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文科essay代写 For my ethnography study, I choose to study the life of a bodybuilder, his daily activities, and what motivated him to bodybuilding.

Bodybuilding: A Subculture within a Culture  文科essay代写

For my ethnography study, I choose to study the life of a bodybuilder, his daily activities, and what motivated him to bodybuilding. The focus of this ethnography is to relate the subculture of bodybuilding to the larger culture. Early bodybuilding was nonetheless a controversial pastime, primarily because it seemed to elevate the sensation and spectacle of masculine force and power for narcissistic rather than reliable and social ends (Kimmel and Aronson 93).

Bodybuilding was also dogged by the notion that portraits of seminude men in eroticized poses. After the World War I, interest in bodybuilding increased; as a means of reconstructing injured and wounded bodies after and during the world. Since 1930s onward, entrepreneurs who appealed to the gender anxieties of young men have fueled popular passion in bodybuilding. Bodybuilding exists along a continuum. Whereas the average bodybuilder may be enjoying the merits of fitness and increased psychological sense of confidence and comfort; there exists a large, significant populace of bodybuilders who cross over the line from healthy to unhealthy (Volkwein-Caplan 173).

The Gym: Setting

The gym is a large, spacious building that is meant to meet the everyday needs of both bodybuilders and fitness coaches. The gym is well equipped with modern workout equipments. It is filled with energy, determination, and the smell of sweat is all over. The gym instructor is a tall, well-built man commonly referred to as Jim by the attendants. People of different race, nationality, gender, social class, and age occupy the room. The spacious building is buzzed with activities. Every attendant has a tight schedule to follow.

Some work as a group while others workout alone or in pairs of two. The room also contains the water and beverage bar and lockers where attendants put their belongings when they arrive. All of the participants are members, with both monthly and annual subscriptions. The gym also houses two washrooms, for male and female, where members go to take a shower after finishing their schedules. The washrooms wrap around corner of the room, and have reflective mirrors where members can look at themselves. The counter is on the left-hand side of the entrance with a big screen; advertising the services offered at the gym. This is the central area where the observations and interviews were conducted.          文科essay代写

Is bodybuilding a subculture or just a sport?

Are physique athletes too assorted and self-consumed to have a clear collective Identity? Bodybuilding is totally a subculture. Bodybuilding has its own unique set of values and more that are frequently different. Bodybuilders come in various shapes and size. Their ethnic background and social class differ across the globe. Their age ranges from youthful to old; bodybuilding has no labeled gender.

Anyone and everyone can begin bodybuilding, making it such a diverse profession, activity, and leisure pursuit. Nicole Ajero asserts “The fact that all people have the same body functions but their own unique soul amazes me.” To Ajero bodybuilding represents an art. People usually lose weight; nonetheless, it takes an individual with zeal and determination for bodybuilding to be in a position to sculpt their body to what they like. As a subculture, bodybuilding is a blend of gender and ethnicity. This presents the link between the bodybuilding subculture and the entire human culture.


Gender 文科essay代写

Gender, a standard sociological variable of analysis, pattern involvement in pursuing leisure but cannot be directly linked to bodybuilding as a risky body-project. Both women and men, from different socio-economic backgrounds, presently practice bodybuilding. Flexible sub-cultural prescriptions and conditions for success are incumbent upon all bodybuilders irrespective of the gender status (Monaghan). Presently, bodybuilding is becoming more varied than ever. Additional women are joining the bodybuilding and hitting the gym than the past traditions, where men dominated the industry. It is becoming a norm, common, and acceptable to see women who are as fit as men are in modern society.

Image 1: Women hitting the Gym

Ethnicity   文科essay代写

Bodybuilders come from different forms of life. Ethnic background is no exception. I visited a gym and saw bodybuilders just about every race, ethnic group, and nationality. There are precise distinction between race and ethnic background, at the competitive level. For decades, African-Americans and Caucasians have dominated bodybuilding in all competitions, male and female (Schwarzenegger). When it comes to bodybuilding; natural selection and survival spans the entire subculture. Natural selection and the concept of survival of the fittest have given the blacks and Caucasians an advantage when it comes to bodybuilding. Bodybuilding favors the black while weightlifting is a white thing. It is all about the genes inherited which favors the prevailing ethnic groups.


Image 2: Caucasian Bodybuilders

Use of Steroids and Stimulants

One encounters the appearance of rugged health when he closely scrutinizes the competitive world of bodybuilding. Bodybuilding magazines are packed with ever-smiling faces and bronzed, powerful-looking bodies. Gyms are adorned with modern-day equipments designed to create powerful and masculine bodies for men and women who are the real testimony to the lifestyle (Sault).

Casual observers of thee bodybuilding scene understand the use and effects of steroids by the bodybuilders. The idea of steroid abuse begun with the subculture of bodybuilding and has spread to the non-bodybuilders populace. There is a significant relationship between the steroid abuse by the bodybuilders and drug abuse witnessed in the general population (Duell). Bodybuilders abuse anabolic steroids whereas the public abuse the drugs like heroin, cocaine, and meth. All have negative effects to the human body. Anabolic steroids foster increased synthesis of protein for muscle growth and repair. Such steroids are found under different names, for example Dianadol, Anadrol, and Blastron among others (Better Health Channel ).  文科essay代写

For this section of the ethnography, I choose to interview “TJ,” a frequent member of the gym and a competitive bodybuilder.

I asked him to describe the use of steroids, and if he felt steroids are frequently used by bodybuilders. “Bodybuilders use combinations of injectable and oral steroids.” TJ replies. Bodybuilders have coined a term ‘stacking’ to refer to the use of steroids. This practice entails the patterned synchronized use of high doses of different steroids. Normally, this is performed to stimulate compound androgen receptors and restrict the aggregate dose of side effects. Another term frequently used by the bodybuilders is ‘cycle.’

This refers to specific periods of time when stacking is performed, usually three to twelve weeks. The short-term impact of stacking is to escalate physical gains consequential from training. I asked TJ to elaborate the effects of using steroids. “I understand that ‘they’ have different negatives effects in the long-run and can lead to death… increase protein in urine…loss or gain in appetite.” TJ presents the dark side of steroids in bodybuilding. A number of deaths have been reported while there are some debates of serious effects associated with use of steroids, especially oral steroid. TJ believes magazines represent the voice and the adhesive that holds the bodybuilding subculture together. The magazines motivates both the readers and athletes thereby infusing new and hardcore talent.

       In conclusion, I have found out that bodybuilding has transformed from being a sport to a subculture.

Bodybuilding, as a subculture, is broad and links with the larger human culture. Bodybuilding depicts different characteristics similar to those of the general culture, for instance drug abuse and the “multi-ethnic” perception of genders, ages, ethnicity, and social class. Based on the preceding of my observations, bodybuilding appears to represents different aspects, depending on gender, and even ethnicity.  文科essay代写

For men, a large body represents a form of masculine identity and a source of compensation. Class and gender have not formed barriers to prevent the women from entering the field of bodybuilding. Steroid abuse plays a major role in defining bodybuilding as a subculture. Steroids have transition the competitive nature of bodybuilding and bring out the ‘whole-culture’ perception in relation to public drug abuse. Lastly, bodybuilding subculture welcomes pain and hard work as a sign of achievement and muscle growth. Its unique norm and set of values are often different from other subcultures. Take a look around at bodybuilders, attend the bodybuilding competitions, are those bodybuilders average people?

Work Cited  文科essay代写

Better Health Channel . Steroids . October 2013. 17 September 2014 <http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Steroids>.

Bunsell, Tanya. Strong and Hard Women: an Ethnography of Female Body Building: An Ethnography of Female Bodybuilding. London : Routledge , 2013.

Duell, Mark. ‘Steroids are fantastic, I don’t even mind the side effects’: Bodybuilder can’t live without anabolics despite suffering a cyst the size of a tennis ball and losing his job thanks to ‘roid rage’. 24 April 2014. 17 September 2014 <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2612494/Bodybuilder-live-without-anabolics- despite-suffering-cyst-size-tennis-ball.html>.

Kimmel, Michael and Amy Aronson. Men and Masculinities . Santa Barbara, California : ABC- CLIO , 2004 .

Monaghan, Lee. Bodybuilding, Drugs and Risk. London : Routledge, 2002 .

Sault, Nicole Landry. Many Mirrors: Body Image and Social Relations. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1994 .

Schwarzenegger, Arnold. The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding: The Bible of Bodybuilding, Fully Updated and Revis. Rockefeller Center, NY: Simon and Schuster, 2012.

Volkwein-Caplan, Karin A. Fitness as Cultural Phenomenon. Münster, Germany: Waxmann Verlag Publisher , 1998.



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