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What are the effects of materialism on our current emissions, and how will it turn out to be in the future?


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What are the effects of materialism on our current emissions, and how will it turn out to be in the future?


Introduction   环境学论文作业代写

Ever since the industrial revolution, we as people have been heavily dependant on fossil fuels as our primary source of energy. The discovery of fossil fuels led to significant advancements in human history and defied our expectations on what we thought was possible; it led to the development of new technologies, created thousands of jobs, and created new industries that transformed the world. The use of fossil fuels does, however, come with a major drawback, the burning of fossil fuels leads to greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, which harm the environment and have been proven to cause global warming. It’s been over 200 years since the industrial revolution, and even though society is investing in renewable energy and trying to limit the effects of climate change, Canada’s main energy sources are fossil fuels.

Over the past century, Canada’s GDP and greenhouse gas emissions exhibited a strong correlation, increasing roughly 270% and 16% since 1990, respectively. It is important to reduce or completely disassociate the correlation between GDP and greenhouse gas emissions because if we continue to depend on fossil fuels, it won’t last long and could have devastating effects on the environment. At the current rate of consumption, fossil fuels are predicted to run out within the next 50 years; this does not mean that we can continue burning them continuously until they run out; we need to switch to renewable resources as soon as possible.      环境学论文作业代写

According to UN scientists, there are only 12 years to limit climate change and keep global warming to 1.5 C; even half a degree higher could worsen the risk of droughts, flooding, and extreme heat to hundreds of millions of people. Canada’s goal should be to create an inverse correlation between its GDP and greenhouse gas, growing the GDP while emission levels are declining. What interested me in this topic was when I first read the report from the UN that we’ve got only 12 years to limit climate change; it makes you think about how little time we have and how we need to take action to reverse climate change immediately. The purpose of this essay is to show the World’s greenhouse gas emissions affect its GDP (Connolly, 2013).

Human activities have made carbon dioxide (CO2) one of the most interactive greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.

The high concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere has grown due to the trending industrialization revolution and the rapid growth of manufacturing activities. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and agriculture are the primary sources of CO2. According to recent data, China, the USA, India, Russia, and Japan are the top five countries producing the most amount of CO2. China is the largest emitter of CO2 gas in the world, with over 9.8 billion metric tons in 2017. Research reveals fossil fuels and coal burning as their primary source. Over 50% of China’s derived energy is from burning coal alone. The vast concentration of carbon in coal releases a large amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. Also, one of the largest importers of oil is China, which adds to the vast amount of CO2 emitted through China’s use of motor vehicles.

When greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere, it causes lots of damages to agriculture, health, production, population, growth, and development and, thus, creating negative effects on the economy (Firnkorn and Müller, 2011).   环境学论文作业代写

In Nigeria, for instance, the release of carbon emissions into the atmosphere has caused low productivity and output, which in turn hurt economic growth. Nigeria is recorded as one of the countries with the highest amount of gas flares. The South-South region of the country is reputable for its wealth in crude oil and natural gas. The extraction of crude oil from the region has caused oil spillage that flows down to the creeks and waterways of the said region, causing the extinction of aquatic animals, soil degradation, health declination (as a result of drinking unclean water with crude oil leaked into the waterways), deforestation and others.

Other geopolitical regions of the country have witnessed their share of the many challenges mentioned above. The Kaduna refinery, Port Harcourt refinery and the refineries in Eket and Ibeno, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, is renowned for flaring carbon emission daily. These actions cause several challenges in agriculture, health, and general development. As a result, lands are degraded from oil spillage – causing low productivity and crop yield, high level of flood leading to temporary lock-down of manufacturing company, declining health leading to extra budget to public health and all sorts of economic setback, as a result of the government trying to fix problems caused by greenhouse gas emissions (Connolly, 2013).

Whether directly or indirectly, gas emissions leading to climate change have created varying security challenges and raised concerns.   环境学论文作业代写

In Nigeria, for instance, the effect leading to flooding, degradation, hunger, poor health, and all of that, have birthed protestant groups, fighting to secure resources, militancy groups, fighting for the same course, terrorist groups like Boko Haram and its sub-groups, cattle-herdsmen militancy, bandits and others. Most of these groups claim they are fighting to preserve nature within their region. Some claim they are fighting to protest the adverse effect of carbon emission within their region. Inter-ethnic migration as a result of loss of livelihood either from flood or other climate change events have left citizens with no choice but to fight and secure resources (Fox and Alldred, 2020)

Name two causes of greenhouse gases; There are several causes of greenhouse gases.

Human activities are responsible for the most emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The biggest sources of greenhouse gases in Nigeria are burning fossil fuels for electricity and transportation and deforestation. Nigeria is one of the countries with a high amount of gas flares which transcends into the release of carbon dioxide. Also, due to the population density (a rise to over 200 million citizens), the demand for food (agricultural produce) is on the increase. When trees are fallen to produce goods for heat in developed countries, they release a high amount of carbon that is normally stored for photosynthesis into the atmosphere.




To reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in Nigeria, certain facts need to be considered. The fact that Nigeria’s economic strength and foreign earning is as a result of burning fossil fuel for exportation, production of energy for electricity and transportation, and others. Nigeria needs to diversify the nation’s major economic strength and sources of energy. The nation needs to invest in green technology, solar, windpipes, etc., for energy generation and distribution.

Also, it is proven that more population leads to more demand (Firnkorn and Müller, 2011). Nigeria needs to implement birth control policies to reduce its population growth, while the leaders work vigorously to diversify its economy. Another solution to consider is deforestation. More trees need to be planted in wide and open-spaced areas. This will serve as raw material and capital to drive its diversification.

It is no doubt that human activities contribute majorly to global warming, given that humans use fossil fuels to power their increasingly mechanized lifestyles.   环境学论文作业代写

More people means more demand for fossil fuel products; when burned, spew enough carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere to trap warm air inside like a greenhouse. Solar radiation reflects these gases to the earth’s atmosphere, thereby causing the change in its climate, thus, producing adverse events like flooding, erosion, storms, etc., caused by this change. One of the solutions to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is population control. If laws are enforced in all parts of the world to control birth, fewer people will need to use fossil fuel products; this will give world leaders and climate change investors more time to provide alternatives sources of energy like solar, windpipe, and others (Akenji et al., 2016)


Conclusion   环境学论文作业代写

To conclude, we know that human activities contribute majorly to the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Industrialization has caused more emissions in carbon dioxide than causes of greenhouse emissions like deforestation, erosion, and farming. The emission levels may not have increased each year because Canada is one of the leading countries when it comes to GHG emissions and renewable energy. For further studies, I could research abstract variables that few people would consider affecting GDP.

The hypothesis being incorrect is not a negative thing because it shows us how Canada is taking steps to slowly follow the Paris Agreement by limiting emission levels while continuing to increase the country’s total GDP. Fossil fuels are burnt continually to meet the rising demands of the growing population. The more fossil fuel burnt, releases more carbon dioxide that is trapped in our atmosphere. Incoming radiation (UV radiation) from the sun heats and reflects these greenhouse gases to the earth’s atmosphere, causing the planet to warm, changing its climate, which triggers adverse events that, if not controlled, that force the extinction of living creatures on the planet earth.

Population growth is a major threat to carbon pollution of the atmosphere. It is estimated that the world’s population will increase to about 9 billion people by the year 2050. Putting certain factors into consideration, it is not clear whether the world can meet a net-zero carbon emission by 2050; therefore, it is important that the population of the controlled to minimize the demand for fossil fuel products as the most available source of energy and to provide climate change investors and world leaders the needed time to find better alternatives for burning fossil fuel.


References   环境学论文作业代写

Akenji, L., Bengtsson, M., Bleischwitz, R., Tukker, A., & Schandl, H. (2016). Ossified materialism: introduction to the special volume on absolute reductions in materials throughput and emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 132, 1-12.

Connolly, W. E. (2013). The ‘new materialism’and the fragility of things. Millennium, 41(3), 399-412.

Firnkorn, J., & Müller, M. (2011). What will be the environmental effects of new free-floating car-sharing systems? The case of car2go in Ulm. Ecological economics, 70(8), 1519-1528.

Fox, N. J., & Alldred, P. (2020). Re‐assembling climate change policy: Materialism, posthumanism, and the policy assemblage. The British journal of sociology71(2), 269-283.



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