F10GP2 Mathematics Project Guidelines
数学论文代写 Aims To introduce the student to independent study of a mathematical topic and to develop writing and presentation skills.
To introduce the student to independent study of a mathematical topic and to develop writing and presentation skills.
Learning Outcomes 数学论文代写
By the end of this course students should be able to (a) demonstrate a reasonable ability to plan and develop a mathematical project (this includes searching independently for information in appropriate sources, and properly citing references in context), (b) assemble a coherent account of a topic from such sources, (c) give a proficient oral presentation on the subject matter, aimed at a general audience of students in the cohort, (d) write a properly structured dissertation, showing a proper understanding of the topic.
Assessment 数学论文代写
The course is compulsory for fourth year students on most of the BSc honours courses offered by the Mathematics Department (please check online the requirements for your degree). The course carries the same weighting as the other fourth year courses. Of the final mark, 90% is based on the written dissertation, with marks for
(a) content and accuracy,
(b) organisation and clarity,
(c) evidence of background reading,
(d) evidence of independent effort.
The remaining 10% contribution comes from the project presentation (see timetable below).
Timetable and Notes 数学论文代写
The list of projects is issued in semester 1 and students choose 8 projects in order of preference. An allocation of projects is then made based on these choices.
Students should contact and meet their supervisors as soon as possible after the projects are allocated, and certainly before the end of Semester 1, to get relevant information about the project.
Students should arrange regular meetings with their supervisor from the start of Semester 2. Typically, you should expect half an hour of help per week, plus feedback on the first draft version that you will provide in week 11. If your supervisor is away for a period of time (on a research visit for instance, although this seems unlikely this year due to Covid 19), more time will be offered once your supervisor returns. Due to Covid 19 restrictions, it is likely these meetings will be held online, on MS Teams most likely (but the precise platform depends on your supervisor and will be discussed at an appropriate time).
There will be occasional information meetings about the Projects during Semester 2.
By the end of week 6, students must submit a draft chapter of their dissertation (it can be just an introduction, or the start of a chapter) through the antiplagiarism software Turnitin on supervisor. the VISION page for this course (instructions to be given nearer the time). The feedback from Turnitin should be (briefly) discussed with the supervisor. In particular, you shouldprovide your supervisor with the similarity percentage that Turnitin provided.
In week 9 of Semester 2, students give a 10 minute presentation on their progress, describing (a) what the project is about, (b) what they have done so far and (c) how they plan to continue and complete the project.
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By the end of week 11 at the latest, students should submit a draftdissertation for checking by their supervisor (paper or a pdf emailed), allowing sufficient time for modifications before the final submission.
The main body of the dissertation should have a length between 16 to 30 pages of A4 (depending on the topic treated) in latex. In particular, I will point out that the dissertation should treat the topic provided by the supervisor with a level of details that would make it readable and understandablemathematically to the other students in your cohort.
An electronic version (pdf file preferably) should be submitted via Turnitin on the VISION web page for this course. Late submission will be penalised by reducing the available marks by 30% (up to five days late); no marks will be awarded for work submitted five business days after the deadline. We will take account of mitigating circumstances (with advance notice to me if possible): students must submit a MitigatingCircumstancesForm and confirmatory documentation will be requested.
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Late submission of Coursework Policy The University recognises that, on occasion, students maybe unable to submit dissertations by the submission date. As such, the University has agreed a new policy from 2018/19 which states:
- No individual extensions are permitted under any circumstances (unless coursecoordinators decide to give an extension to an entire class);
- Standard 30 percent deduction from the mark awarded (maximum of five working days late);
- Alternative options if students cannot submit coursework or their dissertation on time;
- No mark will be awarded for a dissertation submitted five working days after the deadline.
In the case where you submit coursework up to five working days late and you have valid mitigating circumstances, the mitigating circumstances policy will apply and appropriate mitigation will be applied.
There will be no extensions granted to coursework. Please let me know in advance if you believe you will not be able to meet the deadline.
The dissertation will be double-marked internally and the outcome checked by the External Examiners.