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政治essay课业代做 政治学essay代写

2023-11-21 10:59 星期二 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:389

POC3097 Politics of Gender, Sex, and Sexuality

Assessment Guides


Summative Assessment 1: Article Critique   政治essay课业代做

Word count: 1,000 (+/- 10% without penalty)

Worth: 20%

Due Date: BART before 12 pm November 7, 2022 

Refer to the Politics Style Guide for referencing and other details.

Your assignment is to produce a succinct, sympathetic, and rigorous critique of one of the scholarly articles or chapters from weeks 1-5 on our reading list. This assessment requires you to read only the text in question; you are not expected to read secondary literature. Your task is not simply to argue that the author is right or wrong, even with an opinion grounded in a careful reading of the text itself. Rather, you are expected to submit a carefully structured piece of writing organized around a central critical assessment that includes a clear consideration of the following components:    政治essay课业代做

  1. Thesis: Briefly summarize the key argument and your assessment of it.
  2. Methods/Approach: Analyse how the author develops the argument (what is the logical progression? what concepts or resources are introduced?).
  3. Argument/Conclusion: Critically assess whether the conclusions are supported by the argument.
  4. Context: Situate the text within the broader questions and debates that we have discussed.
  5. Contributions/Limitations: Discuss the productive contributions the text makes, as well its weaknesses. Who will benefit from reading this text?



Use the questions below to guide your critique.   政治essay课业代做

They may not all be relevant to the text you are engaging. You may wish to prioritise some over others. You may have other questions that you want to put to the text. However, they should inform how you question and work with the text you have chosen. They will also help you situate both the text and your own critical engagement with it within the problematics of feminist knowledge and feminist redefinition of social and political categories. Do not just attempt to answer these questions one by one. Instead, use them as the foundation for an integrated, coherent assessment of your chosen piece.     政治essay课业代做

  1. What questions guide this particular feminist research?
  2. How does the author construct and deploy claims about knowledge?
  3. How do disciplinary or interdisciplinary feminist perspectives inform the research methods of this piece?
  4. How is the text an example of the use of feminist methodologies? Or is it?
  5. What counts as evidence in the study? What sources did the feminist scholars look to for information?
  6. Who is this text debating (other authors? dominant social beliefs?) and whom is it trying to reach?
  7. How does the author engage, critique, or redefine traditional categories and disciplinary concepts through her attention to gender and other social categories such as race, class, culture, sexual orientation, and age?
  8. What practical resources does this text offer for feminist interventions to achieve social change and policy revision? Are they realistic or adequate? What could help?


Additional Resources  政治essay课业代做

Please review these resources for more information on writing article critiques. If you have questions after reviewing this material, please do email or come to office hours to discuss.

https://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/write/critique.jsp – offers a useful introduction to the purpose and process of critiques, as well as helpful questions to orient your reading/thinking and a possible structure template.

http://studyskills.southwales.ac.uk/media/files/documents/2013-08-21/How_to_Write_a _Critique.pdf – offers more detailed preparatory questions, as well as another possible structure template

https://www.tru.ca/__shared/assets/Critical_Analysis_Template30565.pdf – offers a more specific breakdown of standard structure, with sample questions and sentence starts as concrete examples of how to approach each section.




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