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story代写 Dax Cowart代写 case代写

2020-11-26 16:32 星期四 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:1735






Dax Cowart

story代写 Dax Cowart:Cowarts case was sensitive and to be fair enough no physician ought to have granted his wish to die.

The story of Dax Cowart is as harrowing as it is important in modern healthcare.  story代写

Although the outcomes and his entire situation may have been entirely different if it happens today. His case about the right to live or die and the circumstances around at that time hinge on the structure of the healthcare system and the rights that are afforded to patients. The case elucidates more on how we understand medicine. Medicine is more beyond itself as is involved not just treatment but also empathy, understanding, compassion and emotions that make us human beings.


Cowarts case was sensitive and to be fair enough no physician ought to have granted his wish to die.  story代写

Although they were undoubtedly sympathising with him, them engaging in any form to grant his wishes would have amounted to suicide and murder and they would have been liable and probably be jailed. Additionally, even though his injuries were severe, they were not terminal as they were treatable. His physicians did not see any chance of him succumbing to injuries and that there were available treatment options.

Cowarts became a champion of patient’s rights. story代写

His experience can be seen as a benefit to him and the society when he became an attorney a position he can make a difference in making decisions on patient autonomy. He helps to see the thin line between the healthcare practice and law and how a patient can make autonomous decision to live or die as well as the right to medical treatment.

The issue of patient autonomy is complex as one can be suffering the mental problem that impedes judgement. story代

Dax Cowart代写 case代写

Nevertheless, i would prefer the best medical treatment to regain my health. I see it that, doctors have the best opinion regarding the life of a patient as he/she becomes part of the patient life through treatment. Although the patient’s autonomy is preferred, i would prefer a medical opinion than relying on my perhaps flawed judgement.


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