Assignment: Quokka Survival Strategies
数据结构与算法代写 Please help the quokkas find a path from their current home to their destination such that they have sufficient food along the way.
Story 数据结构与算法代写
Asmall quokka colony inWesternismigrating and since these creatures are vulnerable,we’ve been tasked with helping them make their way to their new home. For safety reasons, the quokka colony travels together at all times and can only travel between specific locations. We model these locations as the vertices of an undirected graph and two vertices are connected by an edge if the colony can travel from one location to the other.
Since the quokkas need to eat every so often, every vertex has the additional information whether sufficient food is available at a certain location. The colony canmove through a number of locations before needing food and we assume that both their starting location and intended destination have food. All other locations may or may not have food. 数据结构与算法代写
Please help the quokkas find a path from their current home to their destination such that they have sufficient food along the way.
Informally, our implementation should support the following operations:
This assignment was inspired byHamster Obstacle MazesandQuokkas. No quokkas or hamsters were harmed in the production of this assignment. Credit to Andre for the assignment creation.
Visual Example 数据结构与算法代写