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数据科学编程作业代写 ST340代写

2022-11-03 11:35 星期四 所属: R语言代写,r语言代做-无限次修改 浏览:716

ST340 Programming for Data Science

Assignment 3


数据科学编程作业代写 Instructions Work in groups Specify your student number and name on your assignment. You need submit only one copy for each group.


  • Work in groups
  • Specify your student number and name on your assignment. You need submit only one copy for each group.
  • Any programming should be in R. Your report should be created using R markdown. Submit a single knitted pdf document which includes any code you have written (together with the rmd file)
  • This assignment is worth 17% of your overall mark


Q1 Gradient descent  数据科学编程作业代写

Here is a function that does gradient descent with a fixed number of iterations to find local minima:

gradient.descent <- function(f, gradf, x0, iterations=1000, eta=0.2) {
  for (i in 1:iterations) {
    cat(i,"/",iterations,": ",x," ",f(x),"\n")


f <-function(x) { sum(xˆ2) }
gradf<-function(x) { 2*x }

(a) Write a short function that uses gradient.descent to find a local maximum. (For the purpose of this question, gradient.descent is a “black box”. Don’t worry about the printed output, just the return value matters.)


gradient.ascent <- function(f, df, x0, iterations=1000, eta=0.2) {
# ... use gradient.descent(...) here ...
f <-function(x) { (1+xˆ2)ˆ(-1) }
gradf<-function(x) { -2*x*(1+xˆ2)ˆ(-2) }

(b) Consider the function f : R2 R given by

f <- function(x) (x[1]-1)ˆ2 + 100*(x[1]ˆ2-x[2])ˆ2

i) Give a short mathematical proof that f has a unique minimum.

ii) Write a function gradf to calculate f, i.e.

gradf <- function(x) { # ... use x[1] and x[2] ... }

iii) Starting from the point x0=c(3,4), try to find the minimum using gradient descent.

gradient.descent(f,gradf,c(3,4), ... , ...)

(c) Write a function to do gradient descent with momentum. Starting from the point x0=c(3,4), use your function to find the minimum of the function from part (b).



Q2 Support vector machines   数据科学编程作业代写

Run the following code to load the tiny MNIST dataset:


and then show some digits:


(a) Use three-fold cross validation on the training set to compare SVMs with linear kernels, polynomial kernels and RBF kernels, i.e.

svm(train.X,train.labels,type="C classification",kernel="linear",cross=3)$tot.accuracy

etc. (The flag warning=FALSE is helpful here. What is the suppressed warning message warning you about?)

(b) For the RBF kernels, write a grid search function that takes two lists, log.C.range and log.gamma.range, and for each pair (lc,lg) of entries in the pair of lists attempts cross-validation with parameters cost = exp(lc) and gamma=exp(lg). Once you have found the model with the best cross-validation error, train it on the full tiny’ training set and then test it on thetiny’ test set.




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