DESC9115 – Digital Audio Systems Assignment 2
数字音频系统作业 This assignment calls for students to review a specific topic in-depth and develop their working MATLAB code that demonstrates
Due: 04 June 2020, 11:59 pm
This assignment’s objective is to provide students with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of a digital-audio-system topic of their choice by exploring the use of existing MATLAB code (such as that found in the DAFX textbooks). This assignment calls for students to review a specific topic in-depth and develop their working MATLAB code that demonstrates audio data processing from sound files.数字音频系统作业
The selected topic should be approved by 05 May before commencing the work. Submit your idea via an assignment link in Canvas that consists of a few questions to be answered. This assignment will not be marked, but feedback will be provided.
General Instructions 数字音频系统作业
Assignment 2 is based on learning outcomes 1-4 (content delivered in weeks 1-11). Students are required to submit the following items:
a)PracticalComponent: a user-friendly digital audio system of your choice programmed in MATLAB, including demo examples.
b)WrittenReport: consists of a literature review of the topic and a detailed description of your own work.数字音频系统作业

This assignment is worth 50% of your total mark in this unit of study. The marking will be marked according to a rubric available in the assignment package.
- ThePractical Component is to be submitted as a single zip file via the associated link;
Assignment 2 – Practical Component.数字音频系统作业
- The Written Report is to be submitted as a single PDF file via the associatedlink;
Assignment 2 – Written Report. This submission goes through Turnitin.
Do not include your name or student number in your submission.
Practical Component (18 points)数字音频系统作业
Your digital audio system is to be comprised of a set of MATLAB files that include one high- level script and one/multiple functions used to process audio data.
The high-level script should consist of only a few code lines that assign values to input variables, call the function/s and demonstrate the output variables.
The function/s should consist of digital audio signal processing algorithm/s relevant to the chosen topic. The function should include code that has been either developed by the student or some modified existing code.数字音频系统作业
The high-level script should not implement any audio data processing, apart from reading audio files and writing audio data as files. You should add thorough comments of code-lines in the high-level script and the function/s.
It is expected that the student will demonstrate understanding of the processes within the function, including the meaning and range of appropriate values of the function’s parameter settings and how to apply them in practice (i.e., by processing a digital audio file).数字音频系统作业
You must include 2-3 demo examples (audio file/s) and parameter settings. The following points should be covered in the practical component:
High-level script
1)Audio filereading
4)Demonstrate the output (e.g., graph,playback)
5)Output saved as an audiofile
2)Definition of the input and outputarguments
3)Body of the function (i.e.,algorithm/s)
Written Report (32 points) 数字音频系统作业
The written report (1500 words) must consist of two parts; a literature review of the selected topic and a lab report describing the student’s work on the practical component.数字音频系统作业
The literature review of the selected topic should introduce the selected digital audio system for the student’s project. Reports should follow the template that has been provided on Canvas in MS Word format.
Figures, diagrams, and graphs should be included where appropriate and sufficiently labelled to help the reader understand how digital audio signals and systems are represented.数字音频系统作业
Mathematical expressions should be included where appropriate to describe how the system acts upon its input/s to produce its output/s.
The report must demonstrate an understanding of fundamental digital audio principles as they pertain to the project.
The lab report describing your work on the practical component should explain the context of the audio signal processing function that has been developed.
The text should include at least one original diagram that has been generated to present the details of the proposed DSP application.
Mathematical expression/s of the applied DSP technique(s) should be included (e.g., equations specifying how the function’s output samples are calculated from its input samples).数字音频系统作业
You should include a list of references detailing all sources of information and for code being used.
Potential digital audio systems topics for the assignment:
Zölzer, U. (2011). Dafx: Digital Audio Effects (2nd ed.): John Wiley & Sons.

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