Cultural Diffusion
Cultural Diffusion代写 Cultural diffusion is the spread of foreign cultures that have made the country a multi-cultural nation.
In context of American Society, cultural diffusion is the spread of foreign cultures that have made the country a multi-cultural nation. In general terms, the spread of cultural beliefs and social norms from one group of people to another. The impact of foreign cultures is understood by their implication to the dominant culture in the United States.
Links on Cultural Diffusion and its Impact Cultural Diffusion代写
Philip Marie. Food wine love. Retrieved from
The site illustrates cultural diffusion as a good thing for American society. Foreigners introduced brought about the new American Cuisine that well known as Modern American Cuisine. It was inspired by the adoption of immigrants cooking styles. Modern American Cuisine is a fusion that assimilates flavors from traditional American cooking with foreign methods. Cultural Diffusion代写**范文
Clemente, D. (2015). Why and When Did Americans Begin To Dress So Casually? Retrieved from

American dressing culture drastically changed to casual dress in the 20th century. The casual style was adoption of dressing cultures from other countries. When people visited America, they leave a print of dressing cultures the eventually revolutionized how Americans dress.
Ethnic Conflict
Why Hatred Seem to Run So Deep? Cultural Diffusion代写
Beside ethnic hatred in Bosnia, Rwanda, and Myanmar that escalated to genocide and ethnic cleansing, there are at least 917 organized hate groups in the United States. A study based on the Southern Poverty Law Center found the number of likes and comments on hate groups accounts have grown by more than 900 percent in the last two years. Cultural Diffusion代写**范文
A perplexing question is the reasons why hatred has run so deep in society. There are various factors that help understand reasons for hatred and maybe help for a change. These factors include; societal and cultural factors, fear of “the other”, fear of ourselves, and lack of self-compassion.
a. Fear of “The Other” Cultural Diffusion代写
A professor of psychology at Beacon College in Leesburg in Florida argued that people hate what is different from them. The observation was reinforced by a behavioral researcher Patrick Wanis when he used the in-group out-group theory that state that when people feel threatened by perceived outsiders, instinctively, they recoil to the in-group that they identify with as a survival mechanism. Wanis concluded that hatred is driven by love and aggression for in-group and out-group respectively.
b. Fear of Ourselves Cultural Diffusion代写
Hatred is a projection of unwanted self on others, especially among the leaders. For instance, two communities fight because each of them fears the other group can do what itself is capable of doing.
c. Lack of Self-compassion
Compassion is the antidote of hate. It means accepting oneself and being okay with that part that is undesirable in you. Thus, one can see others about them and be compassionate about it. Learning no to hate it learning how to be compassionate to ourselves. Cultural Diffusion代写**范文
d. Societal and Cultural Factors Cultural Diffusion代写
The reason for hatred does not lie only in the psychological makeup of people or group but also in the cultural and political history. Some war cultures promote violence and always in competition on who is stronger. The communities or groups fear to connect to each other to not reveal the truth about themselves. Little is left to the discourse of peace and mutual understanding.
What the International Community Should Do Cultural Diffusion代写
Humanitarian intervention, that is Responsibility to Protect, is a complex matter that has left the international community asking when, where and how to intervene. The doubts in the application of R2P came after unprecedented Bosnia and Rwanda genocides and later in Libya and Syrian war. It has faced the problem of conflicts of interests in major players as well as the moral and utilitarian aspects of intervention. Cultural Diffusion代写**范文
The proponents U.N model of R2P has proposed limited interventions that are multilateral in approach due to unintended consequences. Therefore, international community has a mix of approaches where it can use military intervention on humanitarian grounds, offer relief and refuge to the victims, and take part in the rebuilding process. However, the combinations of approaches depending on resource availability.

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