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2023-10-30 09:30 星期一 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:484

The Brain in Love


Introduction   演讲看法essay代写

We were requested to listen to one of the talks that were shared with us, and I listened to the study by Helen Fisher on the brain in love. She studied to check what happens to the brain in love and was able to determine that people who are madly in love with each other show signs of activity in the central most part of the brain. This helps in developing intense feelings, and that part of the brain, which is focused on profits and losses also becomes highly active. We start calculating what needs to be done and based on the gains we expect the brain’s activity in the central region increases.

The talk mostly stressed on the actions of the people when they said they were in love, and what the brain activity represented. According to Helen, people who said they were in love, actually showed increased activity in the central region of their brain, instead of people who said they were not in love. In fact, even people who had been in love and broke up due to one or more reason showed signs of activity in the central part of their brain showing just how much they are in love. Even after years of marriage, people who said that they were still in love were correct since that central region of the brain was active even at that time.




After hearing, what Helen Fisher had to say about the topic in question, I found her delivery to be a bit try.   演讲看法essay代写

She did try to add a little bit of a humor in between her readings of what famous personalities have said or how, many people have acted over the years, however, I still found her to be quite boring and at times found my attention to be shifting to other things. Therefore, I feel that she could have done a lot better, seeing the topic in question is not only interesting but also intriguing.

It is fascinating to see how any people behave when they are in love, and the one common factor is the activity within the central part of the brain. There were many examples which she could have quoted, the poem she read, was also somewhat dry, or perhaps her delivery was simply uninteresting, because I did not find myself glued to the screen or her talk, which I mostly am whenever I listen to any of the topics from Ted Talks.



One of the most interesting things that I learned from this talk on the other hand was that no matter how you are, if you feel in love then the activity in the central region of the brain is similar as well. And that this is the desire which makes you want to spend the rest of your life with one particular individual and not the other.

The theories and ideas which were presented in the talk had interesting basis, since the talk mostly focused on the central region of the brain.  演讲看法essay代写

However, it was also mostly philosophical in nature as most of the writings she quoted or read about had philosophy as basis.

Overall, the talk was interesting however, I do believe that it could have been made even more interesting. I myself have experienced being in love, and that is the point when a person feels that he/she can accomplish anything. The motivation level is high, and yes, the degree of willingness to take risk is also high, because the belief in oneself increases, and the degree of happiness one experiences is also exponentially higher in my experience.


References   演讲看法essay代写

Helen Fisher, The Brain in Love, retrieved 13-12-17 from;





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