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机械工程网课代上 Mechanical Engineering代写

2022-04-13 14:36 星期三 所属: course代写,Online course代写代做-品原创拿高分! 浏览:748


Mechanical Engineering Computer Aided Optimal Design Spring 2022

机械工程网课代上 Modeling for mechanical design optimization. Algorithms for constrained and unconstrained optimization. Optimality criteria.

Part 1: Course Information

Instructor Information


(Please start the subject line with “ME465” followed by a few words describing your question. I usually answer emails daily, except when traveling)

Course Description

Modeling for mechanical design optimization. Algorithms for constrained and unconstrained optimization. Optimality criteria. Optimization using finite element models. Design projects.

Prerequisite   机械工程网课代上

(ME 222 and ME 280) and (ME 370 or concurrently)

Textbook & Course Materials

  • Arora, Introduction to Optimum Design, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, 2004. (Recommended but not required)

Recommended Texts & Other Readings

  • Additional course materials (videos, notes, lab tutorials, project descriptions and more) will be available on D2L.

Course Requirements

  • Internet connection (DSL, LAN, or cable connectiondesirable)
  • Access to Desire2Learn(D2L)
  • Access to the DECS Remote Desktop Services (RDS)Servers

ME 465 Computer Aided Optimal Design Spring 2019 Syllabus

Course Structure

This course will be delivered online through the course management system and you will need your MSU NetID to login to the course from the D2L homepage (http://d2l.msu.edu).

In D2L, you will access online lessons, course materials, and additional resources. Activities may consist of readings, videos, discussion forums, email, homework assignments, computational lab assignments, project assignments, blog post readings, and other online activities.  机械工程网课代上

Technical Assistance

If you need technical assistance at any time during the course or to report a problem you can:

  • Visit theDistance Learning Services Support Site (https://lib.msu.edu/dls/)
  • Visit theDesire2Learn Help Site (http://help.d2l.msedu/ )
  • Or call Distance Learning Services: (800) 500-1554 or (517)355-2345

Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD)

  • To make an appointment with a specialist, contact: (517) 353-9642 Or TTY: (517)355-1293
  • Web site for RCPD:http://MYProfile.rcpd.msu.edu

Part 2: Course Learning Objectives  机械工程网课代上 

Upon successful completion of this course, students can:

  • properly formulate an optimizationproblem
  • automate the design evaluation process using modern CAE and process automationsoftware
  • use traditional and modern mathematical search algorithms to findoptimized solutions
  • apply modern optimization software to optimize engineering componentsand systems
  • apply design of experiments approaches to calculate design sensitivities and to develop responsesurfaces
  • account for variability and its effects on designquality   机械工程网课代上

You will meet the objectives listed above through a combination of the following activities in this course:

  • Watching video lectures anddemonstrations
  • Completing software tutorials and answering reflectivequestions
  • Completing designprojects
  • Completing homeworkassignments
  • Reading prepared notes and blog postarticles

Part 3: Course Outline/Schedule

We will maintain a schedule in which weekly assignments are posted on Mondays and will be due on Monday of the following week (at midnight). Some exceptions to this rule are possible, but this will be the nominal schedule.

Occasionally, I will post mid-week notes or videos to clarify issues or to add new material. When this happens, I will also send an email to alert you that there is new material on D2L.

Warning: Do not wait until the due date to begin working on assignments. Expect uncertainties and/or technical difficulties. These take some time to resolve, especially in an on-line class.  机械工程网课代上

The assignments are placed in a very particular order on D2L. Please do all assignments in the order in which they appear. This is very important.

All assignments are to be submitted via the Assignment Folder (formerly called a Dropbox) provided below that assignment. The labeling should be clear in each case. Start early in case you have any technical difficulties.

Contact me if you have any questions. And have fun!

Part 4: Grading Policy   机械工程网课代上 

Graded Course Activities

The table below describes the graded course activities including percentage weighting and activity description. The first column includes the percentage weighting, and the second column includes a description for each activity. Note that there are no exams.

Percentage Description
60% Assignments – homeworks and labs
40% Projects
100% Total

The table below describes the course grade that will be assigned based on the points earned in the course (as described in the above table).

Points Earned Course Grade
90.0 – 100 4.0
85.0 – 89.9 3.5
80.0 – 84.9 3.0
75.0 – 79.9  机械工程网课代上 2.5
70.0 – 74.9 2.0
65.0 – 69.9 1.5
60.0 – 64.9 1.0
< 60.0 0.0

Late Work Policy

Unless prior approval of the instructor is obtained, a lab report, homework assignment or project report submitted after the given deadline will be assessed a 20% penalty for each day it is late.  机械工程网课代上

Viewing Grades

Grades will be posted in D2L.

Online Testing

This course does not have any exams.

Part 5: Course Policies

Inform Your Instructor of Any Accommodations Needed

Michigan State University is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. Requests for accommodations by persons with disabilities may be made by contacting the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities at 517-884-RCPD or on the web at rcpd.msu.edu. Once your eligibility for an accommodation has been determined, you will be issued a Verified Individual Services Accommodation (“VISA”) form. Please present this form to me at the start of the term and/or two weeks prior to the accommodation date (test, project, etc.).

Drops and Adds

See the MSU Academic Calendar for important dates: http://www.reg.msu.edu/ROInfo/Calendar/Academic.asp

Commercialized Lecture Notes

Commercialization of lecture notes and university-provided course materials is not permitted in this course.

Complete Assignments   机械工程网课代上 

Assignments for this course will be submitted electronically through D2L unless otherwise instructed.

Spartan Code of Honor

As a Spartan, I will strive to uphold values of the highest ethical standard. I will practice honesty in my work, foster honesty in my peers, and take pride in knowing that honor is worth more than grades. I will carry these values beyond my time as a student at Michigan State University, continuing the endeavor to build personal integrity in all that I do.


Every submitted assignment (including homework assignments, lab reports, project reports) must contain the following signed statement near the top of the front page:

I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.


Assignments submitted without a signed pledge will not be graded.

On all assignments, looking at or making use of in any way an existing solution/answer/description from any source (e.g., another person, a solution manual, a solution found online, etc.) is not allowed.  机械工程网课代上

On homework assignments, having group discussions about concepts and providing small “hints” are allowable. On lab assignments, students may answer each other’s questions regarding how to use a software package. In all cases, final answers/data must be obtained independently, and answers to questions must be developed independently.

Project work must be done 100% independently.



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