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文化研究论文代写 Today, the world is dealing with a number of critical ethical dilemmas and the issue of abortion is one of them. 

Abortion is not morally wrong


Today, the world is dealing with a number of critical ethical dilemmas and the issue of abortion is one of them. The debaters are divided into two sides when it comes to deciding whether abortion is an ethically correct decision or not. It is noteworthy to mention that this specific issue is associated with various aspects of consideration that require immediate attention. These domains are mainly characterized as legal and ethical positions of the dilemma of abortion. The practice of abortion is identified as the intentional termination of a pregnancy with the use of surgical or other medical services.

Abortion turned as the major cause of the great segregation of two schools of thought (Norris et al.).

There are liberals who believe that abortion is a matter of human rights because it is women’s fundamental right to form decisions about themselves according to their health and circumstances. There is a well-known viewpoint that the death of an individual member of the household causes an effect on the family, and the same is true for the case of abortion (Norris et al.). The killing of an individual irreplaceable, real, and living child can have a bad impact on the relationship between the parents as well as the siblings. In case a woman aborts her child just to make sure the partner stays are eventually left alone after their abortions. It can be stated that the use of abortions can never guarantee a loving and successful relationship.

According to Norris et al., the after-effects of abortions are significant for both the mother and the father, and their relationship. The reason for abortion for Bodenner was to avoid the difficulty of the process of childbirth. She was a highly paid professional with good experience and was an independent woman. She found it difficult to proceed with the baby and decided to abort due to the difficulties in her professional as well as personal relationships. She is of the viewpoint that it was a very bad decision made by her as it resulted in destroying everything from her health to her profession and relationships.  文化研究论文代写

The author also shares her experience that if she was known to what she is known now at that time she would have better handled the situation and also would not have inclined toward abortion (Bodenner). This paper focuses to critically analyze different evidence to develop this argument that abortion is a phenomenon of human rights because it is women’s legitimate right to decide about their bodies concerning their health and overall circumstances. The study is carried out to determine the ethical reasons why abortion should be illegal. The prime discussions include the harm of abortion to women; the process punishes innocent lives, and finally, the impact of abortion on relationships and families.

My Views  文化研究论文代写

It is vital to figure out how the practice of abortion is a concern of the fundamental form of human rights. The implication of the approach of human rights in the case of abortion can witness in many different forms such as it is related to the matter of gender equality. It is argued that the practical form of equality makes it essential to give necessary authority to women when it comes to making a decision regarding their pregnancy. The proponents of the practice of abortion argue that it is important to consider woman as a person who has some basic human rights. It is the fundamental right of every human being to decide according to the feasibility of their life (Norris et al.). The basic rights and needs of women should consider when it comes to making a choice between abortions and carrying babies.

Another strong argument in favor of abortion as a basic human right of women is the influence gender of women disproportionately. It is a massive fact that the aspects of pregnancy and abortion greatly linked with the scenario of women’s rights because they are more influence by abortion as compare to men (Norris et al.). The perspective of pregnancy enormously impacts women in different forms that need to consider when it comes to formulating the decision of abortion. The determinative domain of pregnancy on women can witness in the case of different spheres as it impacts their social prospect, their education, employment, health, and overall well-being. Referring to all these aspects, if any woman never considers herself able to carry a baby then it is a moral obligation to give them a choice according to her circumstances (Norris et al.). The debate on abortion should analyze under the scenario of the basic human right of freedom to act.

Forced pregnancy can characterize as a clear violation of the fundamental approach of freedom of action that eventually disturbs the facet of equality in society.

Abortion activists share the view that abortion is not morally wrong due to various reasons. There are beliefs that without the practice of abortion, a woman may suffer from a negative or harmful impact on her physical as well as psychological wellbeing. Women may feel mental instability and even there are chances that women commit suicides. Along with that, there are abortion views shared and put forward by healthcare professionals that remain undeterred the main example is the “abortion traumatic stress syndrome”. Researchers have identified that anxiety and other mental disorders have been found for women as the most common as well as adverse effects. The studies carried out have provided a viewpoint to build an association between abortions and trauma. It is important to understand the basis of humanity and therefore, abortion must be allowed to be legalized. People should need to consider the fact that the practice of abortion can significantly the wellbeing of a woman. Women should be allowed to continue with the abortion incases where it can cause severe medical complications for both the mother and the baby. Every human has the right to make his own decision. It is morally wrong to force a woman not to continue with the abortion.


The debate on the issue of abortion can never consider complete without the inclusion of another side of the argument. It is vital to identify and analyze particular arguments that are presented against the approach of abortion under the scenario of basic human rights. It is argued that abortion is a violation of the basic right of life as it is killing a human being (Huq et al.). It is morally incorrect to disrupt the process of birth as it is a fundamental functioning of nature. Human beings do not have any right to intervene in the procedure of nature by adopting the option of abortion. It is observed that the process of abortion is one of the major causes of death of many babies every year that is the ultimate loss of the human workforce.

Another major argument against abortion is presented as the moral obligation of women towards the birth of children (Huq et al.). The supporters of the pro-life movement also argue that terminating the pregnancy is not a choice of basic human rights for the women. It is not a scenario of any usual body part rather it is the phenomenon of birth of human beings. The fetus is the scenario of a separate person that should not be violated with the practice of abortion. There are situations where the circumstances behind a pregnancy are tragic including rape, a defect identified in the baby during pregnancy, prolonging the pregnancy can have a negative impact or might cause the mother at risk (Huq et al.).  文化研究论文代写

In circumstances, the women are raped and it resulted in the child/ pregnancy there is a need to effectively take care of the person rapped or else abortions would be the best way to heal the person. Also, when a person’s life is at risk or even when the child is diagnosed with some issues then the need to abort is considered the best possible way (Huq et al.). The circumstances are also opposed by antiabortion activists but there can be exceptions to deal with such situations in the short as well as long run (Huq et al.). Antiabortion activists believe that there is no way abortion to be considered as the way out rather there must be a focus on doing the efforts to avoid abortion.

The practice of abortion is characterized as morally wrong as it allows humans to kill another human.

It is highly unethical to make a life choice for our own benefits. Religious factors proposed the concepts of spirituality stating that secular views are connected with the decisions regarding people die of life is their quality of life. This perspective highlights that it is only a materialistic or physical life whereas the spiritual concept is denied or ignored. According to the concepts of spirituality, we are not born to fulfil our desires and to make decisions that only suits us. However, human beings are created to honor and regard their life for the sake of Almighty (Huq et al.).

It is true that every person has the right and freedom to choose and to live. But it is significant that humans should devote their lives to obey the guidelines Almighty has provided them. Also, sexual freedom should obey the obligations given by the Almighty. Human beings should not only pursue their selfish desires and needs. The declaration from the Bible refers to the concepts that everyone has the right to liberty, life, and happiness. Everyone has the right to live and pursue what is best for them. Therefore, human rights are a part of concepts from the Bible. The rights of same sex marriages and abortion are also similar to the declaration that everyone is free to live the way he wants to (Huq et al.).

Plato and Socrates believed that the state and the country are a source of rights being implemented on the societies. If a state removes God from the source of law, then it is automatically removing the characteristic laws from the societies. Therefore, concepts and beliefs designated to the religion should be a part of law making resources. Another controversial factor is the arguments among social scientists, physicians, and religious leaders are that human embryo develops after 8 weeks of conception. According to the concepts of physicians, the human embryo starts its development soon after it is conceived. Therefore, it is not a subject that can be discarded or use for research purposes. It is proved that the ultimate source of law and rights is of Almighty, not the administrations or governments (Huq et al.). Following the laws from scientific as well as religious researches would establish certain points upon which a country can establish its laws of human rights.


Replies  文化研究论文代写

All these uprising arguments against the practice of abortion requires consideration of strong claims in favor of abortion. Survival of life is the basic human right that is applicable to every human. The spectrum of equal gender rights demands this approach to consider the right to life for the woman also when it comes to making a choice regarding pregnancy and giving birth to a child. If the overall process of pregnancy risks the health and life of a woman than it should be prohibited and move towards the option of abortion (Weitz). It is witnessed in the case of many underdeveloped and even developed societies that women are pressurized towards forced pregnancies that eventually caused great harm to women’s health. The overall healthcare and well-being of women should never neglect when it comes to making a choice between pregnancy and abortion. Moreover, women should have a basic human right to protect their bodies if pregnancy could risk their life.

Childbearing is argued as a matter of basic freedom and equality for the women under the broad spectrum of the liberation movement. It is one of the central claims in support of abortion is that the target of gender equality can never achieve without giving proper choice to women about their decisions. The scenario of life choices is greatly applicable in case of the decision of women about the practice of abortion. It can refer to the forced approach for women to continue with pregnancy due to social norms and standards regardless of the idea that if not harmful for their health. It is argued that controlling one’s own body is the basic human right that is immensely violated when any woman is forced to keep a fetus and deliver the child.

The specific scenario of equal human rights claims that the objectives of equal social, economic, political equality in society can never achieve unless women have the freedom to adopt the option of abortion (Weitz).

Moreover, the status of equal freedom for both men and women is not possible if women are derived to bear unwanted children due to family, social, or any other kind of pressure. The spectrum of human rights also covers this argument that women have right just like men and if pregnancy can harmful for their health than they should have the choice of abortion. It should be completely a woman’s decision whether or not to carry a fetus to birth as the entire procedure of pregnancy is a complex scenario for their overall health and well-being.

The application of bodily rights is another moral perspective that favors the practice of abortion. This concern is directly linked with the scenario of healthcare for women. It is characterized as the basic right of every individual to make inferences concerning their health conditions. Controlling one’s own body as a basic human right is also applicable in the case of women and their decision regarding abortion (Weitz). The absence of this right in the form of unwanted pregnancy is a clear violation of basic human rights in the case of women.

It is ranked as a fundamental right of every human being to protect their bodies and overall well-being. If the process of pregnancy eventually stakes the health and life of the woman than abortion should remain a legal and moral option for her. The fetus exists inside a woman’s body and if it risks her life than safe abortion should consider as an option (Weitz). Freedom of personal choice is a basic standard of human rights that also present in case of a decision between abortion and pregnancy. The supporters of the choice of abortion claim that it is greatly unethical to sanction this practice because it ultimately denies the notion of freedom of selection.

Conclusion  文化研究论文代写

           To conclude the discussion on the debate of abortion as the facet of human rights, it is crucial to indicate that the practice of abortion should permissible considering the specific circumstances of women. Sometimes, women are not in a good position to give birth to a child and fulfill the basic necessities of life. The appearance of this sort of situation requires to provide necessary protection to women by giving them choice in the form of abortion. The analysis of the subject topic is carried out to determine the ethical issues linked to abortions and the major concerns of the discussion included the harm of abortion to women; the process punishes innocent lives, and finally, the impact of abortion on relationships and families.

The outcomes help to develop a positive viewpoint that abortions can have negative implications and side effects for women’s mental and physical health, the violation of the right to live for a child, and finally, a negative impact on family relationships. Having an abortion takes away innocent lives. However, forcing a decision on woman, rather than examining her current physical and psychological condition is inhuman practice. People should need to understand the autonomy of an individual to make the decision of his/her own. There is no need to compel someone to bear physical and mental pain if they are not willing to tolerate it. A critical analysis of abortion indicates that it’s a basic human right and women have evidently a moral and legal right to abortion.

It is essential to mention that restricting women from access to abortion rights will not erode the actions for all women.

It is a matter of financial resources in which women who can afford high quality care of reproductive health can avail the chance to sustain the pregnancy, however, those unable to acquire quality care, have fewer facilities due to rural areas or restrictions from homes due to lack of financial resources would prefer to use the right to an abortion. Similarly, backgrounds from poorer communities are more likely to pursue abortions.  文化研究论文代写

It is argued that it is the fundamental right of the woman to provide a necessary life-support system to fetuses to ensure the protection of children’s life. The identification of philosophical grounds against abortion is also a necessary condition to recognize the ethical spectrum of this issue. It is argued that there is a need to draw a line when it comes to differentiating the existing difference between personhood from humanity. This form of difference is a feasible condition to evaluate the position of the child during the process of pregnancy. However, it is not morally wrong to practice abortion in order to save the life of a mother. It is morally wrong to force a woman regarding her decision to abort. If she is unwilling to give birth to a child, due to medical complications or other reasons, then she should be allowed to practice abortion. A critical examination of the entire scenario indicates that abortion is the right of a woman and no one should need to take that away from her. It is unethical to force a woman to give birth to a baby if she is not interested.

Works Cited:

Bodenner, Chris. “The Drive to Abort a Down Syndrome Baby.” The Atlantic. N. p., 2016. Web.

Huq, M. E., et al. “Why Abortion is Illegal? Comparison of Legal and Illegal Abortion: A Critical Review.” Mymensingh medical journal: MMJ 26.4 (2017): 944-952.

Norris, Alison, et al. “Abortion stigma: a reconceptualization of constituents, causes, and consequences.” Women’s health issues 21.3 (2011): S49-S54.

Weitz, Tracy A. “Rethinking the mantra that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare”.” Reproduction and Society: Interdisciplinary Readings. Routledge, 2014. 87-94.



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