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Use of Mixed Methods in Social Sciences Research



Use of Mixed Methods in Social Sciences Research

混合研究方法代写 Use of Mixed Methods in Social Sciences Research:The approach is aimed at offering framework for combined methods in social and behavioral sciences


The use of mixed research methods in social sciences has recently gained popularity. The approach is aimed at offering framework for combined methods in social and behavioral sciences. Mixed method research is the type of study in which researchers use both qualitative and quantitative approaches (Bryman, 2016). The reason why social scientists use mixed methods is to increase the topic detailed analysis and understanding to increase the breadth and depth of analysis, exposition, knowledge, and collaboration in research. The reason why social scientists use mixed methods in their study, it’s critical to have an inquiry of the techniques from the perspective of its characteristics, circumstance, and advantages to forming the basis of the conclusion.


在社会科学中使用混合研究方法最近很受欢迎。 该方法旨在为社会和行为科学中的组合方法提供框架。 混合方法研究是研究人员同时使用定性和定量方法的研究类型(Bryman,2016)。 社会科学家之所以采用混合方法,是为了增加对主题的详细分析和理解,以增加研究的分析、阐述、知识和协作的广度和深度。 社会科学家之所以在研究中使用混合方法,关键是要从技术的特点、环境和优势的角度对其进行探究,以形成结论的基础。


Characteristics of Mixed Methods Research

The main feature of mixed-method is to combine quantitative and qualitative approaches in one research paper. It involves posing research questions, data collection and analysis, and interpreting results. According to Creswell (2012) mixed-method has six characteristics. First, the researcher has to offer a rationale for the research design so that the reader will have justification for the use of both research approaches.

Secondly, the researcher gathers both quantitative and qualitative data and ascertain that both types of data have been used in the study. Thirdly, there is a need for the research to define which method takes more emphasis relative to the research question. Fourth, the sequence in data collection needs to be considered and explained and can either be sequential or concurrent. Fifth, the method involves matching the data with specific research design. The researcher can either use convergent, explanatory, explanatory, or embedded design types of mixed practice. Lastly, the researcher is required to provide the reader with a diagram of the procedures used in the study.


混合方法研究的特点  混合研究方法代写 

混合方法的主要特点是将定量和定性方法结合在一篇研究论文中。它涉及提出研究问题、数据收集和分析以及解释结果。根据 Creswell (2012) 的说法,混合方法具有六个特征。首先,研究人员必须提供研究设计的基本原理,以便读者有理由使用这两种研究方法。


The circumstance that Warrants the Use of Mixed Methods

The above characteristic offers a comprehensive on the aspects of engaging in mixed-method research. There are exceptional cases when the researcher is warranted to use both quantitative and qualitative methods in data collection and analysis. Creswell (2012) have described six circumstances that the researchers can choose mixed methods as the most suitable research method. First, one data source may be insufficient. Qualitative data offers depth analysis, whereas quantitative data offers broader and general perspective in understanding the topic. Qualitative data collection only involves lesser participants and thus has more in-depth analysis of the study phenomena. Quantitative data collection includes broader involvement of participants and hence has limited depth of analysis. Therefore, depending on the type of research, the use of a kind of data collection my not be sufficient to answer the research question. Also, the use of both methods can give contradictory findings that would not have been discovered using single approach. The use of both approaches in mixed-method provides depth and breadth of the research.


允许使用混合方法的情况  混合研究方法代写 

上述特点对从事混合方法研究的方面提供了全面的认识。在特殊情况下,研究人员需要在数据收集和分析中同时使用定量和定性方法。 Creswell (2012) 描述了研究人员可以选择混合方法作为最合适的研究方法的六种情况。第一,一个数据源可能不够用。定性数据提供深度分析,而定量数据提供更广泛和一般的视角来理解主题。定性数据收集只涉及较少的参与者,因此对研究现象有更深入的分析。定量数据收集包括参与者更广泛的参与,因此分析深度有限。因此,根据研究的类型,使用一种数据收集可能不足以回答研究问题。此外,使用这两种方法可能会得出使用单一方法无法发现的相互矛盾的结果。在混合方法中使用这两种方法提供了研究的深度和广度。

Secondly, the research may require an explanation of the initial results.

There are times when the results of the study are not satisfactorily understandable to answer the research question.  In such a scenario, there is need to have second data collection and analysis to further explanation of the initial findings. Thirdly, when the goals of the research cannot be identified onset and the study require generalized exploratory results, both quantitative and qualitative methods are needed. The study initially collects qualitative data to explore the topic including setting and participants. After a general overview of the problem is understood, the researcher then conducts quantitative.

Additionally, the researcher may see the need to enhance the understanding of a study with a second method. There are times the solution to the research topic is difficult to understand using a single data collection and analysis approach. At such instance, the researcher can use the second method to enhance understanding. Fifth, the research may warrant the use of both ways to best harness a theoretical stance. And lastly, there are research topics that have multiple phases that cannot be studied separately and the research need to connect them to get overall research goal.


其次,研究可能需要对初始结果进行解释。  混合研究方法代写 



Therefore, the use of mixed-method research has several advantages (Venkatesh, Brown, & Bala, 2013).

Foremost, both methods offset the weaknesses of one another. For instance, quantitative analysis is weak in understanding the context of people’s behavior something that qualitative research makes up. Secondly, the method is a comprehensive approach to social science problems than when a single research approach is used. Thirdly, it offers better, more context-specific instruments. For instance, the researcher will be able to gather information about specific topics to develop tools with greater construct validity using qualitative approach. Lastly, help to explain how causality in the results.

However, the method can be very complex to pursue, takes much time and resources, intricate planning, and create discrepancies that are challenging to resolve. Nonetheless, the benefits of using mixed methods out-weigh the disadvantages. These are the reasons why social scientist uses the techniques to research topics relating to human behavior.


因此,使用混合方法研究有几个优点(文卡特什、布朗和巴拉,2013 年)。  



References  混合研究方法代写 

Bryman, A. (2016). Social Research Methods – 5th Edition (pp. 21-24). Oxford: OXFORD University Press.

Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Venkatesh, V., Brown, S. A., & Bala, H. (2013). Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems. MIS Quarterly, 37(1), pp.21-54.


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