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数据管理课业代写 JSON SCHEMA代写

2023-02-22 14:18 星期三 所属: data代写 浏览:406


数据管理课业代写 Task: 1.(5 points) Examine the below JSON Schema and write a valid JSON (object) including all properties. There are multiple answers to this

10 points

The purpose of this lab is to help you understand JSON Schema.


Task:   数据管理课业代写

1.(5 points) Examine the below JSON Schema and write a valid JSON (object) including all properties. There are multiple answers to this question. As long as your answer is validated by this schema and includes all properties, you will get full points.



2.(5 points) Form a corresponding JSON schema to the following JSON

object and the descriptions:

JSON Object:


“FirstName”: “Jeffy”,

“LastName”: “Bazos”,

“Age”: 57,

“Sex”: “male”,

“PhoneNumber”: “1-234-567-8910”



The range of age should be 0 to 150 (both included).

The types of sex should be among “other”, “female”, “male”.

The pattern of the phone number should be:

Begin with 1, total 11 digit numbers each between 0 and 9 (both included) connected by three “-” as shown in the example JSON Object.


Submission:   数据管理课业代写

Submit a single microsoft word file on Blackboard


Grading Criteria:

Late submissions (up to 24 hours) will be penalized by 20%. No credit will be given after 24 hours of the submission deadline.




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合作平台:essay代写 论文代写 写手招聘 英国留学生代写

