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database代写 Course Project代写 design report代写 application代写

2021-01-14 15:57 星期四 所属: course代写,Online course代写代做-品原创拿高分! 浏览:870


Course Project

database代写 The goal of the course project is to practice database concepts in a realistic context.The project can be done in groups of 3 or 4 students.

CSC 675/775 database代写

The goal of the course project is to practice database concepts in a realistic context.

  • The project can be done in groups of 3 or 4 students.
  • It has 2 Phases. You will submit a report for each phase.database代写
  • You need to submit two reports including a design report and an implementation report by email.

Tasks and schedules of phase1 database代写

Task1: Select a topic/application

  • Do the Requirement Analysis to find out about the data to be stored and what to do with the stored data and the constraints on the data.

Task2: Conceptual Design

  • Design a conceptual model; build ER diagram and related data
    • Your database should include at least 4 entities and 3 relationships

Task3: Logical Design database代写

  • Translating the conceptual model into relationalschemas

Task4: Writing your design report

  • The design report must be a pdf fileincluding:
    • Name of groupmembers,
    • A brief description of your database and datarequirements
    • ER diagram, and
    • Logical schemas.

Tasks and schedules of phase2 database代写

Task1: Create Tables, indexes and constraints.

  • At least 2 indexes (hash-based ortree-based)

Task2: Collect and import data. You can collect data manually or import data from any available online data repository.

Task3: Write SQL Queries database代写

  • At least 2 queries involving GROUP BY, HAVING, and aggregate operators.
  • At least 2 nested queries involving IN, EXIST, op ANY, opALL…

Task4: Final report

  • For your final report you should submit a PDF fileincluding:
    • All CREATE TABLE, INDEX, VIEW statements, as well as SELECT queries.
    • The snapshot of the results of your SELECT queries. If the results of your select queries are large just include part of the results.

Task5: Project presentation and demos

  • You will present your project during the last session of class.database代写
  • Your presentation shouldinclude:
    • Some presentation slides describing your design and implementation.
    • A demo of executing your SQL queries, including aggregate queries and nested
  • Any front-end client interface (e.g., a Web or mobile interface) is not required for this course project, but such a front-end application can be interesting and can be considered as a bonus. You will get 4%extra credit if you develop a web
  • You can use any database system, including SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ORACLE, Microsoft SQL Server, … for your implementations.

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