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物理课业代写 Physics物理代写

2023-03-21 14:14 星期二 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:534

AP Physics 1:  Algebra-Based

物理课业代写 Directions: Questions 1, 4, and 5 are short free-response questions that require about 13 minutes each to answer and are worth 7 points each.

Section II

Time—1 hour and 30 minutes

5 Questions



Directions: Questions 1, 4, and 5 are short free-response questions that require about 13 minutes each to answer and are worth 7 points each. Questions 2 and 3 are long free-response questions that require about 25 minutes each to answer and are worth 12 points each. Show your work for each part in the space provided after that part.



1.(7 points, suggested time 13 minutes)    物理课业代写

A spacecraft of mass m is in a clockwise circular orbit of radius R around Earth, as shown in the figure above. The mass of Earth is ME .

(a) In the figure below, draw and label the forces (not components) that act on the spacecraft. Each force must be represented by a distinct arrow starting on, and pointing away from, the spacecraft.





i. Derive an equation for the orbital period Tof the spacecraft in terms of m, ME, R, and physical constants, as appropriate. If you need to draw anything other than what you have shown in part (a) to assist in your solution, use the space below. Do NOT add anything to the figure in part (a).

ii. A second spacecraft of mass 2mis placed in a circular orbit with the same radius R. Is the orbital period of the second spacecraft greater than, less than, or equal to the orbital period of the first spacecraft?

____ Greater than    ____ Less than    ____ Equal to

Briefly explain your reasoning.

(c) The first spacecraft is moved into a new circular orbit that has a radius greater than R, as shown in the figure below.




Is the speed of the spacecraft in the new orbit greater than, less than, or equal to the original speed?

____ Greater than    ____ Less than    ____ Equal to

Briefly explain your reasoning.





The students want to determine the resistivity of the dough cylinders.

i. Indicate below which quantities could be graphed to determine a value for the resistivity of the dough cylinders. You may use the remaining columns in the table above, as needed, to record any quantities (including units) that are not already in the table.

Vertical Axis: ________________________

Horizontal Axis: ________________________

ii. On the grid below, plot the appropriate quantities to determine the resistivity of the dough cylinders. Clearly scale and label all axes, including units as appropriate.




iii. Use the above graph to estimate a value for the resistivity of the dough cylinders.

(b) Another group of students perform the experiment described in part (a) but shape the dough into long rectangular shapes instead of cylinders. Will this change affect the value of the resistivity determined by the second group of students?

____ Yes    ____ No

Briefly justify your reasoning.

(c) Describe an experimental procedure to determine whether or not the resistivity of the dough cylinders depends on the temperature of the dough. Give enough detail so that another student could replicate the experiment. As needed, include a diagram of the experimental setup. Assume equipment usually found in a school physics laboratory is available.



3.(12 points, suggested time 25 minutes)   物理课业代写

The disk shown above spins about the axle at its center. A student’s experiments reveal that, while the disk is spinning, friction between the axle and the disk exerts a constant torque on the disk.

(a) At time t = 0 the disk has an initial counterclockwise (positive) angular velocity ω0. The disk later comes to rest at time t =  t1.

i. On the grid at left below, sketch a graph that could represent the disk’s angular velocity as a function of time tfrom t= 0 until the disk comes to rest at time t =  t1.

ii. On the grid at right below, sketch the disk’s angular acceleration as a function of time tfrom t=  0 until the disk comes to rest at time t = t1.




(b) The magnitude of the frictional torque exerted on the disk is τ0. Derive an equation for the rotational inertia I of the disk in terms of τ0, ω0 , t1, and physical constants, as appropriate.




Which equation better mathematically models this experiment?

____ Equation (1)   ____ Equation (2)

Briefly explain why the equation you selected is plausible and why the other equation is not plausible.


4.(7 points, suggested time 13 minutes)   物理课业代写

A transverse wave travels to the right along a string.

(a) Two dots have been painted on the string. In the diagrams below, those dots are labeled P and Q.

i. The figure below shows the string at an instant in time. At the instant shown, dot Phas maximum displacement and dot Qhas zero displacement from equilibrium. At each of the dots P and Q, draw an arrow indicating the direction of the instantaneous velocity of that dot. If either dot has zero velocity, write “v = 0” next to the dot.




ii. The figure below shows the string at the same in stant as shown in part (a)i. At each of the dots Pand Q, draw an arrow indicating the direction of the instantaneous acceleration of that dot. If either dot has zero acceleration, write “a = 0” next to the dot.



The figure below represents the string at time t = 0, the same instant as shown in part (a) when dot P is at its maximum displacement from equilibrium. For simplicity, dot Q is not shown.





i. On the grid below, draw the string at a later time t= T/4, where Tis the period of the wave.

Note: Do any scratch (practice) work on the grid at the bottom of the page. Only the sketch made on the grid immediately below will be graded.




ii. On your drawing above, draw a dot to indicate the position of dot on the string at time t = T/4 and clearly label the dot with the letter P.

(c) Now consider the wave at time t = T. Determine the distance traveled (not the displacement) by dot P between times t = 0 and t = T.

The grid below is provided for scratch work only. Sketches made below will not be graded.



5.(7 points, suggested time 13 minutes)   物理课业代写

Block Pof mass m is on a horizontal, frictionless surface and is attached to a spring with spring constant k. The block is oscillating with period TP and amplitude AP about the spring’s equilibrium position x0. A second block Qof mass 2m is then dropped from rest and lands on block P at the instant it passes through the equilibrium position, as shown above. Block Q immediately sticks to the top of block P, and the two-block system oscillates with period TPQ and amplitude APQ.

(a) Determine the numerical value of the ratio TPQ/TP .




(b) The figure is reproduced above. How does the amplitude of oscillation APQ of the two-block system compare with the original amplitude AP of block P alone?

____ APQ  AP    ____ APQ = AP    ____ APQ  AP

In a clear, coherent paragraph-length response that may also contain diagrams and/or equations, explain your reasoning.




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