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Volunteer Team for Disaster Relief Efforts in Somalia

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留学生作业代写论文 She has been in civil war for the last two decades. There has been abject poverty that has been occasioned by the civil war.

1) Introduction  留学生作业代写论文

Somalia is a country at the East African Coast neighboring Kenya, Eritrea and Ethiopia. She has been in civil war for the last two decades. There has been abject poverty that has been occasioned by the civil war. This has been as result of emergence of clandestine movement (terrorists in the name of Al Shabaab) that has endeavored to overthrow every government that assumes power at any given election.

The criminals do this so that they can benefit from illegal, businesses at the port of Kismayu. This has made the country to be a dangerous and insecure environment for human habitation. It has led to collapse of all government operations. This means that there has not been any aid, providing agencies until incursion by Kenyan Army and the African Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). This project is geared toward provision of humanitarian support and sensitization of the citizens because there is steady return of peace in some areas.

2) Project Scope Statement

The project will be based in Somalia at the buffer zone near the border of Kenya.

a) Project objectives; these are the overall goals that the project aims to achieve. They include;

i)To provide immunization to children under the age of five to reduce child mortality rates that are high in the country.  留学生作业代写论文

ii)To provide education and sensitization of the citizen on the need for immunization and education.

iii)To provide food and support to needy citizens.

iv)To ensure there are proper platforms for health provision at the concentration camps.

b) Deliverables; these are the expected inputs into the project so as to get the desired results. They will include:

i)Drugs and medical supplies

ii)Relief food

iii)Clean water.

iv)Trained personnel for medication and sensitization.

c) Milestones; they are the major segments of the work to be done (Dobson, 2004). They include:

i)We project to provide food within the first six months from Jan –June 2015 at a cost of US$1000, 000. The project requires vehicles, storage facilities, and human resources.  留学生作业代写论文

ii)Provision of medical supplies and immunization starting from Jan 2015-Dec 2018 at a cost of US$500,000. The required resources include medical supplies, medical personnel, and immunization centers.

iii)Clean water provision will be done through drilling 10 boreholes which will be done from august 2015- Nov 2016 at a cost of US$10,000 each translating to US$100,000.

iv)Training will commence on 2016 and will run until dc 2017 at a cost of US$200,000.

This will require trained social workers.

d) Technical requirements; these are the factors that will enable the smooth operation and implementation of the project. They will include vehicles, communication gadgets, power (in this case solar energy), and Testing and diagnosing gadgets.

e) Limits and exclusion; Limits are the boundaries within which the project will be implemented. Exclusions are other factors that seem relevant to the project but will not be covered in this particular project.

The project is limited to provision of immunization, clean water, relief food and sensitizing citizens on the importance of immunization. However the project will not address issues like security and other economic activities geared towards self sustenance of the citizens.

3) Project Priority Matrix  

In this project there are variables that must be considered. They are time, performance and cost.

We will constrain any variable that we have no control over (Chin, 1997). This means fixing the parameter.

We will enhance the variable that we can control and take opportunities where available. This is value addition to the project.

We will tolerate variables that will not have met our original parameters.



time performance Cost






4) Work Breakdown Structure

Setting up of the Camp structures and constructions
Recruitment and training of personnel and community sensitization
Procurement and supply of Food and medical supplies  留学生作业代写论文


Administering immunization and relief food.
Project Evaluation
Project Closure

5) Estimate of project cost. This is the total amount estimates of individual elements that constitute the project. The importance of this is to allow the project manager to keep track of all expenditure and incomes that have been collected (Kloppenborg, 2004).


Element Estimate Cost in US$
Construction 200,000
Food items 600,000
Drugs and medical supplies 300,000
Medical Equipment 100,000
Leasing vehicles 30,000
Training 15,000
Fuel 40,000
Machine maintenance 20,000
Stationery 5,000
Tents 12,000
Communication gadgets 8,000
Clothing 10,000
Water treatment Equipment 5,000
Salaries and remuneration 50,000
Coordination 5,000
Boreholes 10,000
Pipes and reservoirs 25,000
Miscellaneous 65,000
Total 1,5000,000

b) Time-phased budget. It entails projected expenditure over a period of time (Charvat, 2001).

Element Duration(months) Projected budget
Setting up of the Camp structures and constructions 5 200000
Recruitment and training of personnel and community sensitization 1  留学生作业代写论文 75000
Procurement and supply of Food and medical supplies 4 1000000
Administering immunization and relief food 24 100000
Project Evaluation 4 65000
Project Closure 3 50000
Staff Training

6) Project network Diagram (Activity on node network). This is table that connects all activities of the project (Portny, 2010).


7) Project gantt chat. It is the chat that shows the start and completion date of each activity.  留学生作业代写论文

Element Start Finish Late start  Late finish Slack(days)  Total slack(days)
Setting up of the Camp structures and constructions Jan1 May 31 1/1 5/1 0 0
Recruitment and training of personnel and community sensitization 6/1 6/30 6/1 30/7 30 30
Procurement and supply of Food and medical supplies 3/1 7/30 3/1 9/30 60 60
Administering immunization and relief food 2015/10/1 2017/10/30 2015/10/1 2018/6/30 240 240
Project Evaluation 2018/4/1 2018/8/30 2018/4/1 2018/4/1 0 0
Project Closure 2018/9/1 2018/12/31 2018/9/1 2018/12/31 0 0

8) Project Risk Management. This is whereby you identify, analyze and develop a project risk response plan. There are several steps that we will use (Choudhury, 2009). Namely:

i))Risk identification. The project has several possible threats that might affect its implementation.

a) Hostility from the militia group as they view our mission as a threat to their activities.

b) Uncooperative target population due to religious differences. Many Somalia residents don’t trust Christians while others may still be sympathizers of the militia group.

c) Project funding. This is because many financiers from the international community have always espoused cold feet because of many white elephants projects that have resulted from insecurity and government interference.

d) Delivery is a challenge because of nonexistent infrastructure in the country.

ii) Risk Analysis and Planning. This presents the in-depth analysis of the risks identified and then plan on the responsive actions and measure. The two key methods are qualitative and quantitative.

-Hostility is very high.

-There is relatively noticeable uncooperative citizenry.  留学生作业代写论文

-There is a low probability of funding risk since the donors understand the situation.

-Delivery problems are acute.

e) Risk Response Plan. We have planned for a risk response for each risk.

i)  Hostility from the militia will be tackled by working together with the AMISOM security agencies.

ii) Sensitization will reduce the risk of noncooperation from the community.

iii) We will lobby the international funders and donors including the UN.

iv) We will lobby the military personnel to provide us with air and other forms of transport.

9) Project Performance measurement and Evaluation. Here we measure the progress of the project in relation to time. We evaluate whether our schedule will be in tandem with our expectations. We have used two methods.

We will development a status report. This will help us to evaluate the project at a specified period of time. Here we will check whether particular segment has not yet started, finished or in progress.

We will prepare a cost and schedule graph. It will help us to compare the project network schedule with the ac6tual network schedule and allow us to evaluate if the project is on time.  留学生作业代写论文

10) Project closure. This will be the conclusion of our mission in Somalia. We will then handover the project to the government ministry that is responsible for social welfare if there will have been done an election.

11) Project Framework Table. This is the summary of the whole project.  留学生作业代写论文

Summary of objectives/Activities Objectively verifiable indicators Means/Source of Verification Important assumptions
Goals: To provide food, water and immunization

Ti increase awareness on education and hygiene


Low child mortality

Reduced death rates due to hunger

Increased sensitization on education and hygiene

Ministry of health

Ministry of health

Ministry of water and sanitation

Ministry of so9cial services

Immunization will resume.

Malnutrition diseases will reduce

Waterborne diseases will reduce

People will be sensitized on education and hygiene

Specific Objectives;

To provide citizens with food.

To avail clean water.

To available immunization services.

To construct hospitals.


Availability of health centers

Availability of clean water



Ministry of Health

Interview with the citizens

Records rrom other players in the sector


Somali communities will access health facilities

Increased awareness of hygiene and health issues.

There will be increased accessible clean water.


Expected outputs;

Accessible health institution.

Accessible water drawing points.

A well informed community

Hospitals and health centers.

Boreholes and water reservoirs.


Ministry of health.

Ministry of water

Interviews with the local communities.

Written documents.

Ministry of social services.

There will be hospitals.

There will be water reservoirs

There will be improve health


Drilling of boreholes.

Importing drugs and medical supplies.

Educating or creating awareness to the communities.


Building of hospitals.



Boreholes and reservoirs-$400,000.

Importation and transportation of drugs- $450,000.

Construction of hospitals- $450,000.

Immunization and awareness-$100,000

Total= US$1.5M






Full support of ministries responsible.

Medical supplies can be imported with ease.

Communities will learn hygiene and importance of immunization.


Due to the projections and appropriations above, given that I have been guided by facts and figure we seek the approval of the director of the project so that we can save the citizens of Somalia the agony they have been suffering from as a result of the two decades of conflict. I am dedicated to becoming our brothers keepers by sacrificing my time, knowledge and experience to ensure that every Somali enjoys livelihood that meets the standard of the United Nations chapter on human habitation and Sanitation.

References  留学生作业代写论文

Contemporary Project Management By Timothy Kloppenborg

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Fundamentals of Project Management by Jopeph Heagrey, Fourth Edition

Project Management By Sadhan Choudhury

Effective Communications for Project Management By Ralph L. Kliem, PMP

Agile Project Management: How to Succeed in the Face of Changing Project .  By Gary Chin

Project Management Case Studies By Harold R. Kerzner

Project Management For Dummies By Stanley E.

Advanced Project Management: A Structured Approach By F. L. Harrison, Dennis Lock

Project Management Methodologies: Selecting, Implementing, and Supporting … By Jason Charvat

The Triple Constraints in Project Management By Michael Dobson



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