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本科求职信代写 Cover Letter代写

2022-10-30 10:27 星期日 所属: 其他代写 浏览:521


March 10, 20XX

本科求职信代写 I am ready to expand my experience in adult literacy and utilize my organizational and leadership skills to assist with your program expansion.

Mr./Ms. First Name Last Name

Name of Organization

Street Address

City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

As a rising sophomore at Yale University I write to apply for the Adult Literacy Programs Internship at Literacy Volunteers of America.  本科求职信代写

I am drawn to your emphasis on going beyond basic literacy instruction to include programs for intermediate and advanced level learners, public speaking instruction and computer literacy courses. I am excited at the prospect of assisting in the range of programs offered by Literacy Volunteers of America and am confident that my solid foundation of organizational and communication skills would allow me to contribute to your outreach and expansion efforts.

My commitment to adult literacy stems from four years of volunteering with America Reads. With America Reads, I spent one year as an instructor, co-facilitating literacy instruction classes for new program volunteers. In my first three years of volunteering, I tutored two different adults, both recent immigrants from Mexico with basic Spanish literacy but minimal ability to read or write in English. This experience not only strengthened my Spanish language skills, but gave me a greater appreciation of the impact literacy programs make on individuals, families and the community.


I have developed my organizational skills through a variety of leadership roles in volunteer and extracurricular activities.  本科求职信代写

During my time as an AIDS Walk Volunteer Coordinator I recruited over 100 volunteers to assist with setting-up and staffing the day-long fundraising and AIDS awareness event.Additionally I served as liaison between three volunteer activity committees and the event management staff.

During the event, I served at the volunteer check-in station, where I oversaw the rotation of nearly 1,000 volunteers to various stations where support was needed most. This experience not only developed my organizational skills but taught me the flexibility and adaptability necessary when coordinating the efforts of large groups of volunteers, valuable skills that I will bring to the Adult Literacy Programs Internship. 本科求职信代写

I am ready to expand my experience in adult literacy and utilize my organizational and leadership skills to assist with your program expansion. Additionally, I am eager to employ my language and communication skills to contribute to Literacy Volunteers of America’s community outreach efforts. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.


Ellen Yale

PO Box 2xxxxx

New Haven, CT 065xx

(555) xxx-xxxx




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