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电影分析essay代写 电影评论代写

2023-11-17 09:47 星期五 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:411




You are on Indian Land


You are on Indian Land was one of the first films in Canada that voiced the concerns of the native people.  

It was made by the Indian Film Crew (IFC) and was released in 1969. This documentary, though short is considered to be one of the most influential films that was made by the IFC and also became one of the most widely distributed productions of its time. The production is focused on covering the protests by the Mohawk (Kanien’kéhaka) of Akwesasne, from Haudenosaunee, which was a community in Canada. Even though the Jay treaty of 1794 allowed the residents to purchase items within the United States, without being liable to pay duties on it, they were still being charged for it. This treaty was also referred to as the treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, and affirmed that Canadian residents were not required to pay the duty on anything they purchased in the United States.

The protests that was being done was due to this fact and people from the Mohawk actually allowed blocked the international bridge between the United States and Canada just to have their opinion heard. It was unfair for the authorities to charge duties and so protestors from the Akwesasne got together at the border and started processing, blocking the pathway, which connected the two countries.



The film was directed by Michael Kanentakeron Mitchell, and produced by George C. Stoney,  电影分析essay代写

Who were later on commended for their contribution to this masterpiece of a documentary. The objective of the Mohawk was to get the attention of the Canadian authorities so that their grievances could be addressed. The film depicted the rising activism of the Canadian natives as well as their demands for self-preservation and determination to obtain what was rightfully theirs.

The film was produced by Canada’s National Film Board as part of the Challenge for Change series, and the director has vey cleverly captured the true essence of the protests and what the people stood for that day. Mitchell later on went to become the Grand Chief of Akwesasne, and in 2017 the film was credited to him. All in all, this documentary was the turning point in the history of Canada and gave rise to many indigenous activism initiatives.

The director has successfully shown the struggle and injustice being carried out on the people,  电影分析essay代写

And it was later on discussed that this was perhaps one of the best works of its time. Initially, the film was also helped in getting the message across to the Canadian authorities and helped in developing the basis for the campaigns and protests that were to come later on.

With the passage of time, the film has gained greater fame and it was shown at Alcatraz in 1970. As mentioned above in 2016, the decision to give Mitchell credit was decided and he was finally given the credit in 2017. All of this was done to get him the recognition that he deserved.




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