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留学生数据分析代写 Exploratory data analysis代写

2021-11-26 12:12 星期五 所属: R语言代写,r语言代做-无限次修改 浏览:765



DS-600 Data Mining

Exploratory data analysis in R programming


留学生数据分析代写 The dataset is one of the historical sales of supermarket company which has recorded in 3 different branches for 3 months data.

This project should be done by individually.

Due date: 3/16/2021 by 11:59 PM ET

Points: 100

Task:  留学生数据分析代写

Perform data cleaning and data preprocessing techniques in R programming, analyze, visualize, and conclude your analysis based on your research and results which you find after applying data preprocessing techniques and analysis.

Data cleaning process should be done before data preprocessing. For data cleaning process please review “measurement and data collection issues” from Lecture – 2 notes.  留学生数据分析代写

Data Preprocessing Techniques: (Apply all these techniques in your analysis)

  • Aggregation
  • Sampling
  • Dimensionality reduction
  • Feature subset selection
  • Feature creation
  • Discretization andbinarization
  • Variabletransformation

What to submit in assignment?  留学生数据分析代写

Submit a pdf document maximum limit 5 pages on Blackboard.

What to cover in PDF?

  1. Data Cleaningresults
  2. Data Preprocessing results (Please include all steps results one byone)
  3. Visualizations (Include Graphs and Plots in this section and one line description below each plot)   留学生数据分析代写
  4. Conclusion
  5. R code (This is mandatory to use R programming for thisassignment)

Data Information

Data name: Sales in Supermarket

Data location: Week – 2 Folder of Week-by-Week section on Blackboard

Data info: The growth of supermarkets in most populated cities are increasing and market competitions are also high. The dataset is one of the historical sales of supermarket company which has recorded in 3 different branches for 3 months data.

Attribute information–   留学生数据分析代写

Invoice id: Computer generated sales slip invoice identification number

Branch: Branch of supercenter (3 branches are available identified by A, B and C).

City: Location of supercenters

Customer type: Type of customers, recorded by Members for customers using member card and Normal for without member card.

Gender: Gender type of customer

Product line: General item categorization groups – Electronic accessories, Fashion accessories, Food and beverages, Health and beauty, Home and lifestyle, Sports and travel

Unit price: Price of each product in $

Quantity: Number of products purchased by customer Tax: 5% tax fee for customer buying

Total: Total price including tax

Date: Date of purchase (Record available from January 2019 to March 2019)

Time: Purchase time (10am to 9pm)   留学生数据分析代写

Payment: Payment used by customer for purchase (3 methods are available – Cash, Credit card and E-Wallet)

COGS: Cost of goods sold

Gross margin percentage: Gross margin percentage Gross income: Gross income

Rating: Customer stratification rating on their overall shopping experience (On a scale of 1 to 10)



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