996-98) 用油、丙烯和帆布创作
IV. 观众概况(谁观看艺术?他们如何回应?)

i. Design Analysis
• Composition
Pure artistic ideas depict the art field by this artist to an extent that the imagination appears out of this world. Perhaps a few cases of borrowing and adopting from other artists would make it appear as if there is some originality issues but in a remote way due to the wide spectrum of expression of ideas and imagination. The design of most of the artist’s work is in imagination as depicted in most of his works, ranging from modifications to abstraction.
• Media/Format
A majority of Tim Burton’s works are in the film industry where his concentration has lately been devoted. A number of drawings and paintings however still make a presentation of his unique case of art in a way worth the mention as highlighted above. A number of his early forms of drawings were applied in development of film works through animation and enhanced imagination.
• Iconography
In terms of image identification, the artist’s works can be said to represent animation in a hugely positive way since most of his works are inspired by the close link that animation world has with imaginative art. His work underscores the importance of freedom in an artist’s thinking in order to provoke delivery of original and unique concepts that can identify with the real meaning of art as dictated by creativity. Secular interpretation is usually attached to the artist’s works due to the topics and themes covered in the presentation. 留学生Arts艺术学代写
• Themes
Animation and drawing works have facilitated the artist’s agenda in passing his expressions by eliminating conformist thoughts and supporting alternative life skills. Disfiguring the human body in most of the works enables the artist to develop a tool to display dysfunctional social setting where individuals have been disfigured by incorrect social behavior. Psychological disintegration represented by elements of self abuse and sympathy achieve an important theme in the artist’s works. Human feelings such as romance and sex also characterize major thematic developments that the artist builds.
A harsh tone is featured in a majority of the artist’s works in that the mood and feelings of the audience is likely to be highly altered in the presentations. Disfiguring the human body and episodes of horror ensure that the tone is kept as rife as a sharp sword. Romantic themes achieve a subtle theme in several occasions due to the mood created by the particular pieces.
i.设计分析 留学生Arts艺术学代写
• 作品
• 媒体/格式
蒂姆·伯顿 (Tim Burton) 的大部分作品都在他最近专注的电影行业中。然而,正如上面强调的那样,许多素描和绘画仍然以一种值得一提的方式展示了他独特的艺术案例。他的许多早期形式的绘画通过动画和增强的想象力应用于电影作品的开发。
• 图像学
• 主题
ii. Critique/Interpretations
• Reviews
The Blue Girl with Wine
Just as highlighted above in his stylistic characteristics, Blue Girl with Wine is a perfect imagination pieces making use of color and animation of ideas. The Blue Girl with wine image presents a number of creative tools that characterize Burton’s work that heavily falls within the massive imaginative experience that he has. An image of a patched-up character drives imagination into the face of the drawing since a human being would not be in the ideal of presentations if such a depiction is made. The color theme used ranges from blue for the body among others that achieve a high contrast that augurs well with the artist’s developed mood. 留学生Arts艺术学代写
Perhaps the grisly appearance in the facial expression of the image achieves further contrast that the artist successfully attempts to create. Romantic mood is created in the image by the availability of a heart on the upper arm near the left shoulder, which further highlights to detail to the gloomy look. Imagination of the fowl mood is complemented by the danger sign indicated on the wine bottle on the table. It appears that the woman is anticipating something from the foreground, yet it doesn’t get accomplished (Burton, He and Magliozzi, 12).
The darkness depicted by the black theme below and between the red curtains behind the woman may hastily create an impression of a foiled romantic outing, accurately crowned by the dressing code highlighted by the Girl’s dress.
The artist achieves a rather exaggerated feature in the body proportionality where the breasts, though covered appear to be bigger than they ordinarily would.
Some effect of this aspect is enhanced by the application of a black and white concentric circles and dots at the tip of the breast. Perhaps moralist critics would pick an issue with the depiction of the woman’s breasts due to their unusually enlarged size. A mixture of the foiled romantic mood can be contested by the lack of the alleged partner’s glass on the table. Self-abused and self pitied character is depicted in the mutilated body and served “poison” in form of wine for a girl sitting alone in the night.
ii.批评/解释 留学生Arts艺术学代写
• 评论
也许图像面部表情中的可怕外观实现了艺术家成功尝试创造的进一步对比。上臂靠近左肩的位置有一颗心,在图像中营造出浪漫的氛围,进一步突出了阴郁外观的细节。桌上酒瓶上标示的危险标志补充了对家禽情绪的想象。看起来这个女人正在从前景中期待一些东西,但它没有实现(Burton,He 和 Magliozzi,12)。
下方黑色主题所描绘的黑暗和女人身后的红色窗帘之间的黑暗可能会匆忙营造出一种浪漫的郊游印象,准确地由 DRESSGI 突出显示的着装规范加冕。
True Love
Further in the second painting, the artist achieves extra detail of a mixture of imagination and abstraction in the form of a red monster with white stripped tentacles, four of which carry a child perhaps into the mouth for devouring. At the time of making this piece of art, Tim Burton was under heavy influence of horror films which can explain the source of inspiration for the piece. This drawing depicts horror from the monster that can apparently devour several children at once mercilessly and with rage.
On the right cheek of the monster, it is clear that the monster is ready to devour the raised kids due to blood smears which confirm that the tentacles dropping on the ground possibly had kids but they are no more having been consumed in a similar manner. Besides, the wide open mouth has long teeth to attest the kind of the feeding patterns of the monster and the intentions for raising these kids in the air towards the same mouth. Such imagination could have perfectly enabled the artist to achieve entertainment purpose among the kids who loved to be scared on such horror sights. Animation skills come to the forefront in this work which is indicative of the film specialization that the he was to engage in in later days.
真正的爱情 留学生Arts艺术学代写
This was a drawing making illusions from the characters shadow and motion which became one of the most important pieces that landed Tim Burton a job at Disney (McMhan, 46). Although the presentation of the shadow is not actually the expected image from the object character producing it, the effect of the lighting dynamics provoked a design area of interest that Disney liked. Animation of the drawing Vincent created imagination of monstrous figures emerging from the shadow to influence the mood of the audience. The walls behind the character Vincent represents a form of theatrical presentation which film later found suitable for Tim Burton in animation and later live acting.
文森特 留学生Arts艺术学代写
这是一幅从人物的阴影和动作中创造出幻觉的图画,它成为蒂姆伯顿在迪斯尼工作的最重要的作品之一(麦克汉,46 岁)。 虽然阴影的呈现实际上并不是产生它的对象角色的预期图像,但灯光动态的效果引起了迪士尼喜欢的设计领域。 绘画动画文森特创造了从阴影中出现的可怕人物的想象力,以影响观众的情绪。 角色文森特背后的墙壁代表了一种戏剧表演形式,电影后来发现这种形式适合蒂姆·伯顿的动画和现场表演。
The Green Man
Abstraction and imagination once again expressed in this image made on a backdrop of a brown rough texture. Color effects and application without boundaries enable the artist to once again imagine the extraordinary of a man with green pigmentation. The patched-up face and an unusually large nose that is different from the rest of the body capture a rare art freedom that the artist manages to invent. The eyes likewise appear to resemble those of an insect with compound eyes raising imagination to an all time high. It is clear that the artist achieves rare art style in making extensive use of color and imaginative presentation of images.
• Positive or negative outcomes?
Both negative and positive sentiments have been raised for the pieces based on different angles of view. While a majority of the audience readily accepted these pieces among others in drawing or film, some hold the point that the artist is skewed to secularism and sex. His personal life is perhaps an indication of how detached with social ideals the artist is, having been involved in relationship irregularities. Horror is particularly one area where he clashes with critics who find it inappropriate to spread such horrible teachings through art (Connely, para.1).
绿人 留学生Arts艺术学代写
• 积极或消极的结果?
根据不同的视角,对这些作品提出了消极和积极的情绪。虽然大多数观众在绘画或电影中很容易接受这些作品,但有些人认为艺术家偏向于世俗主义和性。他的个人生活可能表明这位艺术家与社会理想脱节,因为他卷入了不规则的关系。恐怖是他与批评家发生冲突的一个领域,批评家认为通过艺术传播这种可怕的教义是不合适的(Connely,第 1 段)。
iii. Personal Analysis
I hold the opinion that the contribution made by this artist is enormous and needs credit since he is a true living legend. Were it not for his contributions, such social debates would not be arising with the reference with which they arise today regarding his conduct.
e. Conclusion
i. Why is this artist/movement culturally, socially or artistically significant in American culture?
Tim Burton is an important contributor to the American stop motion animation industry which takes advantage of drawing and painting ideas to develop the film industry. Perhaps the American film culture including the famous animation industry covered well by film giants such as Disney would not have reached the heights they are in today without the vital contributions of such artists (Connely, para. 2). Socially, criticism of dysfunctional social tendencies would have not have had the contribution made by the artist. American art can boast of an important culture if such artists continue to create the link that fields such as animation have with the rest of the art fraternity.
ii. How did the artworks represent the artist/movement?
These artworks present the artist as a creative contributor to the American culture that keeps in touch with the social needs that the society has. It is perhaps one of the rare instances where a great art contributor making such impact to the transition art periods is alive for the art industry to learn from him. By making such important impact that the artist makes in directing films, it shows how art grows from one form to the other with little resistance from the contributors.
iii.个人分析 留学生Arts艺术学代写
E. 结论
蒂姆伯顿是美国定格动画产业的重要贡献者,该产业利用绘画理念发展电影产业。如果没有这些艺术家的重要贡献,包括迪士尼等电影巨头所覆盖的著名动画产业在内的美国电影文化可能不会达到今天的高度(Connely,第 2 段)。在社会上,对功能失调的社会倾向的批评不会有艺术家做出的贡献。如果这些艺术家继续创造动画等领域与其他艺术兄弟会之间的联系,美国艺术就可以夸耀自己的重要文化。
Burton Tim, He Jenny & Magliozzi Ron, Tim Burton. New York, NY: The Museum of Modern Art, 2009. Print
Carnick, Anna. “Tim Burton in Wonderland.” MoMA. 26 August 2009. Web. 2 Sept. 2011 http://www.annacarnick.com/tag/tim-burton/
Connelly, Brendon. “The Art of Tim Burton,” Slashfilm. 29 April 2009. Web. 2 Sept. 2011 http://www.slashfilm.com/the-art-of-tim-burton/
McMahan, Alison. The films of Tim Burton: animating live action in contemporary Hollywood. New York, NY: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005. Print