CHI2550: Part B Assignment Specification
Modern Database Applications代写 ssignment BackgroundThe aim of this assignment is to model an underlying database(s) utilizing a range
Module Title: | Modern Database Applications |
Module Code: | CHI2550 |
Assignment Title: | Portfolio Modern Database Applications代写 |
Module Leader: | Dr. Colin C. Venters |
Hand Out: | Week beginning 15th January 2018 |
Report Hand In: | Monday, 16 April 2018 |
Presentation Hand In: | Friday, 27 April 2018 |
Assessment Weight: | 50% |
Assessment Type | Report and presentation |
Word limit: | 3000 ± 10% |
Feedback: | Unilearn |
Assignment Background
The aim of this assignment is to model an underlying database(s) utilizing a range of attributes, data types, methods, visibility and relationships in the models where appropriate.

Learning Outcomes Modern Database Applications代写
Knowledge and Understanding
1.1. Critically analyse and evaluate competing data models and database technologies.
2.1. Produce effective designs for relational and non-relational databases using an appropriate design language.
Assignment Aims Modern Database Applications代写
- To allow student’s to demonstrate their knowledge in the analysis and creation of database management
- To understand the significant role that data models play in the design of databases.
- To compare different approached to modelling data using a variety of modeling techniques and approaches.
Assignment Objectives
You are required to produce a single report, which demonstrates your understanding of the problem space using the methods introduced during the tutorial sessions. The report should include the following elements:
Task 1: Analysis & Models
- Domain analysis;
- Data Models [70marks];
i.Relational [10marks];
ii.Object-Oriented (OO) [15marks];
iii.XML/XML Schema (XSD) [15marks];
iv.RDF/RDF Schema (RDFS) [15 marks];
v.PROV Model [15marks].
(i)All models must conform to strict notation.
(ii)Draw the models using a standard modeling package of your choice i.e Visual Paradigm CE, MS Visio, MS Visual Studio, OmniGraffle
- NB: MS Word is ‘not’ a modeling
(iii)Include attributes, data types, methods, visibility and relationships in the models where appropriate.
(iv)Validate the XML/XML Schema data model using an XML Schema validator of your choice.Modern Database Applications代写
(v)Validate the RDF/RDF Schema data model using any RDF Schema validator of your choice.
(vi)Validate the PROV data model using a PROV validator.
(vii)For each of the data models created, provide a rationale as to why you designed each model in the way that you did.[70 marks]
Task 2: Presentation
Prepare a 10 min presentation that compares and contrasts at least two of you data models:
- Level of understanding demonstrated [10marks];
- Knowledge of theory [10marks];
- Reflection and critical analysis [10marks].
Assessment Weighting Modern Database Applications代写
- This is an individual assignment. No collaboration with other students or any one else is
- This assessment is worth 50% of the
Total: 100 marks (50% weighting).
Report Submission Details
- Date: Monday, 16 April
- Time: 12:00
- Digital submission: via
- Digital format: a single PDF document, which clearly states the student name and studentID.
- File naming for individual files should follow the convention of yourstudentID.pdf.
v Word limit: 3000 ± 10%.Modern Database Applications代写
v Course work that is submitted late will be automatically capped at 40%.
v Work submitted later than one week without approval after the deadline will be treated as a non-submission.
Presentation Submission Details
- Date: Friday, 27 April
- Time: 12:00
- Digital submission: via
- Digital format: a PowerPoint presentation, which clearly states the student’s name and your
- File naming for individual files should follow the convention of yourstudentID.pptx.
v Course work that is submitted late will be automatically capped at 40%.Modern Database Applications代写
v Work submitted later than one week without approval after the deadline will be treated as a non-submission.
v Students who do not give the presentation will receive a zero (0) grade.
University of Huddersfield’s Guidelines on Academic Misconduct
Your work will be checked by software for plagiarism. If in doubt please consult the Student Handbook of regulations.

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