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留学生计算机作业代写 COMP3310/6331代写 MQTT代写

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COMP3310/6331 Assignment 3 – Testing MQTT

留学生计算机作业代写 We have set up an MQTT server (on the standard port) at comp3310.ddns.net for you to connect to as per the specifications below.

Introduction:  留学生计算机作业代写

  • This assignment is worth 10% of the finalmark
  • It is due by Thursday 30 May 17.00AEST
  • Late submissions will not be accepted, except in specialcircumstances

o Extensions must be requested well before the due date, via the course convenor, with appropriate evidence.

Assignment 3

MQTT is the most common open IoT protocol being deployed today. It provides a publisher/subscriber model, using a broker or server. It allows for an almost-arbitrary number of sources to publish information, and subscribers to receive information (and act on it). As such, it is designed to provide high-performance communication mechanisms, with minimal delays and excellent scaling performance. We’ll use it to monitor the performance of a couple of systems, say a slow and steady stream of buses going through an interchange, and another counting the total kilograms of coal rushing by on a conveyor belt.

This is a coding, analysis and writing assignment. You may code in C, Java or Python, and yes, you may use MQTT and other helper libraries. The assessment will not rely solely on running on your code, since it involves longer-term analysis, but we will review it and may briefly test it on the usual lab machines. You need to identify any libraries you are using. 留学生计算机作业代写

You will be submitting to wattle your code and your analysis report, as well as reporting statistics to the broker. Your submission must be a zip file, packaging everything as needed, with a makefile for the statistics collector/publisher. Each question has an indication of how much (maximum) you should write.


We’re assessing your understanding of MQTT, your code’s functionality in subscribing/publishing to a broker, dealing with high message rates, and your insight to interpret what you’re seeing. You will be exploring MQTT functionality, the quality-of-service (QoS) levels, describing how they work, why you would use different levels, and how they perform in real-world deployments.

Resources  留学生计算机作业代写

We have set up an MQTT server (on the standard port) at comp3310.ddns.net for you to connect to as per the specifications below. There are also two (2) external publishers that count sequentially from 0 to some “large” number, before wrapping. One publishes a counter message at about 1 per second (counting buses), and the other publishes at a much faster rate (counting the kilograms of coal), for tackling the questions below. Both publish to the broker at all three QoS levels, with the following topics:

  • counter/slow/q0, counter/slow/q1,counter/slow/q2
  • counter/fast/q0, counter/fast/q1,counter/fast/q2

Note that the counters (each of slow and fast) increment at the same rate. The QoS here references the QoS between the source and the broker, and is not the QoS between the broker and your subscribing client, which is handled by you.


Assignment questions

Your code needs to subscribe to the broker, authenticating with username students and password 33106331 (yes, it’s a shared password, and the server is logging everything), and set your client-id to be 3310-<your.uni.id>. You can test it by subscribing to the $SYS topics, which describe the server, and help get you familiar with the information presented there.  留学生计算机作业代写

  1. Subscribe to the three slow channel counters (QoS 0,1,2) one at a time, with the matchingQoS level on your client (you can use any command-line client for this). Wireshark the handshake for one example of each of the differing QoS-level messages, capture screenshots and briefly explain in your report how each handshake works, and what it implies for message duplication and message order. Discuss briefly in your report in which circumstances would you choose each QoS level. [around 1 page]

2.With your own code subscribe to each of the three slow and fast channel counters (QoS 0,1,2), and listen for at least five minutes.

Tip: only print individual messages to screen for debugging, otherwise it will slow your code down a lot.

a.Collect statistics over the run, for each slow/fast and QoS level, andmeasure:

i.The rate of messages you receive[messages/second].

ii.The rate of message loss you see[percentage].

iii.The rate of duplicated messages you see[percentage]

iv.The rate of out-of-order messages you see[percentage]  留学生计算机作业代写

v.For the slowcounter, the mean inter-message-gap and gap-variation (standard deviation) you see [milliseconds, milliseconds].

1.Only measure for actually consecutive messages, ignore the gap if you lose any messages in between.

vi.For the fastcounter, also measure the same gap and gap-variation, and see if it impacts the rate of messages received and/or lost.

b.While measuring the above also subscribe to and record the $SYS topics, and identify what, if anything, do the loss/duplicate/misordered-rates correlate with.

i.Look at measurements (over some period) under e.g. ‘load’, as well as the ‘heap’ and ‘active clients’. Seehttps://mosquitto.org/man/mosquitto-8.html

c.In your report describe what correlations of measured rates with $SYS topics you expect to see and why, and whether you do, or do not. Also indicate whether you saw any impacts (client-side) when measuring message-gaps/variation for the fast counter [around 1page]

3.For your last run when all is working well, your code should publish your measurements under studentreport/<your.Uni.ID>/ with the ‘retain’ flag set and QoS=2.

Use the sub-topics structure as follows, replacing <qos> with 0,1 and 2 in each case, and report for each of slow andfast:

a. /language what language is your code in and which mqtt libraries you used. (astring)

b.  /network what kind of network you are connectingover

c.  /slow|fast/<qos>/recv rate of messages received(messages/second)

d. /slow|fast/<qos>/loss loss rate (%)

e.  /slow|fast/<qos>/dupe duplicate rate(%)  留学生计算机作业代写

f./slow|fast/<qos>/ooo out-of-order rate(%)

g. /slow|fast/<qos>/gap inter-message-gap(milliseconds)

h. /slow|fast/<qos>/gvar inter-message-gap variation(milliseconds)

For example: studentreport/u9876543/fast/2/recv 2000

You must check that your reports are being properly published and retained. You can overwrite the statistics if you need to repeat the exercise, but ideally only report once you are about to submit.

In your report summarise your measurements, reflecting what you’ve hopefully also published, and explain what your measurements tell you about the performance of the broker/server for handling this level of traffic. [around 1 page]

  1. Consider the broader end-to-end network environment, in a situation with millions of sensors publishing regularly to thousands of subscribers. Explain in your report [around 1-2pages]  留学生计算机作业代写

a.what (cpu/memory/network) performance challenges there might be, from the source publishing its messages, all the way through the network to your subscribingclient,

b.how the different QoS levels may help, or not, in dealing with the challenges,and

c.how it compares (or not) with the actual quantified differences between QoS levels you measured as part of this assigment.

Assessment  留学生计算机作业代写

Your assignment will be assessed on

  • Your code clarity, style anddocumentation,
  • your code effectively subscribing and properly publishing to the server,and
  • your analysis report addressing the questions above.

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